Homutinnikov Leonid Yuryevich
Homutinnikov Leonid Yuryevich is the CEO of the Rosservice company till April, 2012 specializing in management of outsourcing projects on rendering services of the centralized service technical support of geographically distributed ICT infrastructures of the enterprises and organizations.
Biography, career
Leonid Homutinnikov was born in 1971. In 1994 graduated from St. Petersburg State University of information technologies, exact mechanics and optics in "Optic instruments and systems".
In 2003 graduated from the International institute of management of St. Petersburg – IMISP, received degree of MVA.
From 1996 to 2003 worked in PeterStar Ltd.
In 2004-2006 – in Northwest branch of JSC "MegaFon". Then held a position of the commercial director of the Leningrad regional branch of JSC "North-West Telecom".
Since June, 2007 holds a post of the CEO of Rosservice company.