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2020/09/08 17:51:54

Information technologies in FGC UES

Article is devoted to questions of creation, development and operation of information systems of FGC UES.


Import substitution in IT of FGC UES

Within program implementation of import substitution of FGC UES conducts works on systematic replacement of a part of software platforms of import production by domestic analogs, the company in July, 2016 reported. FGC UES told TAdviser that, for example, the structure of the macroproject on transformation of the corporate information system of management (CISM) included the project of unification of the accounting systems of subsidiary companies on the platform of 1C. Parts of this project are studied.

Solutions based on 1C were widely used in FGC UES to the middle of the 2000th when in the company large-scale system implementation of management on the SAP platform began. In 2013 the representative of FGC UES told TAdviser about the next plans to refuse completely use of software of 1C. Whether these plans were crowned with success or use of solutions of 1C in FGC UES remains as of 2016 somewhere else, in the company did not begin to specify.

Import substitution takes the important place in the IT strategy of FGC UES

Within import substitution also the possibility of transfer of a geographic information system (GIS) to the domestic platform is considered. The company investigates possibilities of different platforms for acceptance of the final decision, reported TAdviser in FGC UES. The existing GIS is based on the solution Esri ArcGIS Esri CIS and Russian Telecom Equipment Company[1]. Its implementation was performed within the project on creation of situational analytical center and an end-to-end system of security of FGC UES.

According to FGC UES, in 2015 in the company the system of corporate authentication and the electronic digital signature completely on the basis of the domestic software was implemented. Also system implementation of Enterprise Asset Management of the Russian development is conducted.

In addition to software solutions of FGC UES widely uses the domestic equipment for development of the telecommunication networks. Nearly 80% of the installed transmission systems of high-frequency communication are the equipment of the Russian production.

Producers of necessary components are the Russian enterprises, including "The Shadrinsk telephone plant", NPF Modem, "Prosoft-Sistemy", Uralenergoservice, RADIS Ltd, NPF Multiobrabotka, Energosvyazyavtomatika, told TAdviser in the company.

Except the equipment for development of networks in FGC UES domestic automatic telephone exchanges are actively used.

When implementing IT strategy the company headed for import substitution in 2014: then in FGC UES noted that give preference to use of the equipment and software of domestic manufacturers "on all hierarchy levels of technology management".

IT infrastructure: key systems

Automated System of Technology Management (ASTM)

Being a management system for operation and development of a uniform national power grid, ASTU integrates means and automation systems of dispatching and technology and productive activity of executive office of FGC, services MES and PMES and also integrates means and subsystems existing, independently developing automatic and automated control systems (an APCS, SSPI, ASDTU, RZA, AIIS KUE), providing the necessary interface with management systems of System operator (the FGC UES organizations, exercising the centralized supervisory control in the Power pool system of Russia) and the distribution grid companies.

Corporate Information System of Management (CISM)

Creation of KISU which main part is made by SAP solutions began in 2006. Its development is performed within the consolidated plan of implementation of IT strategy of FGC UES for 2014-2020 approved by board of FGC UES in 2014.

Uniform Technology Communication Network of Power Industry (UTCNPI)

ETSSE is intended for management of technology processes in production, transfer and electric power distribution. The main directions of its development are digitalization and intellectuality of network.

Enter into structure of ETSSE:

  • A fiber-optical communication network (fiber-optic communication line) - the basic communication network of power industry using placement of the optical fiber cable on overhead power transmission lines allowing to increase efficiency of technology management of power grid objects and reliability of power supply of consumers.
  • Networks of high-frequency communication on aerial lines. On channels of this technology communication network (phase wires and ropes of overhead power transmission lines) the voice, data of telemechanics, AISKUE, a command of relay protection and antiabnormal automatic equipment necessary for management of technology processes of power industry are transferred in normal and emergency operation.
  • The network of telephone communication built by radial nodal principle and providing interaction with technology network of the System operator and other subjects of the electricity market.

Interesting IT projects

In 2013 FGC UES expected to refuse completely the 1C Platform for automation of budget processes and to transfer them to SAP. In more detail about the project - according to the link.

In 2013 FGC UES is also going to start a pilot project on use of tablet computers by the mobile crews making bypasses and surveys of aerial lines. In more detail about the project – according to the link.


