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Softline helped NMIC oncology switch to domestic software

Customers: Oncology NMIC of N.N. Petrov of Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Ministry of Health

Product: New Cloud Technologies: MyOffice
Second product: Alt Workstation
Third product: Alt Server

Project date: 2020/01  - 2020/04

2020: Transition to domestic software

On April 30, 2020, Softline announced that it had helped the National Oncology Research Center switch to domestic software.

According to the company, the National Medical Research Center oncology named after N. N. Petrov had the task of switching to Russian software in connection with Order Governments of the Russian Federation No. 1588-r of July 26, 2016. In accordance with it, in order to gradually replace imported products IT with domestic products, the Russian Federation Ministry of Health obliges any information system operator or state municipal form of ownership subordinate to it to develop and implement a transition plan. To implement this order, the NMIC of Oncology announced a tender for the supply of domestic systems and office. software

According to the results of the tender procedure, Softline became a partner, which offered optimal financial conditions. The project team implemented the operating systems (OS) "Alt Workstation" and "Alt Server" developed by Bazalt ACT and the solution "MyOffice Private Cloud" from the company "New Cloud Technologies."

The installation of the Alt OS allowed the use of outdated computers center models as graphics terminals. Thus, full-fledged jobs were created without. hard drives BaseALT provided technical support to the customer, including remote monitoring of implemented operating systems. Also, during the project, the reverse was established between the cancer center and the vendor, communication which helps BaseALT improve its developments.

The MyOffice software product is a Private cloud Russian cloudy solution for performing typical office tasks. Includes text editors, spreadsheets, presentation viewers applications , and mail calendar and contacts. One of the important advantages of MyOffice Private Cloud is its multi-platform, it is available from mobile devices and through computers web browsers running various operating systems. Employees can edit the same document in different places and using different devices. In addition, all information is stored locally on the center servers , which allowed you to remove storage limits. data

The rapid delivery of software, deep immersion in the process and technical support from Softline helped us to reorient to domestic IT products. With them, we got opportunities that we already use in our work.

explained Kirill Vasiliev, head of the information technology department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Oncology named after N. N. Petrova "