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Petersburg signed a contract for 127 million rubles for the development of GIS "Unified City Parking Space"

Customers: Unified city parking space of St. Petersburg (EGPP)

Contractors: Floodlight
Product: Data Center Creation and Modernization Projects

Project date: 2014/03


Main article: Transport in St. Petersburg

Project progress

2024: Contract for 127 million rubles for the development of GIS

The authorities of St. Petersburg in the summer of 2024 signed a contract in the amount of ₽127 million for the development of the state information system "Unified City Parking Space" (EGPP). It is planned to update the import substitution system until December 20, 2024, according to public procurement documents.

According to the Business News Agency, the contract was concluded with the company that only applied for participation in the competition. Interestingly, in July 2024, the competition was declared invalid due to the fact that only one participant applied for the contract. However, in August 2024, according to the protocol, they decided to conclude an agreement with this company. Earlier, her application was rejected due to a discrepancy in the contract price: the company offered an amount of ₽38,9 million, while the Unified Public Procurement Information System (EIS) indicated an amount of ₽38,5 million.

Petersburg signed a contract for 127 million rubles for the development of GIS "Unified City Parking Space"

According to the published reports, ₽80 million of the total amount of the contract will be directed to the development of a number of subsystems. These will include subsystems "Provision of services for the issuance of preferential parking permits and season tickets for a year, a month," "Mobile Applications," "Portal" Parking of St. Petersburg, "as well as mechanisms for interaction of the CSP with external information systems and work with violations of traffic rules. An additional ₽15 million is planned to create functions for "Mobile Applications" and the portal within the framework of the bicycle project.

The contract provides for a number of system improvements. For example, clicking on a parking space object in Parkomat view displays a slide-up information panel that extends from the bottom of the user interface. Also, the developers plan to introduce push notifications to inform users about the evacuation of their vehicle. Mechanisms for turning on and off layers with parking spaces for disabled people will be implemented on the map, as well as improvements to the news catalog.[1]
