City cameras in the Moscow region were connected to a neural network to recognize garbage, pits and non-working lights
Customers: Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region
Government of the Moscow Region Contractors: Rostelecom, DEPO Computers (Depot Electronics) Product: Rostelecom: Safe CitySecond product: Depo Storm Third product: Comprehensive video surveillance projects Project date: 2014/03 - 2023/01
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The system of technological support for regional public security and operational management "Safe Region" is being created within the framework of the implementation of the state program of the Moscow Region "Security of the Moscow Region" on the basis of the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of 27.01.2015 No. 23/3.
As part of the Safe City program, video surveillance systems have been installed in cities and towns of the Moscow Region for crowded places, highways and residential facilities.
The architecture of the firmware complex provides for the receipt of video information into a single monitoring center, in which information is stored and primary operational processing using specialized software. If potentially dangerous events are detected, the relevant services are informed - law enforcement, emergency rescue, medical, communal, etc.
Cameras connected to neural networks to recognize garbage, pits and non-working lights
City cameras in the Moscow region were connected to a neural network to recognize garbage, pits and non-working lights. This was announced at the end of August 2023 in the regional ministry of public administration, information technology and communications.
When a neural network finds a violation, it creates a frame with it, and then fixes the camera address, municipality, time and type of violation. Further, the information is sent to the responsible contractor to the administration of the city district or the management company. The employee, using the information system for monitoring and planning work in the field of road infrastructure, confirms or refutes the fact of violation. If shortcomings are detected, the contractor eliminates them, and then uploads the photo report to the application and sends it to the moderator - an employee of the Main Directorate for the Content of Territories, who controls the check.
As the Minister of Public Administration, IT and Communications of the region Nadezhda Kurtyanik said, in 44 districts of the Moscow region more than 1.5 thousand cameras of the "Safe Region" monitor the cleanliness of territories. Checks are carried out twice a day.
The development of AI solutions is carried out by the Maximum IT company subordinate to the Ministry of State Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region. The project was launched in conjunction with the Main Directorate for the Maintenance of Territories.
Earlier, the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov said that the authorities of the Moscow Region for 2023 are faced with the task of introducing artificial intelligence technologies as much as possible in all areas.
The fact is that the Moscow region is huge. How can you manage large systems without having an indicator, without applying modern management? And artificial intelligence is just the next story about technology. First, we digitized everything - how much MRI works, how a child learns, how to make an appointment with a doctor. This digitization gave us big data. And people are not able to process this big data, "Vorobyov said. |
Another 30 thousand cameras are connected to the Safe Region system
In the suburbs, another 30 thousand cameras are connected to the Safe Region system.
Video cameras of the Safe Region system have been monitoring the safety of residents of the Moscow Region since 2015. In 2022, their number increased by more than 28.6 thousand. In 2023, about 2 thousand more cameras were added. This was reported on February 17, 2023 by the Ministry of Public Administration, IT and Communications of the region.
In 2022, more than 28.6 thousand video cameras were connected to the Safe Region system, which is almost 15% more than in the previous one. New video surveillance points appeared in 57 urban districts of the Moscow region. Of these, 4084 cameras were launched in Lyubertsy, 3093 in Balashikha and 2488 in Krasnogorsk, "said Nadezhda Kurtyanik, Minister of State Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region. |
Video cameras of the Safe Region system operate at the entrances to the entrances of apartment buildings, in parks, on roads and intersections, in public transport, near shops, schools, kindergartens, playgrounds and other public places.
Also, during the construction, reconstruction or overhaul of an object in the Moscow region, it is necessary to connect a video surveillance complex to the Safe Region system. The service "Approval of the design (working) documentation for the creation of the facility PTK" is available on the regional portal.
2020: Almost 2,000 CCTV cameras installed in recreation areas of the Moscow region
Almost 2,000 CCTV cameras are installed in recreation areas of the Moscow region. This became known on June 19, 2020.
The number of video cameras in parks and recreation areas will be increased. Work on equipping recreational areas is being carried out within the framework of the regional program of the Safe Region system.
When improving the territories of parks, local governments will necessarily include the creation of a video surveillance system in the cost estimate. Online monitoring in the Safe Region system is carried out continuously. And if the operator sees an attempt to commit a crime on the monitor, PPS officers are promptly sent to the place[1] of the[2].
