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2016/02/02 22:30:11

TAdviser Interview: The Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Alexey Kozyrev about superservices, SIEI 4.0 and binding of state data

The Deputy Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation Alexey Kozyrev told in an interview to the Chief Editor of TAdviser Alexander Levashov about the next stage of development of information systems of the electronic government, their integration with banks, about the concept of superservices and approach of the ministry to a question of binding of data of different departments.

The Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Alexey Kozyrev about superservices, smart SIEI and binding of state data

Time of an interview is limited so we will try to talk briefly about results of 2015 (which, in general it is possible to observe including on the portal of state services) and we will pass to plans. Implemented in 2015 what projects (tasks) in the field of the electronic government you you can call a subject of the professional pride?

Alexey Kozyrev: I think that it would be wrong to be proud. It is work. Kind of well this or that task was not solved, it is possible to make even better. Everything that we do – that turns out and that it is impossible - it is experience of which we make use in the following projects. Somewhere we are happy with results, somewhere are dissatisfied.

It is obvious that the new interface of the uniform portal of state services (including navigation) became more convenient. We see how the number of its users increases. Therefore in 2016 we are going gradually all services of the old portal to transfer to the new version and thus to complete migration. Then to the address the new portal will be placed. Those services which work and will not change departments, will move to the new portal and will be displayed with the new interface. Forms of filing of applications, perhaps, will remain the same for some time until departments do not make the decision that these forms should be changed.

It does not concern the most demanded state services. All most popular services are upgraded now. In December, 2015 there was a release when on the new portal many new services appeared. We publish all updates on the special page

At us the system of electronic delivery of the registered mail on penalties of traffic police earned (the pilot in the Moscow region), the discount for fast payment of penalties is started by 50%, services of the Pension Fund in the statement from a retirement account in a new format appeared. Now this statement can be sent to banks for use it as proof of income.

Do you keep track of demand of this service?

Alexey Kozyrev: Yes, statistics is – about ten banks participated in the pilot, for 2015 clients sent them statements of 200 thousand times. It is the first feeler and already such demand. The service is essentially new because the result of state service in electronic form for the first time is accepted by the commercial organizations. It was not earlier. This whole direction.

In state agencies we already decided on the principle that data which are stored in authorities cannot be demanded from the citizen, but so far as concerns commercial enterprises, about business – often these or those white papers are required to be provided in paper form. It is very important that the citizen, going beyond public sector, could use white electronic papers the same as it can use paper documents. Statements from the Pension fund - one of examples of how it can be implemented.

One more important direction on which we worked in 2015 it is a possibility of use of the login password of state services on different federal and regional state portals. In 2015 using the login password of state services became possible to come into a uniform office of the taxpayer. Now the vast majority of federal and regional services accept the login password of state services (an exception – services of Rosreestr).

It is very important since the number of platforms on which state services are implemented is rather high. Uniform identification and authentication give the chance to integrate these electronic services, bringing together them from different platforms, in uniform navigation, uniform user experience. The session which opens through our Single Sign On of a system is supported by providers of electronic services. And even if all services necessary for the person are implemented not on one website, it can switch from one website to another rather conveniently. It is not necessary to pereloginivatsya and remember every time different logins passwords.

What were engaged regarding a backend in?

Alexey Kozyrev: In 2015 we in the different modes tested SIEI 3, the large-scale campaign for transition to a new format of interdepartmental interaction began. In 2016 we are going this work to see off actively that in 2017 to prepare for shutdown of the previous version SIEI.

Also in 2016 we begin development SIEI of the 4th version – it will differ from previous in new functionality. It will be smart SIEI. In it the orchestration of data, a possibility of binding of information resources among themselves, a possibility of data acquisition in batch mode for implementation of the state functions, opportunity for mailing of updates of information from one information resource in another will appear.

I.e. it will be the whole set of new features which are demanded now in interaction of authorities, but since in SIEI there is no this functionality, departments are forced to solve these problems, being integrated by a point-to-point.

Can you give an example how these new features can be demanded in practice?

Alexey Kozyrev: If package data from Rosreestr are required for the region for development planning of territories, then now by means of infrastructure of the electronic government in batch mode of data it is impossible to receive.

What sort packet? What data are?

