Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation
Samara region is a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Volga Federal District, the area is 53.6 thousand km ².
Federal authorities
Territorial branches of federal authorities:
- Notary Chamber of the Samara Region
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Samara Region
- Sixth Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction
- Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Samara Region
- Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Samara Region
- Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia for the Samara Region
- Main Directorate of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Samara Region
- Office of the Federal Treasury for the Samara Region
- Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Samara Region
- Office of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the Samara Region
- Office of the Federal Postal Service of the Samara Region JSC Russian Post
- Branch of the FIU in the Samara region
- Territorial fund of compulsory medical insurance of the Samara region
- Middle Volga Territorial Administration of the Federal Fisheries Agency
- Volga Interregional Territorial Administration of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
- Volga Interregional Territorial Air Transport Administration of the Federal Air Transport Agency
- Central Interregional Transport Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
- Aeronautics of the Central Volga - a branch of FSUE State ATM Corporation
- PKU "Financial Support Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the Samara Region"
- FBU "State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in the Samara Region"
- Togliatti branch of FBU Samara CSM
Main article: Government of Samara region
Administration of the municipal district Kamyshlinsky
Administration of Neftegorsky Municipal District
Administration of the municipal district Stavropol
Administration of the city district Samara - Duma of the city district Samara
- Department of Finance of the Samara City District Administration
- Department of Economic Development, Investment and Trade of the Samara City District Administration
- Department of Urban Planning of the Samara City District Administration
- Department of Property Management of the Samara City District Administration
- Department of Urban Economy and Ecology of the Samara City District Administration
Administration of Syzran City District - Duma of Syzran City District
Administration of the city district of Togliatti - Duma of the city district of Togliatti
Motor transport
Rail transport
2025: Number of road cameras - 1276
Mechanical engineering
- LADA Sport LLC
Aircraft industry
Space industry
Department of Information Technology and Communications of the Samara Region
- NP "Center for Independent Expertise of Information Technology Tools"
- Institute of Image Processing Systems - branch of the Federal Research Institute of Crystallography and Photonics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Samara Regional Radio and Television Broadcasting Center - branch of FSUE "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network"
2022: How digitalization goes
In May 2023, Deputy Prime Minister - Head of the Department of Information Technologies and Communications of the Samara Region Konstantin Presnyakov spoke about how the digitalization of the region took place in 2022. In particular, he noted that the Samara region entered the top 10 regions of Russia in terms of the number of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses who bought software at a discount (more than 4.6 thousand companies), taking ninth position (third position in the Volga Federal District). In total, during 2022, almost 12 thousand software products were purchased for a total amount of more than 34 million rubles.
According to Presnyakov, the main task of 2022 was to integrate with interactive forms of mass socially significant services posted on a single portal of the Public services. One of the significant results was the region's entry into the top 10 in the monitoring rating of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia on the quality of the provision of public services in electronic form. The strategy of digital transformation of the Samara region was revised and updated.
In 2022, the region continued the implementation of the project "Eliminating digital inequality 2.0," within the framework of which access to high-quality mobile communications and the Internet was provided in 11 settlements with a population of 100 to 500 people - mobile radiotelephone base stations were installed, providing mobile coverage of 2G/4G standards.
Also, the head of the information technology and communications department of the Samara region said that a law enforcement segment of the Safe City hardware and software complex (an intelligent regional security system based on a video surveillance system) has been created on the territory of the region. It consists of:
- 878 rotary CCTV cameras;
- 97 emergency communication consoles;
- 8 high-definition video cameras;
- 29 integration facilities.[1]
Test site
- Zhigulevskaya HPP
- Samara State District Power Station
- Syzranskaya CHPP
- TPP Volzhsky Automobile Plant
- PJSC Samaraenergo
- Samaragorenergosbyt JSC
- Samara Transformer JSC
- RT-Energotrading LLC
- Syzran City Power Grid LLC
- Togliatti Energy Sales Company OJSC
- Samaraneftegaz JSC
- Institute for Design and Research Works in the Oil Industry Giprovostokneft JSC
- Samara Engineering and Technical Center LLC
- LLC NIPP "Valma"
- RN-Service LLC
- NPF Sterkh LLC
- TehGeoBur LLC
- NefteChemPromPovolzhie LLC
- New Technologies-Service LLC
Ministry of Culture of the Samara Region
- GBUK "Samara Regional Art Museum"
- GBUK "Samara Regional Universal Scientific Library"
- GBUK "Samara Regional Library for Youth"
- Children's Art Gallery
Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region
Universities of the Samara region
- Samara State Institute of Culture
- Samara State Technical University
- Samara State Medical University
- Samara State University of Railways
- Samara State Social and Pedagogical University
- Samara National Research University named after S.P. Korolev
- Togliatti State University
- Volga State Service University
- Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics
- Reaviz Medical University
- Volzhsky University named after V.N. Tatishcheva
- Togliatti Academy of Management
- Volga Academy of Education and Arts named after St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow
Colleges and organizations of DPO
- SBPEI "Chapaevsky Chemical and Technological College"
- SBPEI "Togliatti Medical College"
- GBU DPO SO "Center for Vocational Education"
- GKU SO "Samara Regional Resource Center"
- GBU DPO "Novokuybyshevsky Resource Center"
- NEI DPO Novokuybyshevsky Training Plant
Health care
Ministry of Health of the Samara Region
- FSBI Sanatorium "Lesnoye" of the Ministry of Health of Russia
- GBUZ "Samara Regional Clinical Blood Transfusion Station"
- GBUZ "Samara Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination"
Health parts
Medical centers
- GBUZ "Samara Regional Medical Information and Analytical Center"
- GBUZ "Samara Regional Medical Center Dynasty"
- Consultative and Diagnostic Medical Center LLC
Hospitals and clinics
- GBUZ "Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after V.D. Seredavin"
- GBUZ "Samara Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital"
- CHUZ "Clinical Hospital" Russian Railways Medicine "of the city of Samara"
- GBUZ SO "Syzran Central City Hospital"
- Togliatti Hospital Branch No. 1 of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Medical Radiology and Oncology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency
- Samara City Consultative and Diagnostic Clinic No. 14
- GBUZ "Samara Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary"
- GBUZ SO "Togliatti Narcological Dispensary"
- GBUZ SO "Togliatti TB Dispensary"
Medical laboratories
Ministry of Sports of the Samara Region
Organizations of the Samara region
2023: Growth of investments in the economy to 516.6 billion rubles
The volume of investments in fixed assets of the Samara region reached ₽516,6 billion in 2023, an increase of ₽62,6 billion compared to 2022. This became known in November 2024.
