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Volga jewelry plant Krasnaya Presnya (Ivanovo Region)

Customers: Volga jewelry plant Krasnaya Presnya

Privolzhsk (Ivanovo Region); Jewelry industry

Contractors: Compass
Product: ERP system Compass

Project date: 2007/12

In Volga Jewelry Plant Krasnaya Presnya Ltd using the ERP system "COMPASS" design-technology preparation of production is automated.

The first stage of the project on control automation is completed by production of Volga Jewelry Plant Krasnaya Presnya Ltd. As a result of accomplishment of a stage the module "the COMPASS: Production management" it is implemented in the art and technology department performing design-technology preparation of production. In implementation process of the project by KOMPAS company preparation of the specialized industry solution for the jewelry industry considering not only individual requirements of the Krasnaya Presnya plant, but also a considerable part of all-industry specifics was performed. For this purpose the standard functionality of automated management of production on the basis of methodology of MRP-II was complemented with following features:

  • Using the instrument of the visual setup "Masters of the COMPASS" means of the description of the additional parameters of products necessary for jewelry production are connected: characteristics of electrodeposits, information on the draft and fair weight of precious metals, images of a product, etc.
  • The possibility of use of cutting charts on transactions is entered.
  • Especially accurate accounting of precious metals according to legislative arrangements is organized.
  • The functionality of separation of products on groups with the subsequent correlation of groups with specific clients is added.
  • The interface of operational cost accounting of the made products is developed for making decision on their profitability.
  • A number of the reports characteristic of jewelry production is added, namely:

 the report on operational regulations of cutting including the images illustrating change of products in the course of their production;  process chart of production of a product by a stamping method;  the route chart on production of jewel on mounting, finishing, galvanic transactions and also casting transactions  , etc. The working group consisting of the staff of the plant into the database enters specifications of all range of the made products. New products are at once described in the COMPASS system. The reference book of transactions is completed according to technologies of jewelry production: different types of casting, electroplating, mounting transactions and so forth are described.