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Rostelecom in the south connected the next socially important objects

Customers: Ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation (Mintsifra)

Product: Projects of creation of complex telecom infrastructure

Project date: 2019/02  - 2020/09

Connection of 655 objects in the south of Russia

On October 27, 2020 Rostelecom reported that it in the south completed the fourth stage of the project on connection of socially important objects with advancing of the planned terms. Technical specialists of the company in 2020 covered optical infrastructure of 655 objects of the Astrakhan region, the Republics of Adygea, Kalmykia, Kabardino-Balkaria and Stavropol Krai. Among them – schools, medical and obstetrical centers, fire brigades, local police stations and other life-supporting organizations. Project works started in 2019. In only two years of contract performance digital trunking provides 1,188 objects.

Denis Lysov, vice president, director of macroregional branch "Yug" of PJSC Rostelecom:

When all forces of public institutes are directed to control of a pandemic of a koronavirusny infection, we consider the professional and human duty to provide with digital trunking all social infrastructure facilities as soon as possible. Therefore our employees, despite the difficulties in job management caused by an infection continue work for the population benefit.

Within implementation of the fourth stage of the project the staff of national digital provider laid optical cables about one thousand kilometers long in 80 localities of five regions. Besides, they organized 22 additional communication hubs and set 99 climatic cabinets thanks to what they considerably increased stable work of the constructed infrastructure.

Vladimir Vladimirov, governor of Stavropol Krai:

We continue to carry out the task set by the President of Russia and enshrined in national projects. Our purpose – quickly and qualitatively to implement digital technologies and services in the basic social processes and to provide with access to a global network all socially important objects. In Rostelecom we see the competent and reliable partner in achievement of this purpose. We in return give to Rostelecom support at the organization of works and we hope for further cooperation for the benefit of inhabitants of our region.

In the following, 2021, Rostelecom is going to connect 851 socially important objects to the Internet and to construct more than 1,600 km of optics within the project. From them 419 objects is necessary to Stavropol Krai, 71 – to Kabardino-Balkar Republic, 109 – to the Astrakhan region, 153 – to Kalmykia and 99 – to Krasnodar Krai.

Connection in Siberia 368 more socially important objects

For the first half of the year 2020 Rostelecom in Siberia connected to the high-speed Internet of 368 more socially important objects among which — schools, medical and obstetrical centers, public authorities, divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and territorial authorities of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. It became known on August 3, 2020. For this purpose the federal provider laid 785 kilometers of fiber lines of communication in four Siberian regions: in the Tomsk region, in Altai Republic, in the territory of Khakassia and Buryatia.

Rostelecom creates telecommunication infrastructure in the Information Infrastructure direction within the federal program "Digital Economy of Russia". The term of accomplishment of the signed public contracts — December, 2021. As a result the high-speed Internet will be received by 2,447 social facilities. The organizations which are most of all included in the project is in the Republic of Buryatia, there digital services will become available on 1,066 objects. In Altai Republic contracts include 269 points, in Khakassia — 444, in the Tomsk region — 668.

In 2020 Rostelecom had to carry out the Internet to socially important objects in the changed conditions which are connected with restrictions because of spread of a koronavirusny infection. Despite difficulties, works were performed on the diagram, and we managed to make a considerable part from planned. In particular, more than 80% of the communication lines necessary for access to network are already laid. Thanks to it until the end of 2020 according to the Digital Economy program the Internet will appear in 418 organizations — Nikolay Zenin, the vice president — the director of macroregional branch "Siberia" of PJSC Rostelecom noted.

The reliable Internet will help residents of the remote settlements to organize the work more conveniently: carry out online training, use the portal of public services, to write remotely on acceptance to doctors and to communicate quickly [1].

Connection of the 69th socially important an object in the Astrakhan region

On December 25, 2019 Rostelecom South reported that it connected to the Internet of 69 socially important objects in 56 localities of the Astrakhan region. Work is carried out within implementation of the I stage of the national program "Digital Economy of Russia" in the region. Access to network was got by administrations of municipal entities, posts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire brigades, medical and obstetrical centers, schools, colleges and technical schools in all districts of the area.

