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RIC-systems left the structure of Russian Business Systems (RBS) group in 2013.

In structure the Russian Business Systems (RBS) of NPO Russkiye Innovatsionnye Kompleksnye Sistemy (RIC-system) specialized in development, production and deliveries of an electronic equipment and also implements complex projects based on the developed solutions.

Key activity of the company was development and production of information navigation equipment based on technologies GLONASSGPS//Galileo, solutions for the systems of a professional radio communication and also implementation of complex projects.

NPO RIK-Sistemy located own engineering and production resources which allow to provide development and implementation of both standard, and individual solutions. For technical support of users the profile service center performing hardware maintenance of NPO RIK-Sistemy and the partner companies is created.

2013 RBS buys NPO RIK-Sistemy

The Russian Business Systems group announced in May, 2013 completion of the transaction on acquisition of NPO RIK-Sistemy company. A main objective of the transaction is gain of the integration direction of business of a project implementation team for the benefit of the state customers.

The NPO RIK-Sistemy private company works at the Russian market since 2009 and specializes in implementation of hardware and software systems and automated systems of a different complexity class and industry orientation. In a product portfolio of NPO RIK-Sistemy – the certified solutions for "System-112", "The safe city" and Electronic government. The company has a number of patents for solutions in the field of warning systems and intellectual video surveillance. All software solutions are delivered on the powerful multiservice platform of processing and information analysis from different objects and processes. In a professional company asset - wide experience of implementation of large-scale projects in the market of B2G.

All solutions underwent successful approbation and are implemented in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Krasnodar Krai and other regions of the Russian Federation. The innovation direction of NPO RIK-Sistemy is directed to development of specialized software products for transport telematics and monitoring systems based on GLONASS and GPS. The NPO RIK-Sistemy company has powerful research and production base and is engaged in development and production of telecommunication and navigation equipment. In the field of the international cooperation NPO RIK-Sistemy is the accredited Service-Partner of a number of leading manufacturers of telecommunication equipment.