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2014/07/23 13:44:25

Corporate mobile devices (market of the USA and Europe)



Corporate mobile devices are very widespread: nearly three quarters of the organizations issue to employees notebooks (74%) and smartphones (71%). Tablets are used only in a half (47%) of the polled companies so far — but in the next three years, as expected, they will catch up with the "senior companions" thanks to migration on tablet devices of many resource-intensive mobile applications.

Research of Frost & Sullivan company "Poll of consumers: the future of mobile devices in the USA and Europe (The Future of Mobile Devices from a Customer Perspective — United States and Europe)" revealed that according to poll by 2016 use of smartphones can decrease from 66% to 58% while tablets "will grow" from 49% to 56%.

It is interesting that though nearly 60% of the organizations allow connection of personal devices to corporate network, official policy on use of such devices (bring your own device - BYOD) is accepted only in two of five companies — heads of IT departments report about it.

"About 58% of the large companies formulated the policy in the field of BYOD, but among small business of such only 20% — Karolina Olszewska, the analyst of Frost & Sullivan claims. — From options the politician most often meet implementing solutions for network technologies (67% of the companies) and mobile device management (61%)".

The situation using mobile devices in business quickly changes. The certificate to that is increase in popularity of Android — now it is the most widespread (56%) the platform for corporate mobile devices. It is followed BY iOS (41%), Windows Mobile (30%) and BlackBerry (28%).

From the industries which entered a research of 2013 corporate smartphones are most actively used in banking, financial and insurance business. However in production spheres tablets are in the lead.

"62% of all employees work in the old manner, at office. Only 22% residing in traveling and working far off — 16% — Carolina Olshevska notes. — In spite of the fact that this trend will hardly significantly change in the next three years, the number of office workers will probably decrease a little, and mobile and remote — will grow up that will open additional opportunities of use of smartphones and tablets".