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Builders of the Crimea save millions using the Omnicomm system

Customers: Vladograd-Beton

Construction and industry of construction materials

Contractors: Omnicomm-Service
Product: Omnicomm LLS: control of fuel consumption and monitoring of transport

Project date: 2007/11  - 2007/09

The Vladograd-Beton company – branch of the largest construction the company in the Crimea – saved more than 3 million on fuel. It became possible thanks to cooperation about Omnicomm-Service.

In June, 2014 Dmitry Mikhaylov, the director of "Vladograd-Beton", signed the agreement on equipment of dump trucks, cranes, cement trucks and other equipment with the equipment Omnicomm. Sensors of control of fuel and onboard terminals which keep track of location of machines had to bring the companies to 20% of economy – the result exceeded all expectations: "Vladograd-Beton" declared about 40% of economy of resources.

"50 tons – such amount of fuel merged from machines of the enterprise every month", – Dmitry Mikhaylov comments. Difficult economic conditions in which there was a peninsula last year and also growth of the enterprise promoted search of the solution which would answer several important criteria: to monitoring of transport, control of fuel consumption and discipline of staff of the company.

"It is very difficult to calculate a diesel expense, for example, on the concrete pump", – Dmitry Mikhaylov continues. – "This equipment works with different speed, spends different amounts of fuel – the only exit for such cases is installation of the special equipment. In 1 month of system operation of Omnicomm we received economy in 500 thousand. At the moment ceased to steal simply: it is senseless".

"The fact that after equipment installation of Omnicomm drivers of Vladograd-Beton company directly appealed to the administration is demonstrative to increase salary", – Dmitry Zhuravlyov, the CEO of Omnicomm-Service company notes. – "It seriously increases loyalty in the company, increases trust between subordinates and the administration – it really well affects corporate culture and the general culture of factory job. It is unclear only what did not allow employees to address with such offer slightly earlier – bureaucratic delays or lack of a habit to speak with the administration it is opened? The director met halfway at once – obviously that the same could occur earlier if employees showed an initiative".

"I always see where there is transport", – Dmitry Mikhaylov adds. – "The machine cannot leave a route, cannot stand idle – we monitor its work with the help of a cloud service online. Rare drivers sometimes try to sell our products on the way to an object, but elementary observation on the Internet allows to identify such worker instantly. And we stop similar actions quite strictly: at first – warning, then – dismissal".

According to representatives of the company, before the enterprise did not work with one system of such high level of efficiency. Vladograd-Beton vehicle fleet constantly increases, and the company intends to continue cooperation about Omnicomm-Service.