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Yandex invests 700 million rubles in the reconstruction of the data center near Ryazan

Customers: Yandex

Contractors: Stins Coman
Product: Data center Creation and modernization projects

Project date: 2012/01



2022: Modernization of the data center for 700 million rubles

On January 20, 2022, it became known that Yandex would spend about 700 million rubles during the year on the reconstruction of its data center in the Ryazan region. This was reported by Evgenia Rubtsova, head of the administration of the city of Sasovo, in which this data center is located.

In a conversation with TASS, Rubtsova said that from 2011 to January 2022, Yandex invested over 6 billion rubles in its data center in Sasov. What exactly the new investments of Yandex will go to is not specified.

Data center "Yandex," located in Sasovo, Ryazan region
I am very glad that they manage to develop so rapidly and fruitfully on Sasov land. Several joint social projects began to be discussed. As soon as we reach specific agreements, I will immediately share information, "said the head of the city administration.

The Yandex data center, launched in Sasov in 2014, at that time was the largest in Russia thanks to the equipment of several tens of thousands of servers. To connect servers to a single network, the company continued several optical communication lines between Sasovo and Moscow. The data center in Sasovo occupies part of the former premises of the Sasta plant.

One of the main components of the data center infrastructure is the cooling system, both traditional air conditioning systems and modern Full Free Cooling.

The company notes that Yandex has energy-efficient data centers, which are usually described by the PUE indicator. PUE data centers have 1.1, in the world the standard is 1.6-1.8. This is a question not only of ecology, but also of economics. Half of the cost of computing is electricity, the main electricity companies lose on cooling. For example, the data center in Vladimir consumes electricity as about three thousand apartments. Yandex has no external cooling, only ventilation with ambient air.[1]

2012: Construction of the data center

The Stins Coman system integrator will construct the data-processing center (DPC) for Yandex Internet search engine. The company will complete the construction of the site in the summer of 2012. The estimated capacity of the data center is 12 MW, it is designed for 5 thousand racks.

Director of Stins Koman Integrated Solutions CJSC (SKIR, part of the Stins Koman group, engaged in the design of engineering systems) Boris Granovsky said in January 2012 at a press conference on the results of Stins Koman in 2011 that SKIR is building a data center "for a large telecommunications company," but the name of the customer is not disclosed.

As it became known to ComNews, SKIR is creating a data center for Yandex. The site will be built in the city of Sasovo, Ryazan region.

In October 2011, at a meeting of the budget and taxes committee of the regional parliament, the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Ryazan Region Oleg Bulekov announced that 70 investment projects totaling 125 billion rubles were being implemented in the region. Oleg Bulekov named Yandex as one of the largest investors, intending to place a data center in Sasovo.

According to Boris Granovsky, SKIR will build a data center 400 km from Moscow, it will work on diesel-rotary uninterrupted power supplies. The head of SKIR indirectly confirms that Yandex will be the owner of the future data center, calling this company the main customer in 2011.

"In 2011, we occupied 7% of the uninterruptible power supply market, according to ITResearch estimates, and increased our share by 30% compared to 2010," said Boris Granovsky. - Our main customer is Yandex. Also in 2011, we built a megawatt data center for Unicredit Bank on Prechistenskaya Embankment as soon as possible. We started the project in August, and finished in December 2011. "

Three operators of the Big Three are now engaged in the construction of large data centers. Spokeswoman for Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (MTS) Valery Kuzmenko reminded reporter ComNews that MTS operates five large data centers in Moscow, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Vladivostok. "The issue of opening additional data centers in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar over the next two to three years is being considered," added Valery Kuzmenko.

OJSC VimpelCom is also engaged in the construction of a data center. As ComNews previously reported, this operator chose LANIT Group of Companies as a supplier of modular systems for its site, which will be built in the Yaroslavl region. The first data center module will be launched in early 2013 (see news ComNews of January 19, 2012). The company "NVision Group" is also involved in the construction of the data center. Last year, she won a tender for a full range of works on the design, supply, installation, commissioning and subsequent maintenance of the uninterrupted power supply system of the data center (see news ComNews of November 21, 2011).

Another member of the Big Three - OJSC MegaFon - in October 2010 put into operation in Samara the first data center in Russia with a level of reliability Tier III (see news ComNews of October 11, 2010).