Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

V.F. Tanker (V.F. Tanker Ltd.) (1C: Enterprise 8.0)

Customers: V.F. Tanker (V.F. Tanker Ltd.)

Contractors: 1C-Rarus
Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2015/09
Number of licenses: 50


The automated functions

Project team of 1C-Rarus Nizhny Novgorod LLC was it is created the original block based on "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" for automation of mechanisms of trip accounting. Were automated following function:

  • Fixing of conditions of contracts;
  • Planning of runs,
  • Conducting dislocation of the fleet;
  • Accounting of fuel by runs;
  • Accounting of operating costs and revenues on runs;
  • Formation of the actual indicators of runs.
  • Also a bylarealizovana development of the ship module for automation of maintaining data of the traveling magazine and formation of operational radio messages in courts of the company.

In parallel with implementation of the main objectives of the project, within creation of a common information space the following tasks were selected and implemented:

  • Development, in the "1C: Payroll and HR Management" system, the block of the accounting of orders on the fleet concerning the following aspects of work of personnel department:

Reflection of transactions to destination members of crews at a position and to their departure on vessels (to arrival from courts);
Accounting of documents of employees, with a possibility of expansion of the list of documents;
Formation of ship roles;
Printing of seaworthy books;
Formation of the current dislocation of the fleet.
  • Automation of financial and economic department regarding the following tasks:

Formation of the uniform budget on company;
Control and accomplishment of payments on the credits, loans and leasing.

Work on the Adaptation of the Standard Solution

Specialists of a project team "1C-Rarus-NN" completed the next stages of the project:

  • Express inspection of the enterprise. At this stage there took place refining of effective objectives of the project, and the current problems and needs of the Customer also came to light. The configuration to implementation was selected, the preliminary schedule and the project budget is made.
  • Delivery of the selected software and its installation to workstations of the Customer.
  • Development of Technical specifications. At this stage requirements to the project and completion of the software product were in details registered. The final diagram and the project budget were made, resources from two parties for system implementation are defined.
  • Configuring, data exchange. At a stage of configuring required blocks of completions were developed, integration mechanisms with the existing systems their check and delivery to the Customer are created.
  • Converting. At a stage of converting of data into the system opening balances were entered and verified.
  • Training and test operation. At a grade level user trainings on functional units were provided. On test operation a system was verified and corrected based on training and to additional wishes of users.
  • Trial operation. At a stage of trial operation consultations, necessary for adaptation of a product, were rendered to users.


Preferential support of 1C:ITS is issued (for the first 3/6 months since the beginning of operation of 1C: Enterprise of PROF version)


On analysis results available, in the software market, products the choice fell for benefit of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. The partner in project implementation of automation selected the Nizhny Novgorod branch of 1C-Rarus LLC company as it has staff of qualified specialists and has the rich industry of implementation in business market using project technologies. Sale of mechanisms of trip accounting, for processing of such tasks as was the mandatory requirement to functionality of the developed system:

  • Fixing of conditions of contracts;
  • Planning of runs,
  • Conducting dislocation of the fleet;
  • Accounting of fuel by runs;
  • Accounting of operating costs and revenues on runs;
  • Formation of the actual indicators of runs.

The exception of double entry of data between divisions of the company at the expense of the organization of a common information space with the existing systems of the enterprise - "1C: Accounting" and "1C: Payroll and HR Management" became also compulsory provision to an implementation project. Specialists of the company "1C-Rarus-NN" conducted a research of the software market for transportation of goods by the water transport. The system fully meeting the requirements was not found. The project team decided to implement the original block based on "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8". Acted as arguments for benefit of this choice:

  • Lower implementation cost in comparison with the configurations which are available in the market;
  • Lack of industry licenses that reduces the cost of one workplace;
  • Nalichiyepodsistema Budgeting that gives an opportunity of maintaining the income and expenditure budget (the budget of cash flow) for the company in general and providing the summary reporting in parent organization.

For achievement of guaranteed qualitative result, in the time determined by an agreement framework, implementation of the project was implemented on technology of project implementation and took place step by step. Specialists of a project team "1C-Rarus-NN" completed the next stages of the project:

  • Express inspection of the enterprise. At this stage there took place refining of effective objectives of the project, and the current problems and needs of the Customer also came to light. The configuration to implementation was selected, the preliminary schedule and the project budget is made.
  • Delivery of the selected software and its installation to workstations of the Customer.
  • Development of Technical specifications. At this stage requirements to the project and completion of the software product were in details registered. The final diagram and the project budget were made, resources from two parties for system implementation are defined.
  • Configuring, data exchange. At a stage of configuring required blocks of completions were developed, integration mechanisms with the existing systems their check and delivery to the Customer are created.
  • Converting. At a stage of converting of data into the system opening balances were entered and verified.
  • Training and test operation. At a grade level user trainings on functional units were provided. On test operation a system was verified and corrected based on training and to additional wishes of users.
  • Trial operation. At a stage of trial operation consultations, necessary for adaptation of a product, were rendered to users.

During the course of performance the project the need for development of the ship module for automation of maintaining data of the traveling magazine and formation of operational radio messages in courts of the company appeared. On project deliverables the accounting system based on "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" which automated process of conducting trip accounting by the staff of service of operation of the fleet was received and also optimized process of information exchange with courts by means of acceptance and automatic analysis of the ciphered radiograms. In parallel with implementation of the main objectives of the project, within creation of a common information space the following tasks were selected and implemented:

  • Development, in the "1C: Payroll and HR Management" system, the block of the accounting of orders on the fleet concerning the following aspects of work of personnel department:

Reflection of transactions to destination members of crews at a position and to their departure on vessels (to arrival from courts); Accounting of documents of employees, with a possibility of expansion of the list of documents; Formation of ship roles; Printing of seaworthy books; Formation of the current dislocation of the fleet.

  • Automation of financial and economic department regarding the following tasks:

Formation of the uniform budget on company; Control and accomplishment of payments on the credits, loans and leasing.

The Following Tasks Were Performed:

Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance Sale of the selected software products Delivery of software products in office of the customer Software installation on the customer's computers Collecting and requirement analysis of the customer to an automated system Planning of stages of works, drawing up job schedule Input of opening balances / the help when entering opening balances Individual training at office of the customer