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Main events of week on February 11-17

11.02.13, 07:00, Msk

About what interesting waits for the Russian IT industry during a week from February 11 to February 17, read in the special overview of TAdviser.


February 11: Birthday of Arkadiya Volozha

On February 11 Arkady Volozh, the founder, the co-owner and the CEO of Yandex Company was born. After carrying out the IPO in May, 2011 Volozha has 19.77% of voting shares of "Yandex". Before creation of "Yandex" of Volozh directed CompTek company. Arkady Volozha's fortune is estimated in $900 million.

February 12

On February 12 in Nizhny Novgorod the conference "Current trends of development of IT infrastructure will take place. Technologies for business from EMS", organized by CROC Volga region.

In the same day in St. Petersburg Softline Security Day 2013, the conference devoted to topical issues of information security on which experts of the market and representatives of supplier companies of software solutions will act will take place.

One more action of day – the forum "Security technologies".

February 13: Birthday of Vadim Afanasyev

On February 13 Vadim Afanasyev was born. In 1999 founded Inline Group company. Since 2011 heads Board of Directors of group. Is engaged in development of business strategy of group, supervises implementation of large projects

On February 13-15 there will take place the partner forum Directum which it will become traditional the meeting place of specialists from different regions of Russia and the CIS countries. This time the professional community will gather in the city of Yekaterinburg.

Also on Wednesday the industrial corporation Eaton for the first time in Russia will hold an event "Day of technologies and innovations".

Also Belmont and Genesys will carry out a business breakfast in new training competence center and software solutions of Belmont company.

On February 13 the Information and practical conference "the State will take place. Science. Business: Interaction mechanisms in the innovation sphere".

On February 13 Sergey Komyagin, until recently the head of Software AG Russia and the CIS countries was born. In due time also headed companies SystemGroup, Symbol Technologie, IBM Russia and S&T International. For years of work received a large number of awards, including: 100 most influential persons of IT market of Russia.

February 14: 85 years since the birth of Sergey Kapitsa

On February 14 85 years since the birth of Sergey Kapitsa, legends not only the Russian science, but also the outstanding personality known in the world are performed. Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, chief researcher of Institute of physical problems of P.L. Kapitsa, professor, author of four books, tens of articles, 14 inventions and one opening. Creator of a phenomenological mathematical model of hyperbolic growth of population of Earth. Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa headed more than three decades the Scientific America magazine on which several generations of scientists grew. In the last years of life actively studied problems of information society, globalization, demography. Nearly four decades he was the leader of TV program "Obvious – improbable" which for the first time aired on February 24, 1973. Died in 2012.

On February 14 in Yekaterinburg the ORDER in business conference devoted to questions of business process management and document flow in the organization will take place.

On February 14 in Moscow CNews will hold a conference "BPM systems: means for increase in business performance".

Also this day in Kiev there will take place the master class of "5 recipes of effective management of finance".

On February 14, 2005, 8 years ago, the service of a video hosting YouTube was founded. The very first video – a 18-second roller of amateur shooting of American D. Karim in the zoo San Diego – on YouTube was placed on April 23, 2005. The Russian version of service was started on November 14, 2007. In November, 2006 YouTube was purchased by Google company.

February 15: Birthday of Evgeny Goland

On February 15 a birthday at Evgeny Goland, the president of DataArt. One of founders of company, the expert in questions of efficiency of IT outsourcing, heads executive council of association – professional community which mission – increase in efficiency in the outsourcing industry. Goland is the chairman of department of SME Global Sourcing in International association of professionals of outsourcing (IAOP) and the member of advisory committee of the Billion Minds Foundation organization.

Also on February 15 Dmitry Livanov, the statesman, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation since May, 2012 was born.

One more birthday boy of day -Konstantin Kravchenko, the Chief information officer Gazprom Neft.

Also on this birthday Igor Smirnov, the head of Zed Russia celebrates.

February 16: Birthday of Ilya Massukh

On February 16 Ilya Massukh, the president Fonda of development of information democracy was born. Worked 13 years in the Russian department of IBM, from fall of 2008 to July, 2010 - the adviser to the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Igor Shchegolev. The portal of electronic state services which creation was coordinated by Ilya Massukh became one of the brightest projects of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

February 17

On February 17 139 years since the birth of Thomas Watson, the first CEO of IBM company are performed. Died in 1956 in the USA.

Also this day Victor Iudin, the senior vice president Rostelecom, and Evgenia Naumova, the chief of the department of corporate sales Kaspersky Lab were born.

It is possible to study the complete list of events of this week here.