Alexey Kozyrev: Across the territory, for example. Not on one section, and on several.

Through one request the region cannot receive these data?

Alexey Kozyrev: Yes, there is no format of a request at which it is possible to receive data on data array. This the first. The second – if information exchange goes with different departments, at the same time departments in the information resources use interdepartmental requests for formation of the register entry, then during creation of such interdepartmental requests we will give an opportunity to departments to connect data in information resources so that unique identifiers in both resources created an opportunity afterwards to address and to quickly index requests from one resource in another.

Thus more convenient technology of obtaining responses to interdepartmental requests as the data model of these connected information resources will be automatically processed at requests will be created.

Now requests through SIEI are sent approximately as the paper letter where on an envelope the hand it is necessary to write correctly the index, the address, the receiver. Then the letter will reach. The next generation SIEI will allow to send a request kind of by e-mail where the index can be selected from the reference book, to once save a template, and these requests will leave. Including package requests. Including there will be an opportunity to subscribe for updating of this or that information resource.

Let's say if data which comprise data from other resource are stored in my information resource, then I can subscribe for updates, and other resource will send me updates automatically.

In 2016 you will only begin development SIEI 4?

Alexey Kozyrev: Yes. It will be development. We will add new features to flowing SIEI. These functions are not something essentially new in terms of integration buses. They just extend. Technology it will be the same SIEI constructed on the open source. Just there will be a new operation mode.

Returning to results of 2015 - what from planned to you did not manage to be implemented? What did you remain are dissatisfied?

Alexey Kozyrev: Questions on public-private partnership in the field of the electronic government are still open.

Legislative character?

Alexey Kozyrev: Legislative and technical. We still did not develop any scheme allowing to attract private investments for project implementation in the field of the electronic government. This that area in which we will continue to work in 2016 and to look for solutions. Perhaps, this solution to find will work well.

In general, what we were going to make – to us worked well. Slightly more time for finishing mobile application was required – the first versions from the beginning of 2015 raised many questions of users. Now the application became much better. On the homepage of App Store it is in the section Trends that testifies to great interest of users.

Now about plans. What new state services will appear on the new portal in 2016-17? There is a road map of these services?

Alexey Kozyrev: At us the main services are already brought to the beta of the portal. There their more than 30. The most demanded there already are. In 2016 we are going to transfer services of the old portal to design and navigation of the new portal gradually. Let's be guided by readiness of departments to technology support such transition.

The most often popular services are already made, and now we will work with departments to improve the user experiment on those services which were upgraded.

The road map assumes not expansion of the list of the most demanded services, but quality improvement of what is already made by means of iterations. We do portal releases every two weeks. Each release is a small improvement. We will constantly support this process. It corresponds to the best practices of how services on the Internet develop.

There are some priority services over which we should work seriously. First of all it is services of Rosreestr. There are some services of the Pension fund, in particular, projects on cooperation increase with credit institutions – providing data (statements) from the Pension fund and also in the opposite direction – when the citizen, being in bank, can submit the application for transfer to it pensions for the bank account. It is the interesting service demanded from citizens. Now for this purpose it is necessary to write the paper application at office RPF.

Such application can be submitted in online bank?

Alexey Kozyrev: Both in online bank and in bank department. The citizen should not fill all fields of the statement – for it other operator will be able to make it. And the citizen by means of the account from state services will perform legally significant action for filing of application on obtaining result and will confirm that he wants to submit such application to the Pension fund.

What plans for integration of the portal of state services with MFC network?

Alexey Kozyrev: Now many services require two visits of MFC. At the first documents are filed, at the second – get. We consider that from the point of view of the user it is better when the citizen submits the application in electronic form, and comes to take away in MFC (if the service surely requires obtaining the document – we save one visit). In MFC costs for provision of services are reduced, at the citizen time is saved. It is necessary for emergence of this opportunity that the IC MFC, the portal of state services, the departmental systems learned to work together, and in 2016 we will begin to be engaged in it actively. Let's begin with the most mass services.

I.e. the application can be submitted using the portal and behind result if the paper document is necessary, to come to that MFC which is nearby?

