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2023/11/17 13:48:59


Up to 80% of the information comes to us through the eyes.


Main article: Human body

Vision in a newborn

In the first weeks of his life, the newborn does not perceive the world as colorful: he sees everything in black and white shades.

His visual acuity is only 5%. And he distinguishes faces only at a distance of up to 30 centimeters.


Only 1/6 part of the organ of vision is visible to a person, while its inner part is connected to the body by the optic nerve transporting information to the brain.

The average diameter of the eye is 2.5 cm, the weight is about 8 grams, and these parameters with a difference in percentage are similar in all people who have reached seven years.

Eye movement

The diameter of the eye of a newborn child is 18 mm, weight - 3 grams.


Retina - сетчатка

How looking at the sun destroys retinal cells

Never look in the sun, not a single second.

There are no pain receptors in the retina of the eyes, so you won't even feel when the damage occurs. The sun emits both infrared and ultraviolet rays.

When you look at it, the rays of both species focus on the retina of the eyes. In bright sunlight, retinal cells can be irreparably affected in a few seconds. In addition, there is an area of ​ ​ very sensitive cells in the retina called the "yellow spot."

This place of greatest visual acuity. It is also responsible for the ability of the eye to distinguish between small details in the gloom. Destruction of macular cells results in significant visual impairment.

Glasses with darkened lenses are not always a guarantee of protection.

"Ultraviolet radiation can cause irreparable damage to the cornea, lens or retina," explains ophthalmologist Vladimir Zolotarev. 'The sun can only be harmless if there are UV-filtered lenses in sunglasss.'

Why eyeballs don't freeze in cold weather

Most of our eye is protected by the eye socket and is well insulated from the cold and heat.

Although the eye socket is filled with water permeable contents (aqueous liquid and vitreous), which may be considered the first candidates for freezing at extremely low temperatures, these substances contain a high percentage of anti-freezing substances (sodium, potassium and chloride). Thanks to this, the eye is safe.

The body's critical response to low temperatures is expressed in the direction of the main flow of warm blood from the hands and legs to more important organs - the brain, heart and eyes. In extreme situations, the active pulsation of blood into the brain warms not only his eyes, but also his eyes.

Only humans have eye proteins

Only humans have eye proteins. Yeah, yeah, unbelievable, but it is! Note: All animals lack proteins in their eyes. Even the closest animals, monkeys, have completely black eyes. Therefore, it is possible to determine emotions only from the eyes of a person. From the eyes of a monkey, it is completely impossible to understand not only her feelings, but also the direction of her gaze.

Eye after tears

Iris and eye color

The color of the eyes of newborns is almost always bluish gray

Most children have bluish-gray iris. Consistent eye color appears only a few days or weeks after birth.

Eye color depends on pigment that protects against UV light

People have different eye colors - depending on the amount of pigment in the iris. In the brown eyes there is more pigment than in green, and in green - more than in blue. Some people are born with little or no pigment.

Partial/Sector heterochromia is a different color of the iris due to the staining of one of the eyes in different tones. This is due to the uneven distribution of melanin (coloring pigment) in the first six months of life.

The pigment plays the role of a barrier: the more it is, the better the eyes are protected from ultraviolet radiation, which can damage the lens and retina. Because of this, cataracts often develop and macular degeneration occurs.


What the ophthalmologist sees when he expands your pupils

Polycoria is a rare birth defect of the eye: the presence of 2 or more pupil holes in the iris

{{# https://www.tadviser.ru/images/3/33/Video (75).mp4|100%|auto||Dilatory pupil muscle pathology}}

Focusing muscles

The focusing muscles in a person's eyes move about 100 thousand times a day.

In terms of energy costs, this is comparable to a daily walk of 80 km.

Oculomotor muscle is the fastest in the body

The blinking process lasts about 100 milliseconds, or 5 times per second. Every second, the lens of the eye can focus on 50 subjects, only intermittently; the eye muscles can perform smooth movements only by following a moving object.

Blood vessels

Network of ocular blood vessels in their natural organization

Optic nerve

Adapting to Darkness and Light

Under light, rhodopsin disintegrates and light perception gradually decreases.

In the dark, rhodopsin regenerates and photosensitivity increases - after a minute 10 times, after 20 minutes - 6,000 times, after 40 minutes - 25,000 times.

Thus, the eye adapts to the dark gradually. But adaptation to light takes place quickly - in 1-3 minutes.

