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Revenue millions Ths. rub
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Number of employees
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Performance indicators

2022: Revenue growth by 11.2% to RUB 5,709 million

At the end of 2022, the revenue of Ramek-VS increased by 11.2% - to 5,709 million rubles. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 87th place.


2024: Inclusion on US sanctions list

On May 1, 2024, Ramek-VS was included in the US SDN sanctions list. [1].

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser has drawn up a map the Russian IT of -companies that fell under sanctions in 2022-2024. and USA EU. Britain It included, among other things, the Ramek-VS company. The article about the map can be found here.

2021: Revenue growth by 3% to RUB 5,135 million

At the end of 2021, Ramek-VS's revenue amounted to 5,135 million rubles, an increase of 3% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 97th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022.


Revenue growth by 6.8% to RUB 4,984 million.

At the end of 2020, RAMEK-VS's revenue amounted to 4,984 million rubles, an increase of 6.8% compared to 2019, which allowed it to take 79th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2021.

Completion of automation project for Rosneft - UVATNEFTEGAS

The purpose of the project of JSC RAMEK-VS was to create an energy dispatch center, including the complete technical re-equipment of the automated dispatch and process control system of the electric grid complex of LLC RN-Uvatneftegaz.

The EDMS of the Power Dispatch Center is designed to prevent the occurrence of technological violations, reduce the time for eliminating incidents, reduce losses in the company's power grid, optimize the operating modes of power equipment and, as a result, prevent downtime of oil production equipment due to emergency situations in power supply systems.

When creating and implementing the ASTDU of the energy dispatch center, the following tasks were gradually solved:

1. creation of an information model of the customer's power system and a set of single-line network diagrams; 2. setting up the reception, storage, processing, display of telemetric information; 3. implementation of the functions of intelligent topological analysis of the state of equipment in real time, control of temporary equipment, admission and accounting of mobile teams, display of the main electrical equipment and the position of mobile teams on a geo-information substrate, 4. implementation of automatic generation and execution of switching programs, including the possibility of executing telecontrol commands; 5. introduction of a set of electronic operational and non-operational journals; 6. setting up the generation of Event Reports and flexibly configurable automatic distribution of notifications with performance indicators of the power system of LLC RN-Uvatneftegaz.

The implementation of the project required compliance with special requirements for the reliability of equipment, which must be operated in the mode of '24 hours - 7 days' during the established service life.

The software chosen for the creation of ASDTU is a modern Russian real-time platform with a wide range of functional components SK-11, manufactured by Monitor Electric JSC, a reliable partner of RAMEK-VS JSC, which is a new generation of automated control systems for the transmission and distribution of electricity, failures, repairs and operation, as well as automated training systems for operational personnel of control centers.

The chosen platform, thanks to the modular principle and application of international standards, provides scalability and wide possibilities for integrating various automated systems into a single information environment for energy management.

RAMEK delivered 16 servers to equip pre-fabricated mobile hospitals deployed by the Ministry of Defense as part of the fight against coronavirus

Servers are used in access control systems and video surveillance systems.

RAMEK-VS takes part in the digital transformation of Vologda power

On September 23, 2020, a contract was signed with the Vologda Regional Energy Company on the phased creation of the Automated Dispatch and Technological Control System (ASDTU) of Vologdaoblenergo JSC.

The main goals of the APDTU are:

  • improving the reliability of power supply to consumers of Vologdaoblenergo JSC;
  • improving efficiency of operational and technological control while ensuring regulatory requirements for reliability of power supply to consumers;
  • development of the operational and technological control system in the power grid complex of Vologdaoblenergo JSC;
  • ensuring the reliability of the unified control center for electric networks of Vologdaoblenergo JSC by reserving the main technological components and introducing an information security system;
  • optimizing the organizational structure and increasing the labor productivity of dispatching personnel;
  • reduction of power failure by reducing the time of emergency recovery;
  • optimization of routes and work of operational-field teams;
  • increasing the level of observation and controllability of the electric network facilities of Vologdaoblenergo JSC;
  • reduction of time for elimination of accidents and emergency incidents, improvement of efficiency of proactive actions.

In the course of the works, the central office of the customer will create a Network Management Center that meets all modern requirements in the field of monitoring and management of electrical distribution networks.

RAMEK products are included in the unified register of Russian radioelectronic products

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation issued a conclusion on the compliance of the RAMEK UVM with the requirements for electronic products for its classification as products manufactured in the Russian Federation. UVM RAMEK can be supplied during public procurement within the 44-FZ and 223-FZ as domestic equipment.


Turnover per year

The company's turnover in 2019 amounted to 4.669 billion rubles.

