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Corus Consulting connected Geox to the system of obligatory marking of footwear in Russia

Customers: Geox


Contractors: Corus Consulting
Product: Corus Consulting: iDocs Marking

Project date: 2020/02  - 2020/08

2020: Connection to the system of obligatory marking of footwear in Russia

Corus Consulting Group announced on September 22, 2020 project completion on connection of the Italian producer of the Geox footwear to a transmission system in the state accounting system of information on the movement of subjects to obligatory goods marking. The implemented IT solution "iDocs: Marking" allows to monitor the movement of all imported products from a warehouse in Italy to the end consumer.

Since July 1, 2020 all participants of the shoe market of Russia should make obligatory marking of products and transfer all data on production, import and sales of goods to the state system; since March, 2020 import to the country of footwear not marked is prohibited. To conform to requirements of the legislation, the Italian producer of footwear and Geox clothes needed to organize data exchange between own IT platforms, IT solution of the 3PL-operator and the system of the Russian state regulator "Fair Sign". Essential complexity was the fact that the companies to the appointed term were required additional completions of the internal accounting systems.

The partner in the project selected CORUS Consulting Group. For integration of systems iDocs used the solution ": Marking", own development of the IT company. It transfers information on the movement of the goods which are subject to obligatory marking to the state accounting system.

To provide timely start of all procedures of goods marking in foreign warehouses and a customs clearance on border specialists of Corus Consulting suggested to use the mechanism of loading and unloading of data through the Excel templates. In parallel the project team developed instruments of automation of data exchange. Specialists of the IT company finished the existing schemes of business processes of Geox and created program interfaces (API) for integration of the systems of the producer and the 3PL-operator with service "iDocs: Marking", unrolled in a cloud.

Thanks to the project we could perform marking of stock balance and again manufactured goods in short terms. The company received the solution which allows to keep account of codes of marking automatically: generate them, produce and introduce means of identification into circulation and also transfer data on moving of the marked goods to the GIS 'Fair Sign'. Ahead – input of obligatory goods marking of light industry, so, the next stage will be automation of process for other groups of goods of the company – brand outerwear, – Sergey Komarov, the manager of projects of Geox company notes.

IT solution 'iDocs: Marking' gave the chance of Geox to keep account of codes of marking automatically, using interfaces of the internal accounting systems, usual for users. And as the producer has several patents for own developments of the waterproof breathing materials, existence of the correct code of marking – important confirmation that the goods are not a counterfeit, – Natalya Semichastnova, the deputy CEO of CORUS Consulting Group comments.