Two cell types

There are two kinds of cells in the human eye: rods (there are about 120 million of them) and cones (there are much fewer of them, only 7 million) - these are the cells responsible for the functions of the retina. They convert light into nerve impulses and allow you to see colors. In bright light, cones work, and in the dark they help to see sticks. It is because of the individual sensitivity of the sticks that different people see in the dark with different clarity.

Why does it take time for the eyes to adapt to the dark?

First few minutes after getting into the dark room, they provide a fairly bad picture. But as soon as the sticks become more active, they provide a significantly better vision.

Once it's light around again, the sticks return to their original state and adapting to the dark will take time again.

Why pirates wore an eye patch and soldiers cover one eye in the dark

Not only pirates, but also many sailors in the past flaunted in dashing bandages. Do you think the reason is the absence of an eye? Pirates in conditions of severe naval battle were forced to quickly move between a brightly lit deck and a dark hold, and they did not have precious minutes to adjust their vision - the bandage helped out. The eye, closed from the light, remained in night vision mode. And the pirates were equally well oriented both in light and in darkness.

Soldiers, too, are trained to cover one eye at night when entering a room with lights or when working with a flashlight to keep good vision in the dark.

Once they re-enter the darkness, they open an eye in which the sticks continued to be active and do not waste time on adaptation. This allows them to function effectively in a potentially hostile environment.

Try it yourself when you wake up in the middle of the night to avoid stumbling in the dark.

Why do "stars" appear in bright light

A similar effect occurs, for example, when on a particularly bright day a person stares intently at the porthole of an aircraft. Some call it "snow," the second - "sparks," and the third - "asterisks."

In any case, what you see is your own blood cells passing through translucent blood vessels in front of the retina.

We usually don't see it, but in bright light, the moving blood cells become visible. "Snow" moves according to the beat of the pulse.

Diseases associated with visual impairment

Myopia (myopia)

Main article: Myopia (myopia)


Main article: Cataract


Iridodonesis - abnormal trembling of the iris during eye movement.

As a rule, iris shaking occurs after non-penetrating eye injuries, strong blows, sharp concussions.

Asteroid hyalosis

Asteroid hyalosis − a disease in which particles of cholesterol settle in the vitreous body.

The eyes of a person with such a disease see "silver rain" or "flies" invisible to other people.


{{# https://www.tadviser.ru/images/f/f5/IMG 5182.MP4|100%|auto||Nystagmus is a pathology characterized by involuntary eye movements.}}


Main article: Glaucoma

Retinal dystrophies

Main article: Retinal dystrophies


Main article: Blindness

Endocrine ophthalmopathy

Main article: Endocrine ophthalmopathy


Main article: Amblyopia

Diagnosis of eye diseases


The first device using the principles of photonics and artificial intelligence to detect eye diseases has been released

On November 29, 2023, medical technology company Zilia introduced the Ocular FC system, developed for non-invasive evaluation of ocular biomarkers. The complex is designed to detect ophthalmic diseases. Read more here.

Axbit Group and VisionLabs Develop AI Vision Test App

Axbit Group uses, on the computer vision technology basis of which developments, in VisionLabs mobile application for remote vision testing. "" OphthalmoAI Algorithms face recognition help determine the distance from the device to the user's face for more accurate diagnostics. This was announced on May 3, 2023 by VisionLabs. Application will make it possible for to inhabitants remote areas, as well as patients who require a constant eye check, to conduct research from the comfort of their homes. More. here

Tests of domestic service for ophthalmologists based on AI have been completed at the FNCC FMBA of Russia

On the basis of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the FMBA of Russia, a clinical trial of the Retina.AI cloud platform was completed. The domestic service for ophthalmologists based on artificial intelligence is aimed at preventing blindness and low vision in people suffering from diabetes mellitus and age-related retinal changes. The FNCC FMBA of Russia announced this on February 8, 2023. Read more here.

In SPBPU, learned to get more accurate images in the diagnosis of eye diseases

Scientists and students of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University have developed a method of quantum optical coherence tomography based on scanning the frequency difference of confused photons. This will allow, according to the researchers, to optimize the quality of images when diagnosing biological structures of internal organs by 1.5 times - doctors will be able to receive a better picture, and thanks to this, make a more accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. The Polytech staff published a scientific article about their theoretical research in the journal JETP Letters. This was announced on January 31, 2023 by representatives of SPBPU. Read more here.