Alexey Kozyrev: Yes, it is right. One more idea which should be studied is in using in MFC identification and authentication of state services for filing of applications. Why it is interesting? Often in MFC there are representatives of different authorities. It is caused by the fact that powers on reception of applications and carrying out identification and authentication require presence of the representative of this or that authority in MFC. At the same time for electronic state service the legislation provides passing of identification and authentication through a single system (Unified identification and authentication system). If the citizen in MFC underwent this procedure through EDS infrastructure (through a Unified identification and authentication system), then his statement can be adopted by the universal specialist. The representative of authority is not required for identification any more. It will allow to optimize processes in MFC and to provide more services by forces of universal specialists.

Alexey Kozyrev: In 2016 we will be able to make pilot starts of smart services

What plans concerning services in life situations, superservices?

Alexey Kozyrev: All understand that they to the citizen of service are important not by on departments, and by on that situation against which he came up. When the child is born, the packet from 10 different services of different departments is required at once.

With marriage the same …

Alexey Kozyrev: Yes. And it is obvious that the correct sequence of rendering these services and decrease in load of the citizen is a major task. But here we should solve a problem: that the service in a life situation became really superservice, a certain intellectual assistant, a certain software should be authorized to act on behalf of the citizen and to interact with authorities. For example, if you want that your bills for electricity were paid automatically, you come into a personal account, specify the card number with which money should be written off and you confirm your will that you charge to this software to accept accounts from your name and to pay them. You kind of create certain powers for an information system to work from your name and recognize that it has the right it to do.

To us it is necessary to define the same in legislative and normative sense for information systems on the basis of which such life situations are created. Now, when we speak about provision of services on life situations, as a rule it is about the fact that an opportunity for one visit will be simply created to submit all necessary applications in parallel where it is possible. Actually it is not superservice.

The superservice arises only when this business process of a cascade of different functions of different departments is controlled a certain algorithm which is stored in some information system. And then the citizen, submitting the application for a life situation, should authorize an information system, interacting with different authorities, at the end to collect a certain result and to provide this result to the citizen.

At the same time it is not important, the citizen addresses to MFC or submits the application via the portal of state services. This process of providing service should be always identical, universal because it proceeds from the operating regulatory legal acts regulating providing state service.

The next generation of services - both electronic, and services which will be provided through MFC - I am sure, it will be such superservices which do not require that the citizen understood powers of departments, authorities.

At me the child was born recently. I came to MFC and me on a piece of paper, on a reception of MFC wrote out the sequence where I should go - ZAGS, the Pension fund, migration service. I received at first one talonchik in ZAGS, there registered the birth and granted the certificate of birth, then in migration service – registered at the place of residence, issued nationality, then in a penny fund – to write the application and to receive the certificate, etc. This business process which the employee of MFC wrote me on a piece of paper needs to be automated so that the person did not even notice it.

It is good that though wrote … Earlier and it was not.

Alexey Kozyrev: Of course, it is fine. It is already huge break. The next stage - when both MFC, and the portal of state services become more and more smart. From the atomic departmental focused services we should pass to such complex process avtomatization when the person can tell the portal or MFC – I want that you for me passed all chains, I confirm the will that I gave birth to the child, and I would like that all operations ought under the law were performed. Further either the portal, or MFC assumes responsibility that all this will be made according to the law, the citizen will receive all documents, services necessary for it.

It is a question of technology or legislative development, first of all?

Alexey Kozyrev: Of course, both legislative, and technology. Here a sheaf very close because we, on the one hand, cannot create normative and legal acts which are technically not implemented. On the other hand, we cannot develop information systems without corresponding changes in the NPA. Therefore it is the processes always going in parallel. It is desirable that they were synchronized among themselves, but are not consecutive. Happens that a system is developed, but it cannot be applied. Such mistiming lead to essential delays.

We prepare for public discussion of the system project of the electronic government now till 2020. In this system project we underlie the new principles. And integration with MFC, both new generation SIEI, and the principles of superservices. All this basic provisions of the system project. I think that in the first half of the year we will carry out large-scale public discussions on different platforms (on March 2, 2016 public discussion will take place at the IT Government DAY conference, a comment of TAdviser), we will consult on experts, to finish the text as a result on the government commission under the chairmanship of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev to approve this document. And to pass to implementation of offers which will be issued in the form of the road map.

The current road map is approved by 991 orders of the government. Much of it is already implemented. Some questions remain on the agenda. In 2016 we generally will execute this road map. The new system project is its continuation.