According to the Minister of Economic Development and Investments of the region Dmitry Bogdanov in the spring of 2024, the figure almost doubled compared to 2018, when the volume of investments amounted to ₽265 billion.
During the year, 31 large-scale industries were commissioned in various industries: chemical industry, automotive industry, aerospace cluster, food industry, logistics, agriculture, pharmaceuticals and others, - said Dmitry Bogdanov. |
In 2024, it is planned to launch about 45 new investment projects in the region. At various stages of implementation there are more than 250 projects with a total investment of ₽1,4 trillion.
To implement investment projects in the region, there are seven industrial and logistics parks: four state-owned - Preobrazhenka, Preobrazhenka-2, Chapaevsk, Novosemeikino, Zhigulevskaya Dolina technopark and three private - AvtoVAZ, Stavropol and Togliattisintez.
Samara region ranks ninth in the national ranking of the state of the investment climate among the regions of Russia. The assessment took into account 67 indicators in four areas: the quality of public services, the effectiveness of institutions for business, infrastructure and the development of small and medium-sized businesses.
The special economic zone "Togliatti" is one of the three best SEZs of industrial and production type in the country. 32 companies operate on its territory, of which 15 have already launched production.
Technopark "Zhigulevskaya Valley" was recognized as the best in Russia according to the results of the IX National Rating of Technoparks. More than 300 innovative and high-tech projects are developing on its site.[2][3]
2018: One of the cities to host the World Cup
In 2018, Samara became a city for matches of the World Cup.
1991: The city of Kuibyshev returned the name Samara
Since 1991, the city of Kuibyshev is again called Samara.
1941: Samara is the spare capital of Russia
The city of Samara is famous as a spare capital. At the beginning of World War II, defense plants were evacuated here (including Progress, the creator of the launch vehicle for Yuri Gagarin's flight), IL-10 and IL-2 were produced here, and foreign diplomats were moving at the same time. During the war, a store for goods for currency worked in a store on the corner of Kuibyshev/Leningradskaya. The windows were painted with white paint so that the townspeople lived and did not bother). During the war, the composer Shostakovich lived in the city, in a house near the Drama Theater he wrote the 7th Leningrad Symphony.
An important date is considered November 7, 1941 - a parade was held in Kuibyshev in the presence of foreign delegations.
1935: Samara renamed Kuibyshev
Since 1935, the city of Samara was renamed Kuibyshev.
1888: Arrival of the Ulyanov family from Simbirsk
In 1888, the Ulyanov-Lenin family moved to the Samara region, and in 1889 to Samara. Vladimir Ilyich here begins to work as an assistant to the jury in court (a building with a commemorative plaque on Revolution Square).
1874: Samara falls into the network of the Orenburg railway
Since 1874, the city has fallen into the network of the Orenburg Railway, and continues to be the largest river port.
The city received its main development due to the bread trade. The Bread Square and the building of the Bread Exchange have been preserved. This is where the trade was conducted. Further, grain was sent to customers along the Volga. The embankments were used for private commercial wharves. The townspeople did not have access to the water. Trade was mainly in grain and forest.
1670: Samara captured by Stepan Razin's army
In 1670, Samara was captured by the army of Stepan Razin. It is believed that in the area of Samara Luka, he was engaged in robbery and piracy.
1586: Prince Zasekin establishes fortress
Prince Zasekin built the first Russian wooden fortress as an intermediate point between Kazan and the recently annexed Astrakhan in 1586. Prior to this, the place was mainly used for temporary stops of nomads (you can find a recreated fortress in the old part of the city at the intersection of Vodnikov/Maxim Gorky streets).
VII thousand BC: Elshan culture with the oldest ceramics in Europe
Main article: Elshan culture
Elshan culture - Eastern European subneolithic archaeological culture of the 7th millennium BC. e. The area covers the Middle Volga region (Samara, Ulyanovsk regions, Buzuluk district of the Orenburg region). The oldest ceramic culture in Europe.
- ↑ Results of the work of the Department of Information Technologies and Communications of the Samara Region in 2022 and plans for 2023
- ↑ In the Samara region, investors invested more than 516 billion rubles in the economy in 2023
- ↑ The volume of investments in the economy of the Samara region has almost doubled in five years