Glasses and other devices with new technologies

Smart glasses

Main article: Smart glasses

Bionic prostheses

Moscow company released an ultrasound vision system for the visually impaired

In January 2024, the Moscow company "Rukep" presented a new version of the ultrasonic vision system for the visually impaired "Echo Sonar." The device is a flexible rim that can be attached to the headgear. The device is based on the principle of echolocation. Read more here.

Smart glasses released to help blind people read and recognize faces

In November 2023, it became known about the entry into the market of Envision Glasses with a virtual visual assistant Ask Envision based on a large language model. OpenAI GPT-4 The gadget helps blind and visually impaired people read, recognize objects and faces, and interact with the world around them. More. here

3D printing began to be used for printing eye tissue

On December 22, 2022, American researchers from the National Eye Institute (NEI) announced the development of 3D bioprinting technology to create eye tissue. The technique is expected to help in the study of the genesis of age-related yellow spot degeneration (VDD) and other eye diseases. Read more here.

TouchFocus - electronic alternative to bifocal glasses

In October 2018, it became known about the sale of high-tech bifocal glasses developed by Mitsui Chemicals. This gadget called TouchFocus can be used to look at things away and at a short distance, for example, while reading books. Read more here.

Snow whitewash goggles

Glasses that protect against snow whiteness. They were used in Yakutia.

2024: Spiral lens glasses are introduced that allow you to see further and clearer

On February 8, 2024, French researchers from the Laboratory of Photonics, Numerical and Nanoscience (LP2N) reported on the development of a new type of lens that creates several focal points, which allows you to see further and clearer. The development was called "Spiral Diopter." Read more here.


Device for comfortable instilling of drugs in the eyes released

In mid-December 2022, the American company Eyenovia presented a new device for comfortable and effective delivery of drugs to patients' eyes. The compact electronic device is called Optejet. Read more here.

In Russia, created a smart cane for the blind

At Cherepovets State University (ChSU), with the support of a grant allocated by the government of the Vologda region, they developed a smart cane for the blind. The device determines the distance to objects and recognizes obstacles in front of and on the sides of a person, the press service of the university said on July 25, 2022. Read more here.

Alcon launches portable dry eye treatment device

In early April 2022, Alcon developed the Systane iLux MGD, a versatile portable thermal pulsation device with imaging technology to produce infrared photos and high definition video of the meibomian glands. The system allows patients to verify the need for treatment, visualize the procedure and feel the results of the treatment of dry eye disease after a week of use of the device. Read more here.


Announcement of robotics with a 3D camera for the blind

In mid-September 2021, a robotic cane with a 3D camera is presented, which can accurately direct the user to the selected place, avoiding obstacles. The novelty has already begun to be used by blind people. Read more here.

Kubota Glasses for myopia

At the end of January 2021, the Japanese company Kubota Pharmaceutical introduced smart glasses for the treatment of myopia, which project the image directly onto the user's retina. The company is also developing a device to correct contact lens type myopia. Read more here.

Eye check

Measurement of ocular pressure

How to check your eyesight at night?

The easiest and most exciting way to test your vision is to find the constellation Ursa Major on a clear night in the starry sky. If you can see eight stars instead of seven, your vision is perfect! The eighth star is in the bucket handle near the middle star.

How can you tell how tired your eyes are?

First, let's do a little test and determine how tired your eyes are: Put your elbows on the table, close your eyes and cover them with your hands (in no case press on your eyeballs, but simply block the access of light). The fingers should be on the forehead, and the wrists should be on the lower part of the cheekbones.

Relax, open your eyes in 10-15 seconds and take 10-12 deep breaths and exhalations.

If a black background appeared before your eyes, then they are not tired yet, and if instead of a black background you see different luminous figures, then you need to rest, your eyes are overloaded.

Tables for Eye Test

Table for Eye Test, USA, 1907

2021: Machine Learning Vision Checker Exit

In September 2021, the company Source Audio Labs"" (resident Skolkovo""), which is part of the Source-Audio group, announced the entry into the videonitagmograph market. Vison The hardware and software complex that received the program with machine learning is designed to check the sharpness. sight More. here

How to maintain healthy vision

Before you are 5 enemies of good vision in the office and ways to defeat them.

Increased dryness

Have you ever wondered how often you blink? Scientists say that for the mucous membrane of the eye to work normally, we must blink at least 20 times a minute. But when working at a computer, the eyes are focused at one distance, and the blinking frequency is reduced by almost four times! This leads to dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye, which is aggravated by dry air heated by heating devices. You are unlikely to be able to make yourself blink more often, so take care of humidifying the air in the office: put a humidifier or place a container of water near the battery.