When do you expect emergence of the first full superservices?

Alexey Kozyrev: In 2016 on the portal of state services we will make the navigator on superservices - we will bring together all necessary services in electronic form on life situations and we will give to the citizen the instruction as he should act correctly that to pass all these steps.

Now on atomic services we show a way which should be passed to receive one service. The next stage – when we will say about how services are connected among themselves. We will write that on a piece of paper wrote to me to MFC on the portal. Also we will deliver buttons on electronic services in that sequence in which they should be clicked.

In parallel we will begin process of creation of the NPA and technologies under superservices. I think that in 2016 we will be able to make pilot starts of such smart services.

With what life situation will you begin?

Alexey Kozyrev: Since the child's birth. It is one of the most mass situations. Children are born, thank God, so far very often. Unlike marriage, registration of the real estate or purchase of the house, for example, the services connected with the birth generally federal (except for services REGISTRY OFFICES and social security).

Let's begin with federal agencies, we will make methodology, we will prepare the NPA and then we will select set of life situations (it is defined in a normativka for MFC) and we will automate.

Except a marriage, the birth of the child, registration of the real estate what else life situations are widespread?

Alexey Kozyrev: For example, loss of all documents, retirement …

I.e. in 2016 you will begin the pilot?

Alexey Kozyrev: Yes. Also we will make on the portal landing (the navigator on services). The sense is that business process for the present will remain on the party of the citizen. But a task to make so that the citizen could give the right to work such intellectual assistant and that this assistant himself worked all technology.

One more new subject of 2015 - the open platform of state services. What development plans for this direction? When can state services be received through "Yandex" or VKontakte?

Alexey Kozyrev: We worked technology when the service implemented on the portal of state services is placed on external Internet resusrse. Fulfilled with the state information systems – with Moscow and other regions. Before applying this technology on commercial resources, we check the NPA – we should be convinced that adjustments of the legislation will not be required. Previously we consider that such adjustments are not necessary. It is only about a method of display of the uniform portal of state services in the browser. Therefore the provisions which are available for us are acts of the government and laws do not require adjustment. In fact services are provided to the citizen all on the same EPGU.

In 2016 we are going to carry out the pilot with the commercial organizations for placement of functionality of state services on their platforms. What it will be the organization to speak early so far. Persons interested certainly are. And not only Internet companies, but also credit institutions.

Online banks?

Alexey Kozyrev: Online banks are also other subject. One case when we the widgets give for embedding them to the websites of the commercial organizations (credit or the Internet companies). Another matter – cooperation with Internet bank.

When the credit institution signs the agreement with the client, by the legislation she carries out identification and client authentication. And this identification / authentication is same reliable, as well as identification/client authentication when providing state service. If this is so, then all clients of banks having accounts in banks are also identified/are properly authenticated, theoretically by means of this identification / authentication should have access to state services.

The bank is responsible that identification/authentication was properly carried out. If the bank issues a due mean of access to Internet bank and performs operations by means of these access facilities, then according to the banking legislation identification/authentication in electronic form is also observed. Therefore it is logical that if the person uses Internet bank, in Internet bank at it an opportunity to receive state services owes.

Without supplementary procedures of identification/authentication?

Alexey Kozyrev: Yes. And we analyze opportunities for automatic registration of citizens in a Unified identification and authentication system from within Internet bank now. When they underwent identification/authentication of bank.

And an input with the login password of bank?

Alexey Kozyrev: In Internet bank yes.

And in a Unified identification and authentication system?

Alexey Kozyrev: It is that the person will be included into Internet bank and there it will have a Be Registered on State Services button. When he clicks it, in a Unified identification and authentication system he is registered as the citizen who already underwent identification/authentication by the passport. It will not need to come personally anywhere to confirm the account.

At the same time the new password, the new login using which he will be able already to receive state services is issued to it?

Alexey Kozyrev: Yes, the new login password – also as to the normal citizen is issued to it. As the login a system will suggest it to enter the e-mail address or the phone number.

I.e. it will be exempted from need to go and show the passport?

