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Баннер в шапке 2





Number of employees
2022 year

The WestLink Group of Companies is a company with 100% Russian capital, accredited, Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation being. resident Skolkovo



For more than 30 years, WestLink has been working in the field of telecommunications, and for the past 5 years it has been a software developer. The company's developments are used to work with the organization's big data, business analysis using artificial intelligence technologies and manage sales and customer service processes for private and state-owned enterprises in Russia.

As of April 2022, Westlink's businesses are in 10 cities and have more than 1,000 employees.


TAdviser interview with President Konstantin Kozerog

The mass sales and service industry has never experienced a clear shortage in automation technologies, but there are still reserves in this area to improve efficiency through robotization and predictive analytics. In October 2021, the President of WestLink Group of Companies JSC, the founder of Lynkage, Konstantin Kozerog, spoke about where these reserves are hidden in an interview with TAdviser. Read more here.

About the Company

The WestLink Group of Companies is engaged in the creation of product digital ecosystems, and also manages large-scale projects in the field of outsourcing in the field of telecommunications and contact centers (as of September 2021).

WestLink is investing in the development of industrial intelligent business decision support systems based on artificial intelligence, predictive analytics and robotization of complex business process management.