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Genetico. Autism

Developers: Genetico (Genetiko) Center of genetics and regenerative medicine
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care


2018: Cooperation about Skoltech

The Skolkovo institute of science and technologies (Skoltech) and the Center of genetics and reproductive medicine of Genetico will exchange working experience on the subject "Autism and the Integrated Cognitive Frustration" within implementation of the research project "Genetico. Autism" and CoBrain project.

The corresponding Memorandum is signed by partners on March 2, 2018 in Moscow. Signatures under the document delivered the rector of the Autonomous non-profit educational organization of the higher education "The Skolkovo institute of science and technologies", the academician of RAS Alexander Kuleshov and the chairman of Council of directors of the Genetico Center Artur Isaev.

Partners also intend to collect jointly data for identification of the mutations causing frustration of an autistic range, to process information of a metabolomny and lipidomny profile by a mass-spectrometry method in samples of project participants "Genetico. Autism" to integrate the received results into an information and analytical system of CoBrain and to perform joint scientific publications.

2017: Start of the program

In 2017 the Genetico Center started a scientific and practical, study program on studying of genetically caused forms of autism and reduction of risk of the birth of children with the frustration of an autistic range (FAR). Within the program specialists of the Genetico Center carry out the assessment of frequencies of occurrence of genetically caused autism forms in the Russian population. By June, 2018 the company is going to develop an algorithm of genetic inspection of patients with frustration of the autistic range leading to effective detection of the possible molecular and genetic reason of autism.

2016: Project Skoltech of Cobrain

Since 2016 within NTI project implementation "Development of the Information and analytical system on processing of big neurodata for support of implementation of Neyronet technologies ("CoBrain-Analitika") began Skoltech.

Main article: CoBrain-Analitika