Poor illumination

An excessively bright monitor in a poorly lit room makes your eyes feel constantly energized. If the brightness of the monitor is significantly lower than the lighting around, then the person automatically approaches the head to the screen. And at the end of the working day he experiences pain in the eye and temples.

Our recommendations are:

  • Adjust the contrast and brightness of the monitor.
  • Install the table lamp. The light of ceiling lamps for comfortable work at the computer is not enough.
  • Make sure that the distance between the eyes and the monitor is at least 40 centimeters.

In February 2018, the lamp manufacturer Signify (formerly Philips Lighting) presented the results of the study with more than 8,000 participants from 11 countries:,, China, Czech Republic France Germany Indonesia, Poland,,, Thailand, Turkey Spain Sweden and. USA The results showed that on average, a person over six hours a day is in front of TV or computer screens and often faces eye strain, with only 42% of those surveyed using gentle lighting.

Similarly, only a third (32%) of people worldwide when buying lighting fixtures consider how comfortable light is for their vision. Only two people out of five (40%) choose lighting that ensures eye health.

When it comes to lighting and eye health, people are often not serious about it: 74% of respondents agree that the quality of lighting affects vision, but only 28% would choose a lamp that is more comfortable for their eyes, despite the cost. At the same time, 66% of people reported that hypothetically they could spend more on a light bulb with proven benefits for vision, and only 42% are already actively choosing lighting that is softer for their eyes.

"Quality lighting isn't just about lamp durability - it's very important that our eyes don't strain and feel comfortable," explains Rowena Lee, senior vice president of BG LED at Philips Lighting.


The monitor, with its electrostatic field, attracts the smallest dust particles that fall on the mucous membrane and irritate the surface of the eye. If the monitor is dusty, we strain our eyesight. Wipe your computer screen every day.

Eye strain

When working at a computer, the eyes are focused for a long time at one distance. The eye muscles are overstretched and pay us for it with headache and redness. Every half hour, distract from the monitor and do simple eye gymnastics. Put a small sticker on the opposite wall and place the exact same sticker on the desktop, take turns focusing your eyes on one sticker and another. After a couple of days of constant training, you will feel less tired in the evening.

Radiation from the monitor

In 2011, Essilor (Essilor), together with the Paris Institute of Vision, determined the exact range of visible light (415-455 nm), the impact of which is most dangerous for retinal cells. This is blue-purple light emitted by the screens of a computer, tablet and smartphone. It, unlike the blue-blue range, is extremely harmful. Its impact is associated with the risk of retinal diseases, in addition, blue-violet light causes visual tension. Special eyeglass lenses selectively filter the dangerous blue-violet light, allowing the blue-blue to pass through the glasses without hindrance. Now, even with long-term work at the computer, the eyes do not get tired, and the risk of retinal damage is significantly reduced.

Going to an ophthalmologist will help diagnose diabetes mellitus

If you have 100% vision, you should not neglect going to an ophthalmologist. It is when checking your vision that you can identify a dangerous disease that is usually asymptomatic - type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this disease, the back of the eye is strewn with the smallest burst blood vessels. Essilor Academy ophthalmologists recommend having an eye test at least once a year.

Medicines for vision

2022: Roche releases drug to treat leading causes of adult vision loss

On January 28, 2022, Genentech, part of the Roche group of companies, introduced a drug for the treatment of wet, or neovascular, age-related macular degeneration and diabetic macular edema. Both diseases are the two leading causes of vision loss among adults in the United States. Vabysmo will be available in the United States until the end of February 2022. Read more here.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Eye Health and Eye Check Apps

Main article: Applications for eye health and eye checks

Vision Repair Operations


The world's first whole eye transplant was performed - from a dead donor. Photo

On November 9, 2023, American specialists from the Langone Health Medical Center at New York University announced the world's first successful whole-eye transplant operation. The most complex surgical procedure, carried out on May 27, 2023, lasted about 21 hours and was carried out under the guidance of Doctor of Medical Sciences Eduardo Rodriguez.

The patient was 46-year-old Aaron James (Aaron James) from Hot Springs (Arkansas). In June 2021, an accident occurred with him: working as a fitter on a high-voltage line, he received an electric shock with a voltage of 7200 V. As a result, he lost his left eye, dominant left hand above the elbow, all nose and lips, front teeth, part of his left cheek and chin to the bone. When surgeons were forced to remove James' left eye due to severe pain, Dr. Rodriguez and his team recommended cutting the optic nerve as close to the eyeball as possible to preserve the possibility of an eye transplant in the future. In February 2023, the patient was included in the list of organ recipients, and in May of the same year, a donor was determined for him - a deceased man aged about 30 years.

