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Vladimir state university of Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolay Grigoryevich Stoletovykh" (VLGU)

Customers: Vladimir state university of Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolay Grigoryevich Stoletovykh" (VLGU)

Product: Galaktika Management of university
На базе: Galaktika ERP

Project date: 2013/12
Number of licenses: 349


In December, 2013 the Vladimir state university implemented the Galaktika ERP system, the solutions "Galaktika Management of University" and "Galaktika WEB PORTAL of University".

Choosing a Solution

During integration of the Vladimir university sharply there was a question of creation of the operating information system supporting all key management processes of VLGU taking into account its scaling. In an analysis result of the automation systems which are available in the market for higher educational institutions the decision on implementation "Galaktika Management of University" was made.

Project Objectives

Main objective of the project was creation of the adaptable and integrated system for information support of administrative, educational and scientific activity of VLGU. The created technology platform had to provide automation of the existing and planned activities of university.

Project Progress

This project was implemented on project technology and a joint working team. The chief of data-processing center became the project manager from the Customer. Implementation of the system which is already customized at the level of the Model of functionality was performed generally by specialists of VLGU. In the course of setup of the solution transfer of the available original informatin in the Galaktika Management of University system on students, PPS, progress, the signed agreements on training and to a status of settlement from the available information systems VLGU, mainly own development was performed.

Development perspectives

The final stage it is going to implement the solution of "Galaktika Schedule of Studies" corporation.