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The U.S. Army became the largest user of Red Hat OS

Customers: U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon)

Contractors: Red Hat
Product: Linux
На базе: Unix

Project date: 2019/12

In December, 2019 it became known that the American army is the biggest customer Red Hat using operating system Linux which is developed by the company.

Cooperation began at least at the beginning of 2002 when the Rymic Systems company connected with U.S. Army began to use the version of Linux which is built in (embedded) from Red Hat in Internet devices which diagnose vehicles and predict potential breakdowns. Then it was supposed that this equipment will be used in the relation to 50 thousand trucks and military cars.

It became known that the American army is the biggest customer of Red Hat using the Linux operating system which is developed by the company

Then different military forces began to implement the software of Red Hat actively. For example, US Navy set Red Hat Linux for management of nuclear submarines of the fleet, including their hydroacoustic complexes.

In 2019 the U.S. Department of Defense attracted Red Hat to improve work of a squadron and flight training by means of software developed by the company.

By the end of 2019 Red Hat received for the Linux distribution kits three certificates (Common Criteria, FIPS 140-2 and Secure Technical Implementation Guidelines) which are necessary for use of products in the Pentagon and its structures.

Earlier the Chief information officer of the White House Anne Rung published Federal policy for the source code (Federal Source Code Policy) which provides creation, sharing and adaptation of the new software using the Open Source methods. The initiative is directed to gaining maximum benefit from source codes which are "a safe, well-tried and effective remedy for further development of the software used for accomplishment of national tasks".[1]
