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Баннер в шапке 2



Electrical and Microelectronics
Since 2014
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
143026, territory of the innovation center "Skolkovo" Bolshoi Boulevard, 42, building 1

Top managers:
Lyashko Maxim

Metiz Manufacturing - 59%



MaxBionic is a start-up in the field of biomechatronics. Develops technologies in the field of prosthetics.

The company's engineers, studying the processes and functionality of the human body, imitate its parts in the form of a robotic complex. The company is primarily focused on the supply of components (brushes, batteries, control and training systems) for distributors of prosthetic and orthopedic products in the form of an assembly kit.


2023: Metiz bought MaxBionic

The Metiz group of companies, which develops, manufactures and supplies components and materials for the manufacture of upper and lower limb prostheses, bought 59% of the MaxBionic startup. This deal was announced on November 8, 2023 by the press service of the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region and the Moscow State Educational Institution "Information Center."

It is assumed that thanks to this deal, Metiz will be able to strengthen its position in the market and establish the production of components for prostheses and upper and lower extremities. The financial and other terms of the agreement were not disclosed. It is only known that Metiz will manufacture the flagship product MaxBionic - a multifunctional handbrush module. The brush has 20 types of contractions and 10 gestures, and is controlled by 4 types - muscle triggers, an application, a button and a sensor. It is anthropomorphic, and each of its fingers is equipped with its own engine, which ensures accuracy, naturalness and speed of movement of the prosthesis during operation. You can configure the brush by attaching it to your PC using the built-in Bluetooth module through a special application.

Metiz bought 59% of startup MaxBionic

As emphasized in the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region, at the beginning of the implementation of its project, MaxBionic received the assistance of Metiza, which supports startups in its production segment and actively interacts with them. After the sale, MaxBionic, having received funds from the buyer for research and development, will focus on new developments.

According to Metiz CEO Nikolai Ermalyuk, after the acquisition of MaxBionic is completed, the company will continue to develop a startup, create new device models, expand production and distribution networks.[1]

2014: Foundation

MaxBionic was created in 2014 by Timur Saifutdinov and Maxim Lyashko. The idea of ​ ​ creating a company came to Maxim Lyashko after an incident in production, where he lost his hand. The bulk of the team is made up of engineers. MaxBionic pursues the philosophy that modern bionic means of rehabilitation is the future for humanity, and this future should be available to every user.

Around the world, the name MaxBionic is associated with high technologies, because it was MaxBionic that made radical changes in the prosthetics market by creating a new class of prostheses with partial truncation of adaptive-mechanical. Made significant changes to the bionic multi-grip brush.

At MaxBionic, we serve humanity with technology.

