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Баннер в шапке 2


Troitsk Evgeny Vadimovich
Troitsk Evgeny Vadimovich


Was born in Moscow.


In 1982 graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University.

In 1982 came to a postgraduate study.


Since 1985 works at department of the higher geometry and topology of the MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.

For March 4, 2013 holds the assistant manager's position laboratory of geometrical methods of mathematical physics Mekhmat Lomonosov Moscow State University. Professor of department of the higher geometry and topology.

Achievements, awards

In 1986 under the leadership of the prof. A.S. Mishchenko and the prof. Yu.P. Solovyov defended the master's thesis: "The index of equivalent C* - elliptic operators".

In 1993 received an academic degree of the doctor of science, having defended the dissertation "The theory of C* index in geometry and topology".

In 1996 E.V. Troitsky was entitled professor of department of the higher geometry.

Scientific, civil, political activity

The member of the Moscow mathematical society since 1994.

The member of the American mathematical society since 1998.