Visit of the President of Russia V. Putin to the forum "Army-2019"

On June 27, 2019, the president arrived at the Army-2019 international military-technical forum. of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

The head of state visited Pavilion A, which presented the latest IT developments for law enforcement agencies and where the RAMEK stand was located.

RAMEK launched into mass production the data storage system "RAMEC Tornado Storage Elbrus"

'RAMEK-VS'in cooperation with' MCST ',' INEUM im. Brook'and the domestic software company' RAIDIX and launched into mass production a data storage system "RAMEC Tornado Storage Elbrus."

The reliability and fault tolerance of DSS are provided by the high technical characteristics of the Russian microprocessors of the Elbrus-8C server class and server platforms based on them, mass-produced by RAMEK-VS.

Technical characteristics of the storage system:

  • storage capacity up to 700 TB;
  • DSS clients can be key operating systems (Mac OS, Microsoft Windows Server, Microsoft Windows,, Red Hat Linux SuSE Linux, ALT Linux, CentOS Linux, Ubuntu Linux; Solaris 10) and platforms (virtualizations ESXi VMware , KVM, RHEV, Microsoft Hyper-V Server, XenServer);
  • the ability to install a large number of adapters into the system allows you to directly connect up to 32 hosts to the system, thereby avoiding expensive switching equipment;
  • Provides the ability to install demanding professional and enterprise applications directly on the storage node
  • A unique multithreaded RAID calculation algorithm allows you to achieve the highest performance possible for your hardware.
  • RAID with interleaving level of blocks with triple parity distribution at minimum cost;
  • the size of the LUN created is limited only by the size of the existing RAID array;
  • fault tolerance in two-controller mode.


RAMEK-VS JSC has completed work on the development of a set of tasks for the Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs commissioned by the Central Bank of Russia

As a result of the work, electronic resources were modernized in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank for the development of a set of tasks "Registers of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs registered by the Federal Tax Service of Russia" in terms of the formation of a single register of small and medium-sized businesses.

Software algorithms were developed to ensure the required level of data quality in the RUFD system, the creation of a second technological instance of the data mart and the development of a mechanism for switching between data mart instances in order to ensure constant data availability for users.

RAMEK has expanded its line of computers of its own production with a new model of a terminal station based on the Russian ≪Baykal processor - T1≫

One of the main advantages of working with terminal stations is the ability to force the boot of the operating system every time you turn it on from centralized storage. The OS storage cannot be subjected to unauthorized modifications by the user. This also ensures simultaneous migration of users to the obnovlѐnnuyu version of the software. This simplifies administration and makes it easier to monitor your organization's information security.

The design of the terminal station took into account the special safety requirements for equipment in a number of state organizations. Therefore, the design of the terminal station does not contain wireless/WiFi modules and antennas, Bluetooth cameras and microphones, built-in power supplies, and all active components are shielded with special covers inside the case.

The new product was developed taking into account the requirements of government customers, but is intended for a wide range of users for whom import substitution and information security issues are relevant.

The industrial cluster of manufacturers of electronic computing equipment of St. Petersburg, which includes RAMEK, is included in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

The inclusion of the cluster in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade will allow companies included in the industrial association to apply for federal subsidies to reimburse part of the costs in the implementation of joint projects for the production of industrial products for import substitution.

The software of the Sokol audio-video control complex is included in the unified register of domestic software

The approval of the expert council at Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia was received on July 5, 2018 for the registration number in the register No. 4645.

RAMEK computers became part of the visual information complexes of the Moscow metro

Computers manufactured by JSC RAMEK-VS were included in the visual information complexes of the Moscow metro. The complexes will function in the Likhobory and Solntsevo electric depot.


Dmitry Kurov appointed President of Integrator Ramek

Integrator Ramek announced in June 2017 changes in the company's management structure and personnel changes in management. From now on, the main person in the corporation will not be the CEO, but the president. In other words, the duties of the general director were divided into two parts - strategic and operational. The president will be responsible for the strategic development of the company. Its tasks include improving the efficiency of the enterprise and transforming business processes, as well as managing the product portfolio, forming long-term relations with large customers and developing new competencies. Dmitry Kurov was approved as president.

Actually, the general director will be engaged in the operating activities of the company. This position was received by Vasily Safonov, who had previously worked at Ramek as executive director. Before Safonov, the general director's chair since 2004 was occupied by Sergei Belevitsky, who has now become the technical director.

RAMEK offers customers a range of services from consulting and designing information systems to the implementation of projects, the supply of equipment and service support.

