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EMC Data Domain Operating System (DD OS)

The name of the base system (platform): Dell EMC Data Domain
Developers: Dell EMC
Technology: Cybersecurity - Backup and data storage,  OS,  DWH

EMC Data Domain Operating System is scalable, fast and safe operating environment.

The EMC Data Domain Operating System operating system (the DD OS) with high-speed deduplication "on the fly" integrated by the approved management tools provides the easiest way of operational recovery without use of tapes, increase in storage lives.


A scalable system with deduplication function

  • Fast deduplication "on the fly" with capacity to 26.3 TB/h
  • The increased storage lives with selection to 28.5 PB of logical capacity
  • Reduction of amount of data on average by 10 — 30 times

Easy integration

  • Support of the leading backup applications and archiving
  • Support of the leading corporate applications for databases, e-mail, managements of contents and virtual environments
  • Simultaneous use of VTL, NAS, NDMP and EMC Data Domain Boost

Storage system with the high level of security

  • Continuous check of a possibility of recovery, detection and elimination of errors
  • RAID 6 array with double data of parity of disks

Simplicity of operation

  • Reduction of administrative costs
  • Reduction of the space occupied by the equipment; ensuring ecologically safe operation thanks to effective energy consumption, cooling and use of production areas
  • Disaster recovery from several platforms
  • Support of any combination of backup applications and archiving in a single system

Scalable storage system with deduplication functions

Data Domain OS offers the most aggressive of the available technologies of deduplication of data of backup and recovery "on the fly", allowing to reduce amount of data approximately at 10-30 times. During writing data in DWH of EMC Data Domain with function of deduplication quick search of templates which remained earlier is executed. Big templates in the magazine of all saved data are identified in the Data Domain file system irrespective of the application or workload. In Data Domain Operating System each unique sequence of data is kept only in one copy. It allows to save considerable physical tanks of storage due to substitution of small links to each identical excess sequence. At local compression in the unique sequences of data search of short lines in a local window of comparison of the small size, as is executed when using the tape drive. As a result, the combination of deduplication and compression provides optimal reduction of amount of data.

Scalable data protection

In Data Domain Operating Syatem storage of petabytes of data of typical corporate set and policy of backup is supported. In an array of EMC Data Domain Global Deduplication Array about 28.5 PB of logical capacity are available to long storage on disks. Now perhaps long storage on disks within several months using the same production area which usually provides temporary storage on disks only within several days. The technology of pictures allows to increase storage lives on disks both by local, and on remote platforms.

Reduction of amounts of data

The DD OS provides modular scalable capacity for the maximum acceleration of backup and recovery. The array of Global Deduplication Array provides capacity up to 26.3 TB/h, and a series of EMC Data Domain devices provides capacity up to 14.7 TB/h that considerably exceeds LTO-5 performance. The modular scalability provides simple expansibility in process of growth of business needs.

Continuous protection

The architecture of Data Domain Data Invulnerability Architecture provides the protection, best in the industry, against violations of integrity of data. Continuous check of a possibility of recovery together with additional levels of data protection provides continuous detection and elimination of violations of integrity during initial backup and for all lifecycle of data. Unlike other corporate arrays and file systems, in each device check of a possibility of recovery with the subsequent continuous repeated checks is provided.

RAID with double data of parity of disks

EMC Data Domain Operating System has additional levels of data protection for ensuring internal protection against faults of storage system which threaten a possibility of data recovery. RAID 6 array with double data of parity of disks is a component of a basis of continuous detection and elimination of errors in the DD OS. The array of RAID 6 protects from simultaneous failure of two disks, can recover a faulty disk even in case of data reading errors in other sectors and also "on the fly" finds and corrects errors during read operations. This additional protection provides the highest level of data availability.

Check of uniqueness

At determination of global uniqueness in Data Domain OS very powerful cryptographic hashing for ensuring speed and security and also for accomplishment of other tasks is used. Universal the hash function prevents any and malicious collisions a hash functions. The separate independent algorithm of check issues advance warning in case of a problem and provides the additional level of data protection.


EMC Data Domain Operating System at the same time supports several methods of access. This OS represents itself as a file server which provides access under the NFS or CIFS protocol on an Ethernet network, as virtual tape library on the Fibre Channel, as the tape NDMP server on an Ethernet network or as the disk system of appointment using own applications interfaces, such as EMC Data Domain Boost (for use with EMC Avamar, EMC NetWorker and Symantec OpenStorage). The DD OS is certified for use with all leading software (S) of backup and archiving of a corporate class and other applications, crucial for business.

Simpler operation

By means of use of EMC Data Domain Operating System of the Data Domain system are simple in installation and management. Administrators can get access to the DD OS by means of the command line under the SSH protocol or the EMC Data Domain Enterprise Manager applications — the graphical interface on the basis of the browser. It is possible to perform easily initial tuning and to update a configuration for several systems, at the same time performing monitoring of their status and system transactions. The possibility of simple use of scripts along with monitoring under the SNMP protocol provides additional flexibility of management.

All Data Domain systems are equipped with automatic function of the reporting "is ringing home" which is called automatic support. This function sends to the Data Domain system and also the selected administrators of the email notification with complete data on a system status.

Disaster recovery from several platforms

After backup in the Data Domain system under control of EMC Data Domain Operating System it is possible to use easily it for economic local storage and also to reduce a tape role to support of archiving and data storage on the remote platform. The DD OS protects data thanks to replication with effective use of network resources and enciphering that provides data protection of remote offices and consolidation of tapes from several platforms.

The Data Domain systems replicate only deduplitsirovanny compressed unique changes on any IP network, reducing load of bandwidth to 99%. As a result operational copying of all saved data set with protection against accidents becomes simpler. If several systems execute replication in one system of appointment, in this system only one segment which contains in all entering replication flows that provides additional decrease in load of bandwidth and resources of storage will be saved. If it is required to provide confidentiality, deduplitsirovanny and condensed data can be ciphered dynamically during replication between the Data Domain systems, irrespective of the used replication topology.

Effective archiving

Data Domain storage systems with function of deduplication can be used for effective archiving of data. The Data Domain systems reduce the price of storage, using less than the capacity, the electric power and the area of a data processing center, improve archiving and increase storage lives of data. Besides, infrastructure of data storage of Data Domain also archiving can use at the same time backup applications.

Support of backup and archiving

Data can be moved to the EMC Data Domain system with many methods. For data protection all leading applications for backup and archiving of data are supported. Users can use the Data Domain systems as the systems of appointment for utilities of protection of applications (for example, Vizioncore for virtual environments or Oracle RMAN for databases). It is possible to address systems directly for support of additional workloads. All modules Data Mover and workloads given below can be supported in one Data Domain system at the same time.

2014: Updating of Data Domain OS

On April 4, 2014 EMC announced release of additions to the EMC Data Domain Operating System operating system.

Release of EMC OS strengthened Data Domain position as the main open platform of data protection in the industry. Its opportunities are beyond far problems of backup and do it by a basis of model of providing data protection as services.

Description New features of EMC Data Domain

  • the Data Domain Boost function, is for the first time implemented for corporate applications and helps administrators of applications to provide protection of the environments and supports solutions of Oracle and SAP® and also the platform SAP HANA, IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server;
  • thanks to new multi-user functionality for cloud system deployments of Data Domain provide safe isolation of environments of the large companies and service providers and also can effectively function as the platform of data protection when implementing the "data protection as service" model;
  • as improvement of an archive storage system support of 1 billion files is implemented.