Alexey Kozyrev: Right. First, it will not need to show the passport. Secondly, after it will be registered in a Unified identification and authentication system – widgets of the portal of state services which can be placed in Internet bank, will give the chance to receive necessary state services directly from that electronic environment in which he receives bank services. And there are abilities to integrate between banking systems and the portal of state services in order that to make the user experience more convenient. That there was a possibility of prefilling of fields in the application, formation of draft copies for statements.

When similar integration is implemented with the first banks?

Alexey Kozyrev: The pilot we are going to start until the end of March, 2016.

The following subject - binding of data. We in detail spoke about it in 2015, but works did not begin. Still it is not clear whether the Federal Treasury or the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications will be engaged in this subject …

Alexey Kozyrev: The treasury offered the draft resolution of the government providing creation of essentially new information system (see about it is more detailed in the report on the IT Government DAY 2015 conference, a comment of TAdviser). We consider that that functionality which really is required needs to be created on the basis of the available systems, to use those technologies which already are. No new acts of the government because all normativka under infrastructure of the electronic government already is are required for us. And powers on the organizations of interdepartmental interaction, and the principles of this interaction allow to implement these technologies already now.

Therefore we just are going to develop SIEI to which 11 thousand information systems and through which billions of requests pass are already connected. We are going to develop it so that the system effectiveness increased that it was more convenient for those who use it.

If the decision on creation of any essentially new system is made, we will connect it to SIEI too and we will interact with it when she earns.

The planned functionality of SIEI is capable to carry out change tracking tasks in donor bases and to notify other information systems on these changes?

Alexey Kozyrev: Technology this task is not something new. Difficulties face organizational – to provide the correct interaction of departments. We consider that those departments which will be organizationally ready to use a system can begin to use it. Those who will not see need for this functionality will be able to use a system as before.

For example, if this or that business process which requires binding of data, ensuring integrity of data, demands technical solution, we will have such solution in SIEI. Will be to connect these functions enough. If it is a system - the supplier of data and it should provide incremental updating of information, the increment means it has to be calculated on the party of the owner of this information resource, and this increment will go to service of SIEI which we will create.

There is no such service now. There are hundreds of others. There will be one more service which will be responsible for work with increments. And this service will know that if the increment from a source came to its address, it will veerno need to be sent on those departments which are receivers of data.

At us now this functionality is implemented within the system of the normative reference information (NRI) which is integrated about SIEI. During creation of the 4th version SIEI we will more densely connect these two systems with each other and the functionality of the NSI system will be implemented within SIEI.

I correctly you understood that the draft resolution on creation of a new system of Treasury is braked including because the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications as the approving department, does not authorize that such system is necessary?

Alexey Kozyrev: Right. We agree that such functionality needs to be implemented, but to do it it is necessary in infrastructure of the electronic government. On the basis of systems which are already available there. Approach which to us is offered is that a system should be created again, and we consider that this approach is not optimal since there are already a lot of efforts and means was enclosed in creation of the available infrastructure, and, of course, it needs to be used in full. Actually, we will also do it.

Our development plans assume that SIEI, as well as all other systems of infrastructure, will become more smart.

What main tasks of Russian regions regarding development of the electronic government?

Alexey Kozyrev: The main task – promoting of the existing electronic services. Now we do not see deficit in services in regions.

I.e. with them everything is all right, it is necessary only to spread?

Alexey Kozyrev: In most of subjects there are electronic REGISTRY OFFICES, services of record in kindergartens, schools, social services. Of course, regions all different. In some there is nothing. But on average – existence of services is already enough to pass to a mass campaign for involvement of new users. The main task – that all people in the country learned that there is such opportunity and for itself solved – they will use it or not.

Therefore we draw the attention of subjects always that it is necessary to identify key categories of citizens, to define for them those services which are already made and to notify these people on existence of such services.

It will lead to increase in number of the citizens registered in a Unified identification and authentication system and, eventually, to increase in a share of citizens who use services.

Task number two – to bring popular and popular services into accord with methodical recommendations about interfaces, about convenience of use. Some services which are already available in electronic form are made not really qualitatively.

Therefore instead of increasing the number of services, it is necessary to work as convenience of already implemented. The first experience can give for the person up as a bad job electronic services for the rest of life. It is very important that these first services were made qualitatively in terms of interfaces. Documents which describe how it should be made are developed, sent to subjects. Let's check how they are performed.