Confirmation of Russian origin of computer equipment

In early 2017, JSC RAMEK-VS confirmed the Russian origin of computers of its own production. As a result of the examination carried out by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, it was recognized that personal computers manufactured by JSC RAMEK-VS at its own production complex in St. Petersburg under the RAMEC trademark comply with the requirements stipulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 26.09.2016 968 "ON RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE ADMISSION OF CERTAIN TYPES OF ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS ORIGINATING FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES FOR PROCUREMENT PURPOSES TO ENSURE STATE AND MUNICIPAL NEEDS." The origin is established in accordance with the Rules for Determining the Country of Origin of Goods approved by the Agreement on the Rules for Determining the Country of Origin of Goods in the Commonwealth of Independent States of November 20, 2009.

2012: Four areas of activity

In 2012, using its own technological developments, as well as products and solutions of world manufacturers, RAMEK implements large-scale projects in various industries. The company offers its customers its services in 4 main areas:

  • delivery of equipment and service;
  • telecommunications and infrastructure systems;
  • special equipment and information protection;
  • delivery and maintenance. software

As part of the first direction, RAMEK offers customers computers under its own brand name, manufactured on an automated assembly line in the Parnassus branch, which have certificates of compliance with the requirements of the GOST R certification system and sanitary and epidemiological conclusions that guarantee their health safety.

In addition to the production of office computers, RAMEK is also engaged in the development, testing and creation of specialized computers designed to automate production processes and operate in harsh operating conditions. RAMEK has been engaged in the production and supply of this type of equipment since its inception. Within this area, the company manufactures industrial computers, universal computers for mobile use, monitors in a protected version and much more. RAMEK has all the licenses of the FSB of Russia, FSTEK of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of Russia and certificates of conformity necessary for this type of activity.

RAMEK provides information security services on the basis of licenses of the FSB of Russia, the FSTEC of Russia and the Ministry of Defense of Russia, accreditation certificates of the certification body in the certification system of information protection tools (FSTEC of Russia) and the accreditation certificate of the testing laboratory (RF Ministry of Defense).

One of the company's activities is the creation of telecommunication and infrastructure systems. Within this area, RAMEK offers services for the creation of modern infrastructure of buildings and structures, the construction of corporate data centers, etc. The Company takes over the entire scope of work and is responsible for each phase of the project, from design to commissioning. Thus, the customer has a single center of responsibility for the implementation of the project, which allows to reduce current and future operating costs, as well as minimize risks.

Support services for information systems and hardware include consulting and information support, modernization, warranty and post-warranty services, as well as training of customer specialists. In this area, RAMEK provides services for the implementation of complex and complex projects, introducing decision support systems (business analysis systems, analytical information visualization systems); information systems that ensure corporate document management and archival storage of documents, including those constituting state secrets. Our specialists have experience in creating and implementing corporate information portals, as well as implementing a set of works on the implementation of industrial systems of the ERP and CRM class. The company has service centers in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The dealer network of CJSC RAMEK-VS has more than 200 partners in 60 cities of Russia.

The successful activity of RAMEK is based on many years of fruitful interaction with the world's leading IT companies - developers, manufacturers and suppliers of computing equipment and software. The extensive practical experience and unique professional competence of RAMEC specialists is confirmed by the highest partner statuses of IBM, HP, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, APC, etc. The company's specialists have implemented dozens of projects for government organizations, major industrial enterprises and corporate structures.

The company has offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The Parnas branch operates a logistics complex and a RAMEC computer equipment assembly plant.


2011 - The company's turnover amounted to more than 6.3 billion rubles. By 2011, RAMEK-VS CJSC became not only the largest domestic manufacturer of computer equipment in the North-West region, but also a full-cycle system integrator that offers its customers a full range of services from consulting and design of information systems to project implementation, delivery of equipment and service support.


In 2010, according to the results of ratings of the Russian media, the company is one of the TOP-25 largest IT companies in Russia with a total turnover of 5.4 billion rubles.

The company develops the direction of regional sales: the partner network covers all regions of Russia and unites more than 220 companies. Seminars and conferences are held annually for partners.

At this time, the company provided the following services:

1. Implementation of business process management systems:

Enterprise Management Solutions (Production Cycle, Sales, Finance, Human Resources, and Operations) Analytical systems. Management Reporting Preparation and Consolidation Systems. Budgeting management systems. Enterprise Performance and Business Process Management. Electronic document management systems.

2. IT Consulting:

auditing information systems, developing a strategy for the development of information systems, building an IT process management system.

3. Information Security:

design and commissioning of comprehensive information protection systems (including personal data protection systems). Audit of enterprise information security status. Information security consulting. Certification of informatization objects. Special inspections of equipment. Object-specific studies. Certification of information protection tools.

4. Delivery and implementation of infrastructure components:

data centers, data storage systems, APCS, corporate data warehouses, computing complexes.

5. Development software according to the customer's functional requirements:

development, production and commissioning of AWS (including development of application software) for automation of information collection, analysis and storage.

