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Teamie is the Singapore company which develops the cloud software for educational institutions and corporations allowing teachers to create the academic materials and further to manage them, and to students to perform tasks and to impart experience, interacting with each other and teachers.

Phystech Ventures


In general a system for training management of Teamie is designed to optimize process of teaching and communication between students and teachers at the expense of different tools: mobile and web access to the platform (secure access via the browser, applications for iOS and Android, completely cloud solution); analysts (a control panel and analysts, online reports in real time, tools for assessment of tasks, collecting of responses and polls); tools for interaction and collaboration (communication, joint work over materials, the structured social network, gamification, management of several classes and rates, the search engine); tools for training (online development of rates and training materials in the editor, online tests and automatic check of tasks, registration of students, etc.).

The product supports several languages, including Chinese, Japanese and Hindi, has wide functionality for administration of classes and in general learning process, tools for the analysis of quality of work and development of students and provides deep integration with external services and applications. The team of 30 people is in Singapore and India. The product Teamie is used by the educational organizations and corporations in eight countries of the region.

The product Teamie is developed taking into account requirements of large corporations and, according to developers, includes the functionality which is most demanded by them. According to Capterra, on average spend $70 thousand a year (18% of all budget for training) for LMS solutions of the organization. Among the most desired functions of corporation note a possibility of live/video conferences, the integrated control techniques talents, use of mobile applications, gamification and instruments of social involvement.

"We study better when we study together. Developing the solution, komandateamie considered communication trends — that de facto social media have significant effect on daily communication, and cloud computing and use of smartphones change how we live, we work, we play and we study. Our clients can add, and in certain cases and to change the educational practicians, integrating pupils, teachers, mentors and other participants of educational process, not being limited to classroom perimeter. Learning process in the 21st century becomes it" — said Shivanu Shukla, the co-founder and CEO Teamie.

2016: Phystech Ventures invested in the developer of the LMS platform for training management

The Phystech Ventures fund took in the summer of 2016 part in a sowing round of investments for the amount more than $1.1 million (S$1.5 million) in Teamie company which is engaged in development of a cloud platform for training process control (Learning Management Software, LMS). In addition to Phystech Ventures, participated the Singapore venture fund ACP together with Spring SeedCapital specialized by agency on support of the technology companies for the Ministry of Trade and the industry of Singapore which acted a round lead investors in the transaction. Also the angel investments were attracted.

"By estimates of analysts of Phystech Ventures, the volume of the current market of LMS in the Pacific region exceeds $1 billion, and it is possible to estimate its potential capacity almost at $800 million for educational institutions and to $10 billion in a segment of corporate education — Maslikhova Olga, the managing partner of Phystech Ventures noted. — We consider that local players with strong team and deep understanding of local specifics have much bigger chances to become the leader of this young market, than the large international companies. Phystech Ventures is glad to support Teamie in its ambitious plans to solve this problem within the next three years".