Patient Aaron James and Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez

The surgery involved transplantation of not only the entire left eye, but also part of the face from a single donor. This made this procedure the only successful case of combined transplantation of its kind. Rodriguez's team transplanted part of the patient's face, including the nose, left upper and lower eyelids, left eyebrow, upper and lower lips, and underlying segments of the skull, cheek, nose, and chin, with all tissues under the right eye, including underlying muscles, blood vessels, and nerves. In addition, the entire left eye and eye socket were transplanted, including the bones of the eye socket and all surrounding tissues of the eye, including the optic nerve.

The transplanted left eye does not see anything and, probably, vision will never appear in it. However, the surgery performed is of great importance for plastic surgery and medicine in general in terms of developing new methods for restoring vision.[1]

Artificial cornea created in Russia

At Sechenov University, an artificial cornea based on collagen was created. The press service of the university announced this on May 17, 2023. Read more here.


Main article: Iridoplasty


Keratoprosthetics is a surgical procedure in which the diseased cornea is replaced by an artificial cornea.

Corneal prosthetics, 2019


The first fully robotic microsurgical operations were carried out in Germany

On August 19, 2022, it became known that a team of specialists led by researchers Dr. Maximilian Kückelhaus and Professor Tobias Hirsch from the Center for Musculoskeletal Medicine at the University of Münster for the first time performed a fully robotic microsurgical operation on a person. The use of a new approach will exclude the operating surgeon from the area of ​ ​ the operation. Read more here.

Tomsk surgeons returned vision to the patient by transplanting a nerve from his leg

In July 2022, it became known that the doctors of the Tomsk Institute of Microsurgery and the Tomsk Regional Clinical Hospital (OKB) performed a double operation and restored the sensitivity of the eye to a patient from the Altai Territory.

According to the ANO "Research Institute of Microsurgery," earlier the patient underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor. As a result of the intervention, his trigeminal and facial nerves were damaged. The man paralyzed half of his face. The eye stopped closing, its sensitivity disappeared. The man suffered from frequent inflammation of the cornea and practically lost his sight. Ophthalmologists talked about the possible complete loss of the eye.

Tomsk surgeons returned vision to the patient by transplanting a nerve from his leg

Tomsk specialists volunteered to help. The head of the Research Institute of Microsurgery, Professor Vladimir Baitinger, took a nerve from his leg and sewed it to the trigeminal nerve of a healthy part of his face. Then the invited doctor of the ophthalmology department of the OKB Yevgeny Bashnyak "connected" the nerve to the eyeball.

As Vladimir Baitinger himself told TASS, usually in such a situation they reinnervate the cornea, which became insensitive after a trigeminal nerve injury, and sew the upper and lower eyelids to close the gaping eye due to a facial nerve injury. Nerve grafts from shin are carried out on external surface of cornea. This surgery causes great discomfort to the patient and the transplanted nerve trunks.

{{quote 'Ophthalmologists and I conducted these nerves closed, under the conjunctiva [mucosa] of the eyelid, so that nerve grafts protected against external influences. In this way, the operation to restore the sensitivity of the cornea and the function of the eyelids after the injury of the trigeminal and facial nerves on the eye in Russia has not yet been carried out, - said Vladimir Baitinger. }} A few months later, the patient returned the sensitivity of the cornea and significantly improved vision.[2]


Eye implant for retinal dystrophy has entered the market

On October 22, 2021, Genentech announced the market launch of Susvimo eye implant for the treatment of retinal dystrophy. This is a chronic progressive disease of the posterior segment of the eye, characterized by dystrophic processes in the central retina and choroid of the eye. The implant is surgically inserted into the eye during a one-time outpatient procedure and replenished every next six months. Read more here.

Creation of an implant for vision restoration in the Russian Federation

On June 2, 2021, it became known about the creation by Russian specialists of an implant for the head, brain which allows the return sight of blind and deaf-blind people. The technology, called Elvis jointly, is being developed in the deaf-blind support fund "" and Connection the laboratory "," Sensor-Tech as well as scientists from the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology RAS and the Center for Collective Design. MOUTH OF MIREA More. here

For the first time in history, a person was returned to vision using genetic engineering

At the end of May 2021, for the first time in history, a person was returned to vision using genetic engineering. The researchers reported that their technique allows restoring the function of retinal neurons in neurological diseases, regardless of the presence of mutations. Read more here.