2020: FGC UES will invest about 90 billion rubles in digital transformation

Till 2030 Federal Grid Company (FGC UES) will spend 89.6 billion rubles for digital transformation. In the foreseeable future - 2020-2024 - 37.6 billion rubles. Told about this TAdviser in FGC UES on September 8, 2020.

The program of digital transformation of the company for 2019-2030 was approved by it in March, 2020. In a public access from the moment of a statement there were only its not numerous parts. In September in FGC UES disclosed TAdviser program details.

Drafts of the program of digital transformation of the company are distributed in four main directions:

  • production control and digital network;
  • digital control by the company;
  • additional services;
  • end-to-end system of information security.

The main effect of the program for the consumer – reduction of accident rate, and, so growth of reliability and service quality. For the company – decrease in operating and capital expenditure, work performance improvement, - noted in FGC UES.

(data of the report of FGC UES for 2019)

The company is going to implement the program in three stages:

  • the first stage - - provides 2019-2024 implementation of the mature technologies creating an equipment room and information basis for all conversions.

It is a complex of the projects connected with further equipment of power facilities the systems of telemechanics and transfer to remote control, implementation of technologies of Digital substation, development of own digital communication network, accounting systems and measurements, infrastructures for storage and data processing, etc. Perspective solutions will be studied and piloted at the same time, - told TAdviser in FGC UES.

One of key indicators of development of a technology communication network of the company is the level of security of power grid objects with inter-chip digital links for functioning and implementation of the functional systems. The organization expects complete digitalization and intellectualization of a communication network to reach by 2025 what announces in the report for 2019.

  • the second stage - - is aimed 2023-2025 at further development of digital projects.

Including creation of digital doubles of technology processes, the equipment and systems, formation of a uniform source of Big Data, wider, than now, use of services of digital engineering and robotics is planned, - reported TAdviser in FGC UES.

  • the third stage - - is directed 2025-2030 to study of commercial digital products using technologies of work with Big Data and creation of branched ecosystems of digital platforms and services.

Division into stages is conditional. There are actions which will be executed on each of stages, for example, it concerns work in the field of cyber security. Besides, implementation of "pilots" is aimed at finding the most effective technologies. Decisions on replication will be made taking into account the received results, - explained TAdviser in FGC UES.

Let's note that in the report for 2019 the company pays attention to relevance of cyber security.

The number of incidents and attacks on information infrastructure of the Russian Federation with respect thereto there is a need for the centralized control and system management of information security of society increases. Besides, fulfillment of requirements of the federal legislation and industry regulation in the field of security of critical information infrastructure is necessary. For the solution of these tasks the company considers the best practices and positive experience of the largest infrastructure organizations, including international, said in the report of FGC UES.

Also in the document the company notes that in it the center of operational management and response to incidents of information security is created.

In total for reporting year in the company nearly 7 thousand events of information security from which more than 5 thousand were connected with attempts of distribution of the malicious software from the Internet and by e-mail are recorded. On all incidents the corresponding and effective work on reaction and blocking of sources of distribution of threats, reported in the report of FGC UES was carried out.

Besides, the organization states that it pays "special attention" to increase in level of knowledge of workers in the field of information and personal security.

Interaction with the bodies authorized in the field of information security support is organized: FSTEC of Russia, FSB Rossiinatsionalny, National coordination center for computer incidents (NKTsKI), State detection system, warnings and liquidations of the computer attacks (GOSSOPKOY), - it is told in the report of the company.

According to the first deputy chairman of the board of FGC UES Alexey Molsky, contained in the report, the new paragraph in the program of digital transformation of the company there takes place automation and digitalization technology and business processes.

One of the leading directions is implementation of legally significant electronic document management, so-called "digital" document flow. It will allow to refuse completely "paper" document flow that will increase the speed and quality of interaction with our clients, - Alexey Molsky notes.

Also it selects typification and standardization of technical solutions at construction and modernization in the company. Digitization of these processes, according to him, will lead to decrease capital, and further and operating costs.

Application of digital mediums of support at alternative study of the scheme of accession and block and modular technologies of high factory readiness will allow to accelerate considerably construction and to provide reduction of terms of a cycle of technical joining of new clients, - Alexey Molsky says.

