Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Syntellect Tessa Document handling of currency exchange control of bank

The name of the base system (platform): Syntellect Tessa
Developers: Syntellect
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: EDMS,  EDMS - Systems of stream recognition

The solution on process automation of classification and input of currency documents in electronic archive allowing to reduce finance and time expenditure.

The industry - Banks, credit institutions.

Processes which were automated

Processes of classification and input in electronic archive of documents on currency transactions of credit institution by clients and passports of transactions are automated. Using ABBYY FlexiCapture technologies the standard document forms determined by the Bank of Russia are analyzed:

  • transaction certificate,
  • certificate of currency transactions,
  • cargo customs declaration,
  • certificate of existence of supporting documents.

The other unformalized documents accompanying currency transactions get on manual analysis. On the documents which came to archive processes of distribution of documents by currency controllers with a possibility of flexible determination of rules for apportionment and balancing of loading of employees are automated. On key points of processing of documents of currency exchange control statistics gathers and reports for the management of bank form.


The solution is intended for optimization of the following processing of the documents accompanying currency transactions of clients of credit institution:

  • reduction of time for processing of the document,
  • exception of the costs connected with search and loss of documents
  • reduction of finance costs on storage of paper documentation,
  • increase in level of customer service of credit institution.

Business effect

  • Creation of uniform storage of supporting documents on the currency transactions.
  • Exception of paper document storage on currency transactions.
  • Reduction of time of performing transactions more than for 40%.
  • Cost reduction on the organization of paper document storage.

Principle of work

  • The module of processing of incoming documents transfers the scan images of documents according to the transaction from sales points or from the Bank — the Client Online system (BKO) to the ABBYY FlexiCapture system.
  • Through ABBYY FlexiCapture the document type is defined, there is a recognition of the passport number of the transaction and the main details.
  • On the basis of the taken data of a card of documents contact cards of clients.
  • The arrived documents are processed by certain rules: the responsible appointed by means of the mechanism of distribution of tasks works with each document.
  • For the choice of the specialist the type of the arrived document and load of employees is analyzed.
  • Responsible it is appointed or the specialist free at present, or the one who already processed documents of the specific client.
  • The employee of division of currency exchange control checks compliance of the document to the currency law, a system automatically fixes date of processing and adoption of the document.
  • If the responsible refuses adoption of the document, then the revealed violations according to the document are fixed (the list of violations is included in the reference book of a system), a system automatically creates and sends to the client a failure form with indication of the reasons. For each document type there is the template of a failure form.

Information systems

As means of classification and recognition of documents the ABBYY FlexiCapture platform is used. The electronic storage of documents is constructed based on document management systems and Syntellect Tessa processes. The solution is integrated with the automated banking systems based on the Biscuit, CFT (fast adaptation for other core banking systems is possible) and with the systems of remote banking of clients.

The implemented projects

Process automation of document handling of currency exchange control in VTB 24 (public joint stock company)


  • Reduce costs for document handling of currency exchange control.
  • Raise the service level of clients.
  • Exclude turnover of the paper documents confirming the currency transactions of clients of bank.
  • Reduce the risks connected with "a human factor".


  • Economy from system implementation reaches 4 million rubles a year.
  • Document handling became 40% faster.
  • Risks of loss and damage of documents are reduced.
  • The transparency of process for customers increased, instruments of quality control of work of operators of currency control department appeared.
  • Processing and document storage are completely transferred to an electronic form.