Thanks to program implementation in the region the Internet appeared at schools and hospitals of localities which population hardly exceeds 500 people. Connection to network conducts to modern opportunities, such as creation of telemedicine, remote education, remote libraries, security of objects, receiving public services by means of remote access,


Within the I stage of the program in the Astrakhan region more than 15 km of fiber lines of communication were constructed. According to the results of implementation of all project, the extent of optical communication links will be 387 km.

Project implementation "Information infrastructure" of the Digital Economy program in the territory of the Astrakhan region in 2019 allowed to connect on fiber lines of communication of 24 medical and obstetrical centers, 17 administrations of local government authorities, 15 objects of education, 13 objects of a system of liquidation of emergency. In the next three years thanks to the project the connectivity to the high-speed Internet will appear at residents of 44 more rural settlements of area,
commented Sergey Afanasyev, the minister of the industry, transport and natural resources of the Astrakhan region

Connection 63 objects of the social sphere in Adygea

On December 18, 2019 Rostelecom reported that it connected to the Internet 63 objects of the social sphere in 45 localities of Adygea. Thus the company completed the first stage of implementation of the national program "Digital Economy" in the republic.

Our specialists laid more than 33 km of the optical fiber cable for implementation of the first stage of the project. Considering specifics of a land relief in the republic, eight social objects in seven localities were connected using mobile radio telephone communication. It is difficult to revaluate the social importance of this project. The fast Internet will help to increase efficiency of organizations of the social sphere, and locals and the organizations will get access to different online services,
noted Azamat Bzhemukhov, the associate director of the Krasnodar branch PJSC Rostelecom

Within the public contract Rostelecom connects the educational organizations, medical and obstetrical centers, local government authorities, fire brigades and posts, judicial sections of magistrates and division of the National Guard Troops.

For us it is important to have a reliable communication as Internet access plays more and more significant role in the system of legal proceedings. With its help information exchange between judicial sections and citizens – participants of processes is adjusted, the SMS notifications system about time and the venue of courts works, via the web module of our office-work each judicial section of the republic places information on holding meetings, citizens' appeals are considered,
noted Kaplan Chesebiyev, the head of department on ensuring activity of magistrates of the Republic of Adygea

The project is implemented in three stages and will come to the end in 2021. In total Rostelecom to the Internet will connect 239 social objects in 148 localities of the Republic of Adygea. The constructed infrastructure will allow to create competitive network of transfer, processing and data storage and to automate the main social projects. Access to a global network of socially important organizations it is provided by the federal draft "Information Infrastructure" of the national program "Digital Economy".

Connection 95 SZO in Kalmykia to the Internet ahead of schedule

Rostelecom announced on November 21, 2019 that it connected to the Internet of 95 socially important objects in Kalmykia. Work was carried out within the first stage of implementation of the government contract on creation of telecommunication infrastructure in the republic.

Specialists of digital provider laid 125 km of the communication fiber lines (CFL) to localities and objects of Maloderbetovsky, October, Ketchenerovsky, Virgin, Iki-Burulsky, Lagansky, Sarpinsky, Yustinsky, Yashaltinsky, Gorodovikovsky districts of the republic and also city district Elista. Internet access provides 16 medical and obstetrical centers, 41 educational organizations, 22 public authorities and local government and also 16 divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

Thanks to the wide accumulated experience of implementation of national projects in the territory of Kalmykia, we managed to complete the first stage of the national project "Digital Economy" ahead of schedule. Ahead we have a lot more work, including to provide with the Internet of 270 socially important objects within the next stages of the project. Program implementation not only will make available basic digital services in state institutions, but also will allow to improve quality and services provided in the territory of the region private and to business subscribers of the company — Alexey Osipov, the acting director of the Kalmyk branch PJSC Rostelecom noted.

Infrastructure which is created by Rostelecom will become a peculiar base for expanded access for the population to modern services in the most remote villages of Kalmykia. As a result digitalization level in the republic will increase — Alexey Eteev, the minister of digital development of Kalmykia commented.