Also in the report of FGC UES over 100 substations are noted that in general till 2025 the company is going to implement more than 30 complex digital projects on the single natsilnalny electric network, to transfer to telecontrol. The scope digital trunking to this term, according to plans, will have to grow to 100%, and all power facilities of FGC UES to be observed remotely from uniform command centers.

According to the vice chairman of the board of FGC UES Pavel Korsunov, the provided in the report, priority direction of digitalization for the company is creation of the low-serviced digital power facilities of high degree of reliability.

Speaking about what difficulties can face at the organization when implementing the program, FGC UES drew the attention of TAdviser that digital transformation provides change of the logic of processes and transition to risk-oriented company management.

When developing the program the company was guided by the strategy of all Rosseti group and relied on the best world practices. However any new approaches require time for adaptation and formation of outputs which will become a basis for further actions, - noted in FGC UES.


FGC UES starts a system for digital design of energobjekt of the industry

In 2018 FGC UES (enters into the Rosseti group) will begin step-by-step implementation to the sphere of engineering of service of digital design of management systems for substations using standard solutions. It will allow to increase the speed of design of the secondary systems of power grid objects to 10 times and also to scale digital technologies in an electric grid more actively.

The solution is represented by the digital designer in whom the user can simulate a power facility from the standard blocks consisting of the equipment presented at the market and management systems for power facilities. Elements can integrate among themselves in the uniform scheme which correctness of creation is checked by the program.

Such approach provides risk minimization of errors both at design, and at adjustment and operation.

Specialists of FGC UES, including scientific and technological center of the company (STC OF FGC UES), the Rosseti group, the System operator of EEC and equipment manufacturers are involved in work. The software package is created based on the Russian platform CAD (CAD).

The electronic directory of standard documentation on complexes of relay protection and automatic equipment, automated process control systems, devices of transfer of alarm signals and commands forms for three possible architecture of creation of substations a basis for creation of a new automated system of design. Use of standard solutions allows to create uniform approaches to the choice of structure of functions of RZA devices and use of digital technologies for international standard IEC 61850.

Producers will be able to deliver release of the electrotechnical equipment "on a flow". In the long term existence of digital models of the equipment will allow to pass to broad use of technology of "Digital doubles" - the virtual program copy of the equipment and systems modeling their behavior for identification of anomalies and anticipatory diagnosing in real time at operation.

FGC UES since 2006 applies technologies based on international standard IEC 61850, segmentno tsifrovizovana of 196 objects. In April, 2018 the company put the Russia's first substation of an ultrahigh class of tension in which digital technologies – 500 kV Tobol are in a complex implemented into operation. Till 2025 FGC UES will construct 32 such objects. All other substations will be provided with digital trunking, observed in uniform command centers.

71.8 billion rubles will be selected for digitalization till 2025

As it became known in February, 2018, FGC UES intends to select for digitalization in 2018-2020 21.8 billion rubles, and in the next 5 years to spend 50 more billion rubles for these purposes.

It is planned that till 2025 FGC UES will have 32 digital substations where all complex of technologies "in vertical direction" is applied. By calculation of the company, it will allow to save means on design and construction (to 20%) and also on operation (up to 40%). By 2025 all substations of FGC UES will be provided with digital trunking with a possibility of remote control from the uniform centers.

FGC UES will select about 72 billion rubles for digitalization. Image: FGC UES

At the same time, for full-fledged program implementation of digitalization of FGC UES she intends to continue to implement the program of loans, in particular, in 2018 it is going to attract no more than 30 billion rubles the Board of Directors of FGC UES approved on February 6, 2018 the exchange-traded bonds program for the amount of 200 billion rubles and circulation period up to 35 years.

In 2018 the amount of loans will not exceed 30 billion rubles. The company will be guided by the most profitable instruments of loans. Depending on an environment it can be also eurobonds including — the chairman of the board of FGC Andrey Murov said.

According to Andrey Murov, the positive forecast of financial and economic indicators of FGC UES for 2017 allows the company to prepare for so courageous investment programs.

Earlier we predicted that according to international standards of the reporting at the end of 2017 the corrected EBITDA will grow by 5.5% up to 123 billion rubles, profit — on 15 to 78-79 billion rubles — Murov specified.