The segment of the "Safe Region" system has been deployed in 21 cities of the Moscow region
In 2016, a segment of the System was deployed, providing control over the events taking place in places of mass stay and residence of people and at socially significant infrastructure facilities in 19 cities of the Moscow region with a population of over 100 thousand residents, as well as in the urban districts of Zvenigorod and Ivanteevka (21 cities of the Moscow region). These municipalities of the Moscow region are home to 43% of the region's population (3.1 million inhabitants).
More than 3 thousand cameras are planned to be installed in the Moscow region by the end of 2016
Video surveillance systems of cities of the Moscow region were built according to the service model. The Moscow Region Government orders video transmission services from telecom operators and accumulates the collected information in municipal data storage centers, and the installation and operating costs fall on the shoulders of operators.
In the Moscow region, the program started in 2015. According to Alexander Varev, Deputy Director of the Macro-Regional Branch of Center of Rostelecom, it is planned to install more than 3 thousand cameras in the Moscow region by the end of 2016. In 2017-2018, Rostelecom plans to increase the number of cameras by almost 3 times. 90% of the cameras will be used for video surveillance of the courtyard area, as well as parks and crowded places. 10% of all cameras installed by Rostelecom, with the ability to recognize vehicle registration plates, will be placed at entrances and exits from cities.
Among the promising directions for the development of urban video surveillance systems, Alexander Varev named the project for combining access video surveillance and a locking device.
Within the framework of the project, it is planned to install access video surveillance cameras without raising funds from the budget of the Moscow region. The service will provide access control to the entrance of the apartment building using an individual code, an electronic key, as well as a subscriber device from the Subscriber's apartment; audio communication between the ringing panel of the locking device and the Subscriber Unit; transfer of video image from access video surveillance cameras to Municipal data processing and storage centers.
2015: Russian servers ensure the safety of residents of the Moscow region
In 2015, DEPO Computers took part in the modernization of the security system for citizens of cities and towns of the Moscow Region. As part of the program, equipment is being provided with video monitoring systems for streets, squares, courtyards of residential buildings, which are designed to ensure the safety of citizens in public places, as well as help the internal affairs bodies ensure public order, and increase the detection of crimes in hot pursuit. Centralized processing of video information allows the rapid response services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, traffic police, EMERCOM of Russia, as well as emergency medical care, to promptly respond to all emerging emergencies and threats to the safety of citizens.
Vendor Selection
The core of the hardware and software complex is a server platform designed to store and process video recordings from surveillance cameras. The contractor, Rostelecom, conducted an expert assessment of the suppliers of server equipment for the implementation of the project to create and deploy a centralized video information collection system covering the entire Moscow region. In total, within the framework of the project, it was necessary to deploy the server infrastructure of the Safe City agro-industrial complex in 105 settlements, including urban and rural settlements of the Moscow region.
As a result of the assessment of the combined capabilities (development, customization, production, logistics, installation, setup and maintenance), the Russian company DEPO Computers was chosen, which has unique experience in the development and production of server equipment. In the Russian market, DEPO Computers has ranked second among all server suppliers over the past few years.
By order of the macro-regional branch Center of Rostelecom, DEPO Computers specialists have developed a unique solution designed for rapid deployment in monitoring centers and ensuring reliable storage of video recordings. The solution is built on a modular principle, which allows you to quickly scale the system if necessary.
DEPO Computers has been operating in the Russian IT market for 20 years and offers reliable solutions that are in no way inferior to imported counterparts. The extensive experience of DEPO Computers in designing a server infrastructure allows you to choose the configuration of server equipment for any task. At the same time, the most accurate correspondence of the solved problem, high reliability of the solution and optimal cost is ensured.
The company's strength is the ability to create solutions that exactly meet the customer's needs. The model range of DEPO Computers equipment, unlike international IT companies, provides for wide possibilities for customization and production of equipment for each customer on an individual basis. DEPO Computers provides the most accurate and complete solution of the customer's tasks by creating and customizing products according to the needs of each implemented project.
