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HeadHunter: Job search system

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: HeadHunter
Date of the premiere of the system: 2017/11/16
Last Release Date: 2021
Branches: Internet services
Technology: HRM



Integration plan with the portal "Work in Russia"

Head of Rostruda Mikhail Ivankov and General Director of Hadhunter LLC Mikhail Zhukov signed an agreement on interaction and exchange of information. This was announced on November 29, 2021 in HeadHunter. The document provides for the placement in the Unified Digital Platform in the field of employment and labor relations "Work in Russia" of vacancy information provided by the HeadHunter.

"This cooperation will not only increase the number of job offers at Work in Russia, but also increase the quality of employment by employment centers that switch to the provision of electronic services on the basis of the Unified Digital Platform in Employment and Labor Relations" Work in Russia, "" said Mikhail Ivankov.

In turn, Mikhail Zhukov noted that the agreement between Rostrud and HeadHunter allows employer companies that place vacancies on the hh.ru to continue to hire personnel in comfortable legal conditions.

"For this, when publishing vacancies on the site hh.ru it is enough to include the option of exporting such vacancies for their software placement and on" Work in Russia. " In addition, the choice of such an option will ensure that these employers implement the requirements of article 25 of the employment law, "said the head of HeadHunter.

According to changes in the employment law, from January 1, 2022, most employers are required to post information on vacant jobs and vacant positions on the Work in Russia ECP.

Thus, the integration of a private and public platform - hh.ru and trudvsem.ru, implemented under the agreement, makes it possible for employer companies not only to comply with current legislation, but also to expand the availability of information about job offers, as well as reduce the time of HR services to publish vacancies, which can now be devoted to communications with candidates.

The transfer of vacancy information from client employers will HeadHunter be carried out with their consent.

Accessibility in the departmental system "Catharsis"

2017: Launch of AI-based job search system

November 16, 2017 Internet- the service HeadHunter announced the launch of a job search system based on. artificial intelligence

Search for vacancies on the HeadHunter has become "smart"

According to HeadHunter, the system has learned to analyze resumes and vacancies, predict the likelihood of a response, and also understand the likelihood of an applicant being invited for a further interview.

How does it work

A hh.ru user who is registered on the site and has a resume may not indicate any job preferences in the search bar, but simply click the "find" button. The system will analyze his experience, previous responses to vacancies, his resume, his salary expectations - more than a hundred different parameters, and will give the user the most suitable vacancies for him, for which he is most likely invited to be interviewed.

A completed summary is required to offer suitable vacancies to the system. As complete as possible, but without "water": the more accurate the experience is described, the easier it is to find the relevant sentence.

At the same time, filters still help to choose the desired vacancies. You can use advanced search to more clearly indicate your requirements, and artificial intelligence sorts the output in the right order - from more suitable to less interesting for the user. Logical statements OR, AND, NOT, and others also work.

According to the results of experiments, more users respond to vacancies selected by artificial intelligence than using ordinary full-text search, the HeadHunter noted.


The system takes into account not just the coincidence of position and salary. The algorithm includes several hundred features that are selected based on user behavior.

Big data and machine learning specialists worked throughout the year to teach the search to "think like a person." For example, the algorithm understands without hint that the lore and otolaryngologist are the same specialist, and the sales manager should not offer vacancies for project managers.


HeadHunter also refined smart search in terms of design. Visually, the issuance of vacancies has become more convenient, it has become easier to read information from it, according to the company.[1]


You can switch to a "smart" search from November 16, 2017 - the site itself will offer to do this. After that, you need to update the resume to see suitable vacancies.[2]