6. Engineering solutions:

physical security systems, building engineering systems (design, installation and implementation of fire and security alarm systems, warning, radio, video surveillance and videoconference, access control/control), telecommunication systems (design, supply of equipment, installation and commissioning of telecommunication systems for data transmission and processing and corporate telephony (PBX), local and distributed networks using various information security systems: encryption devices certified for processing information containing information related to state secrets; active and passive means of protection against information leakage due to electromagnetic radiation).

7. Manufacturing and delivery of computer equipment:

  • production and sale through a partner network to the regions of Russia of personal computers of their own assembly, supply of computer components and peripheral devices.
  • production and delivery under the control of the Representative Office of the Customer in the interests of MO, FSB, FSO, enterprises of the military-industrial complex of universal computers (UVM), and complexes intended for operation in the conditions determined by the requirements of GOST V20.39.304-98 for execution groups 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1.1.

8. Service and Warranty:

provision of qualified services for maintenance and repair of computer equipment within the framework of warranty obligations, commercial contracts.

2009: Turnover of RUB 5.32 bn

In 2009, the company's turnover amounted to 5.32 billion rubles. Among the clients of RAMEK are state organizations (the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the Apparatus of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense, etc.), the largest industrial enterprises (OJSC TGK-1, the Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metal Plant named after Gulidov, OJSC Orgnefteorgsintez, etc.), as well as corporate customers. RAMEK is a regular supplier of computer equipment for the St. Petersburg Open international tennis tournament.

RAMEK is one of the founders of APEAP - an association of manufacturers of electronic equipment and devices. Its task is to represent and protect the interests of domestic manufacturers of electronic equipment and devices, to promote an increase in their share in the Russian market and to promote an increase in the export of Russian electronics.

The company took an active part in the restoration of the Transfiguration Monastery of Valaam, provides assistance to museums in St. Petersburg. The active contribution of RAMEK to the development of museum affairs in Russia was awarded a diploma of the All-Russian Festival of Museums "Intermuseum 2002" and the honorary status "Best Museum Sponsor."


Revenue growth by 44% to RUB 5 billion

In 2008, the company's revenue increased by 44.8%, reaching 5.07 billion rubles. The largest contribution to the financial results of the company was made by infrastructure projects, which accounted for 31.2% of the company's turnover. The total share of design and production of specialized equipment and office computers under the Ramec trademark amounted to 19.4% of the company's turnover. According to the rating prepared at the end of 2008 by the Commensant-Money magazine, RAMEK ranks 15th among IT service providers and 5th among domestic computer manufacturers.

Opening of the branch "Parnas" - the largest computer equipment plant in the Northwestern Federal District

In 2007, RAMEC computer production grew by 88%. In order to further expand this sphere of activity, a branch of Parnas was opened, where in 2008 the production and logistics process was completely transferred. Today it is the largest computer equipment assembly plant in the North-West region.

The transfer of production to the Parnas branch increased production capacity by more than 2 times and reduced the delivery time of products to customers. The complex has commissioned a new automated conveyor line for assembling and testing PCs, designed specifically for RAMEK. The technological concept involves not only serial assembly, but also the production of small batches according to an individual specification. It is possible to manufacture PCs of any category of complexity - from office to industrial, as well as placing orders for specialized (protected) and any electronic equipment. The total line performance can reach up to 500 units per day, that is, 10 thousand units per month. per month (when working in one shift).

Highlighting Three Business Blocks

In 2008, RAMEK carried out repositioning, the main goals of which were to structure the product portfolio and develop the competencies most demanded by the market. Three business units were allocated:

  • RAMEK-Consulting, whose main activity is the implementation of business applications;
  • RAMEK-Integration, mainly engaged in the development of integrated information systems and infrastructure solutions;
  • RAMEK-VS, specializing in the design and production of industrial computer systems and office computers.


Revenue growth by 17.4% to RUB 3.53 bn

In 2007, the company's total revenue amounted to 3,530,358 thousand rubles. Growth - 17.4%.

Purchase of blocks of shares in the developers of open joint ventures

In early 2007, the RAMEK Group acquired part of the shares of ZAO Links (Lynx was part of the BCC IT holding and, accordingly, was called Lynx BCC). In the summer of 2008 - a block of shares in the manufacturing company SPO Linux Inc.

2006: Revenue of 3 billion rubles

In 2006, the total revenue of the company amounted to 3,006,414 thousand rubles.

2004: The company became a part of RAMEK Invest

In 2004, RAMEK-VS CJSC became a member of RAMEK Invest LLC, whose chairman of the board of directors was Andrey Georgievich Beltov.

1992: Start of Computer Production

In 1992, RAMEK was one of the first in Russia to announce the start of production and sale of computers under its own brand.