The solution includes a specially designed server cabinet with a height of 42 units, an uninterruptible power supply, a switch and provides for the installation of 1 to 10 specialized servers - depending on the load. Thanks to the extensive experience of developing and manufacturing server cabinets and racks, DEPO Computers specialists managed to design a non-standard cabinet in the shortest possible time, the design of which ensures simple installation of equipment and quick connection to the local infrastructure.
A special model of the DEPO Storm 3357G2 server has been developed for processing and storing video information. Each server is designed to receive information from 64 video cameras and store incoming information for 30 days. To ensure high availability of information, the server disk subsystem is a RAID-5 disk array with the ability to hot-swap hard drives in the event of a failure.
The specialized server architecture is built on the basis of the modern Intel® platform, which provides high reliability and required performance. To solve the problem of storing and processing video recordings, an architecture based on two Intel Xeon E5-2600 v3 processors was chosen, which provides high performance and low power consumption.
At each location of the equipment, there was already a local infrastructure, including communication channels provided by Rostelecom. One of the challenges faced by DEPO Computers engineers was the need to seamlessly integrate server hardware designed to store and process video recordings into existing infrastructure.
In addition, it was necessary to provide a simple scaling solution, depending on the number of video surveillance cameras installed in the village. The developed dedicated server DEPO Storm 3357G2 is designed to connect 64 video surveillance cameras. Scaling is provided by the simple installation of additional servers, a total of up to 10 servers per server cabinet are supported, which completely covers the needs for the server infrastructure for the Safe City agro-industrial complex, even in large cities of the Moscow region.
With the latest Intel® server processors, you can avoid the need to increase the power available in your local video processing and reception centers. The installation of the server hardware did not require significant changes to the local infrastructure, which minimized the cost of deploying and commissioning the DEPO server platform.
Warranty service is provided by the DEPO Computers service, which guarantees the replacement of solution components within 24 hours, in case of failure. Due to the well-functioning work on ensuring the quality of the equipment produced, DEPO Computers guarantees a low probability of breakdowns and failures.
As part of the project, DEPO Computers specialists developed a package of technical documentation and operating instructions for employees of information reception and processing centers and for specialists of OJSC Rostelecom"" who support the Safe City system in the Moscow Region.
Successful work in the project to build the server infrastructure of the Safe City agro-industrial complex revealed all the advantages of the DEPO Computers business model:
- Production of equipment on order. A special package of server equipment designed for different load levels and providing simple scaling was developed, manufactured and tested.
- The use of the most modern technologies provided by the world's leading vendors, with which DEPO Computers has established successful technological cooperation. This project has chosen the Intel® Server Platform to maximize the efficiency of the solution.
- All 105 kits, including server equipment, UPS and non-standard server cabinet, were manufactured at the DEPO Computers manufacturing site as soon as possible.
- Each set of equipment has been tested on a test bench, including load testing and thermal chamber testing.
- All sets of equipment were delivered to the installation site, and commissioning was carried out by DEPO Computers specialists.
- The entire project, from receiving a technical assignment to supplying equipment to the sites of its installation in cities near Moscow, took only 2 weeks. The project was completed at the end of December 2014.
"The use of the project approach in solving complex problems is the main condition for success, and it was thanks to the project approach that we managed to ensure the development and implementation of the server infrastructure for the Safe City program on time," comments Viktor Urusov, vice president of DEPO Computers. - Such projects allow to fully reveal the unique advantage of our company - the possibility of developing solutions for a specific task. DEPO Computers can develop solutions for each customer, and continue to accompany and support such solutions. No large international company will be able to provide an individual solution to Russian customers. When using imported equipment, which is produced en masse, the customer receives excessive functionality and incurs additional costs. We offer our customers a more rational approach: the development of a solution for the technical requirements for a business task. Our experience shows that this approach is always positively perceived by customers. "
The system has been in operation since December 2014 and has shown high reliability over the past time. During this time, there was not a single failure of DEPO equipment.
As of June 2015, based on the experience gained, work is underway to expand the geography of using the Safe City solution developed in DEPO Computers. In 2015, it is planned to upgrade and expand the system in the Moscow region, and in 2016-2018 - the introduction of the Safe City agro-industrial complex based on DEPO server equipment in other regions of the Russian Federation.
Information technologies in the Moscow region
Main article: Information technologies in the Moscow region