According to the public contract with the Ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation until the end of 2021 Rostelecom in the Republic of Kalmykia will connect to the Internet of the 365th regional an object, entered the national program "Digital Economy". Until the end of 2021 Internet access for the connected objects will be paid at the expense of means of the federal budget.

Plans for connection of 1001 socially important objects in 34 municipal entities of Stavropol Krai

On November 1, 2019 Rostelecom South reported that it will connect to the Internet 1001 socially important objects in 34 municipal entities of Stavropol Krai until the end of 2021. The company is defined by the contractor of the Digital Economy of Russia project within the public contract with the Ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation.

When implementing the project specialists of digital provider will provide with modern communication the educational organizations, divisions of law enforcement agencies, medical and obstetrical centers, local government authorities and fire brigades at a speed from 10 to 100 Mbps.

Rostelecom implements a number of projects which promote creation of extensive telecommunication infrastructure in the region. We completed the Elimination of Digital Inequality program and connected 136 localities to the Internet. The next stage within 'Digital economy' — providing access to network to socially important objects,
noted Roman Zavyazkin, the director of the Stavropol branch PJSC Rostelecom

The project will be implemented within three years. Connection of the Internet to social objects will increase availability of digital services in the remote localities of edge. Thanks to modern services, including telemedicine and biometrics, the constructed infrastructure will help inhabitants of the region with the remote solution of many vital tasks.

The plan for connection to the Internet 262 SZO in the Astrakhan region until the end of 2021

On August 20, 2019 Rostelecom reported that it will connect to the Internet 262 objects of the social sphere in 141 localities of the Astrakhan region until the end of 2021. For this purpose specialists of the company will construct 387 km of optical communication links. The project will be implemented according to the results of the competition announced by the Ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation.

Within the contract will be provided with digital trunking medical assistant's and medical and obstetrical centers, educational institutions, public authorities and local government and also fire brigades and posts. In total until the end of 2019 Rostelecom is going to connect 26% of the socially important objects (SIO).

Rostelecom continues elimination of digital inequality in the region. Now not only for residents of small settlements, but also for the state organizations. Also thanks to the carried-out work we have a technical capability to connect households and business companies to which earlier digital trunking was unavailable because of remote location. It is sure that upon termination of works we will be able to speak about the next step – construction of "smart" ecosystems in spheres of health care, education and security especially as for this purpose we already have all necessary solutions and experience,

The organization of Internet access of socially important objects – one more direction within the national program "Digital Economy". A project objective – development of domestic communication networks and IT infrastructure on collecting, storage, processing and data transmission.

Construction of network infrastructure in our region has paramount value both for economy, and for the social sphere. Thanks to modern communication we will be able gradually to digitize all processes on work with citizens that will allow them to receive all public services far off. For business Internet access any more not just an option, and vital need therefore with development of Internet networks we hope for growth of business activity in the region,


Plans for connection to the Internet 95 SZO Republics of Kalmykia

On August 1, 2019 Rostelecom reported that until the end of 2019 it will connect to the Internet of 95 of 365 socially important objects (SIO) of the Republic of Kalmykia within the first stage of the three-year public contract with the Ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation. The agreement provides step-by-step connection of 365 regional SZO until the end of 2021: in 2019 26% of objects, in 2020 – 32% and in 2021 – 42% will be connected.

For implementation of the public contract specialists of Rostelecom will construct more than 1000 km of the communication fiber lines (CFL) up to 142 localities of Kalmykia. The optical network of data transmission will cover 143 educational institutions (school and secondary vocational education institutions), 82 medical assistant's and medical and obstetrical center, 103 executive authorities of the republic and local government, 19 fire posts and parts, 9 territorial election commissions, 9 divisions of bodies of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

Creation of modern and reliable telecom infrastructure – one of problems of implementation of this federal project. Construction of optical lines of communication will increase availability of digital services in each area of the Republic of Kalmykia. Connection of objects to the Internet will allow to unroll a trusted network of transfer, processing and data storage,
told Igor Enin, the associate director – the technical director of the Kalmyk branch PJSC Rostelecom

Access to a global network of socially important organizations it is provided by the federal draft "Information Infrastructure" of the national program "Digital Economy".