Myths about vision

Do your eye exercises hard, but don't know if it makes sense? Are you afraid to read e-books because you've heard it's dangerous to see? In the spring of 2016, an ophthalmologist Essilor (Essilor) analyzed the most popular myths about vision and told where the truth is and where the lie is.

Perhaps, horror stories about how easy it is to spoil vision for the rest of your life have been around since a person first encountered myopia and long-sightedness. Despite all the modern technologies and the breakthrough in the field of optics, people still believe many myths and impose a whole list of unnecessary restrictions on themselves.

If you wear glasses constantly, vision will deteriorate

because of this belief that so many patients get worse vision. And, unfortunately, even today, in the 21st century, many ophthalmologists deal with patients who are afraid to wear glasses all the time, "says Vladimir Zolotarev, head of Essilor Academy Russia. - Vision can deteriorate if your glasses are incorrectly selected lenses or low quality lenses are installed. It is worth admitting that today there is a lot of second-rate product in the spectacle optics market, so as a specialist I recommend giving preference to proven brands. "

If you constantly eat blueberries and carrots, vision will not fall

Bilberries and carrots do have plenty of vitamins A, C and E to help keep your eyes healthy. However, the berry and carrot diet alone will not be able to protect you from falling vision, because eye health requires an integrated approach: a healthy lifestyle and correctly selected lenses for glasses. By the way, spinach and pumpkin rich in lutein also have useful properties for vision.

Later, in 2016, the same experts reported that beta-carotene contained in carrots is very useful, but there is no direct connection between it and vision. And the legs of this myth have been growing since World War II, when the British invented the latest night vision radar. To hide the existence of the device, the command of the British Air Force said that their pilots detect planes at night thanks to a carrot diet.

Eye gymnastics stops vision deterioration

For eye health, doctors recommend taking a break from working at the computer every 45 minutes and looking at remote objects, this allows the eye muscles to relax and relieve tension from the eyes. You can also slightly massage your eyes through closed eyelids.

Unfortunately, if vision drops, eye gymnastics will not save you, you must definitely consult an ophthalmologist, find out the cause of vision impairment and, if necessary, get a prescription for glasses.

Thin monitors and screens are not dangerous for the eyes

Of course, modern monitors are less dangerous than their predecessors, but it is impossible to say that they are completely harmless. Ophthalmologist Vladimir Zolotarev:

"Screens of digital devices emit blue-violet light, which is quite dangerous for the retina and could lead to damage in the future. To protect the retina, glasses with special lenses must be used. Glasses with such lenses are suitable not only for people with myopia and long-sightedness, but also for those with 100 percent vision, as a prevention of retinal pathology. "

You can't exercise with poor vision

If you wear glasses, this does not mean that sports are contraindicated for you, you should only take closer care of the doctor's advice on the types of load possible for you. Ophthalmologists recommend race walking, running, yoga, Pilates, swimming and other sports where eye strain will be gentle.

E-books are dangerous to the eye

If we are talking about books with electronic ink, then they are no different from ordinary paper books. The new generation of ink uses reflected light and essentially repeats traditional printing.


Main article: Ophthalmology

Interesting facts

When the glasses appeared

Glasses are the oldest way to correct vision. The first mention of glasses dates back to 1298. In 1305, Dominican Giordano da Rivalto writes:

"Less than
20 years have passed since the art of eyewear was discovered, designed to improve vision. It's one of the best and most necessary arts in the world.'

Glasses are the oldest, as well as the simplest and most effective way to correct vision.

All brown-eyed are actually blue-eyed

Scientists have proven that people with brown eyes are actually blue-eyed. The blue color is hidden under the brown pigment of the iris. Depending on the thickness and intensity of this pigment, brown eyes can be both light and dark, almost black. There is even an operation to remove the brown pigment.

How do you make green eyes even greener?

The shadows of purple and plum shades will help to strengthen the color of green eyes and turn them into shining emeralds. Blue eyes will turn into azure-colored eyes with the help of shadows of brown and golden colors. And you can make brown eyes even deeper and more expressive by painting them with shadows of gray scale. If you are a man, you can emphasize the color of your eyes with a colored eyeglass frame. Even the subtle shade of the frame will give your eyes even greater depth and expressiveness.