According to him, there are all bases to believe that results will not worse than the forecast, in particular, EBITDA can exceed 125 billion rubles[2]

IT passport

Описание проектаProfotecProfotec: Digital transformers2021
Описание проектаSO UES - System Operator of the Unified Energy System, SO UES Regional dispatching office of power supply systems of the Kursk, Oryol and Belgorod regions (Kursk RDU)Complex projects of creation of the engineering systems2020
Описание проектаWithout involvement of the consultant or not dataSAP S/4HANA, SAP ERPERP, MES - Production and Repair Management, SaaS - Software as a Service2020
Описание проектаNIP, INEUM named after I. BrookComplex projects of creation of the engineering systems, Elbrus2020
Описание проектаIT Energy, Inpro TekhnolodzhisDPC of IT Energy Kitay-gorodIaaS - Infrastructure as service, PaaS - Platform As A Service - the Business platform as service, DPC2019
Описание проектаTerrasoft (Terrasoft, CU-Consulting)Bpm`online2018
Описание проектаBorlas Consulting groupProjects of IT outsourcing, Borlas PersonnelIT outsourcing, HRM2015
Описание проектаNIS GLONASSGLONASSSatellite communications and navigation2015
Описание проектаSkyriseSAP ERPERP2014
Описание проектаMobile TeleSystems (MTS)Services of telephony and communication2014
Описание проектаSaprunSAP SEM-BCSBPM, CPM2014
Описание проектаMastertel (MT Telecom)Master-Konnekt2014
Описание проектаIT EnergyProjects of IT outsourcingIT outsourcing2014
Описание проектаID Management TechnologiesDocumentum2014
Описание проектаSmartengineeringComplex projects of creation of the engineering systems2013
Описание проектаIT EnergyOracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management EPPMProject management systems2013
Описание проектаPMSOFT, GroupOracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management EPPMProject management systems2013
Описание проектаRussian corporation of means of communication, Russian Telecom Equipment CompanyIntegrated automated control system security of the enterprise (KASUB)IP telephony, IPTV - Internet Protocol Television. IP television, Network Health Monitoring - Monitoring of network or management of health performance of IT Infrastructure, the Video conferencing, GIS - Geographic information systems, cybersecurity2013
Описание проектаTelecom-GuardProjects of IT outsourcingIT outsourcing2013
Описание проектаIT EnergyProjects of creation of complex IT infrastructureIT outsourcing, Server platforms2013
Описание проектаThe MCC HoldingEnergius-NS the Automated system of maintaining the normative reference information in the field of power2012
Описание проектаMOLGA ConsultingSAP ERP HCMHRM2012
Описание проектаID Management TechnologiesCORUS Consulting: iDocs Mobile officeEDMS2012
Описание проектаRussian corporation of means of communication, Russian Telecom Equipment CompanyProjects of creation of the situational centersSituational centers2012
Описание проектаRussian corporation of means of communication, Russian Telecom Equipment CompanyProject integration (Project management)Project management systems2012
Описание проектаRussian corporation of means of communication, Russian Telecom Equipment CompanyThe situational center for monitoring of infrastructure of FGC in MoscowSituational centers2011
Описание проектаCisco Systems Russia (Cisco Systems)SCS projects and wireless network infrastructureSCS2011
Описание проектаRTSoftSKADA-NIIPTSCADA2011
Описание проектаEsri CISArcGISGIS - Geographic information systems2010
Описание проектаRTSoftPTK OF CCNAPCS2010
Описание проектаTopS BISAP Supplier Relationship Management (SAP SRM)SRM - Vendor relationship management2008
Описание проектаTopS BIAsset register of FGC UESMES - Management of productions and repairs2008
Описание проектаWithout involvement of the consultant or not dataSAP Mobile Platform---
Описание проектаSTC OF FGC UES---
Описание проектаRTSoft---
Описание проектаEnergoDataProjects of IT outsourcingIT outsourcing---
Описание проектаCrocMicrosoft Windows, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft ProjectOS---
Описание проектаWithout involvement of the consultant or not dataGIS projects, GIS WebServer, PostgreSQL of DBMSGIS - Geographic information systems---
