Customers: Virool San Francisco; Information technologies Contractors: CleverDATA (Clover Date) Product: Projects of IT outsourcingProject date: 2015/03 - 2015/04
On June 4, 2015 the CleverDATA company announced completion of works in the draft of the analysis of architecture of the platform of data management of Virool company.
Project Tasks
The Virool company specializes in provision of services on promotion of video content and operates with the platform on demand management (DSP) for targeted demonstration of video of relevant audience. For building of profiles with accounting of preferences and the interests of people the company also uses the platform for data management (Data Management Platform, DMP) own development.
Office Virool, 2014
Project Progress
For improvement of the main characteristics of this CleverDATA platform booked audit, having concentrated the main attention on criteria of a possibility of linear scalability, redundancy of data, low response time, qualitative indexes of service, convenience of support of the platform and total ownership cost a product.
Specialists of CleverDATA analyzed architecture of the Virool platform, work of a number of separate key components. Some of them replaced to increase efficiency of the platform. The revealed optimization points, final architecture and an algorithm of migration are specified new architecture in the resulting reporting document.
Project Results
As a result of audit of DMP the Virool company eliminated redundancy of data, reduced loads of IT infrastructure, improved availability and scalability of the solution, excluded failure points.
Upon completion of the project became possible to process data in the mode approximate to real time and to reproduce the entering data stream. According to the recommendations of CleverDATA, Virool started replacement of a middle software and the data warehouse.