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Institute of surgical correction and recovery of V.D. Reshetov




Among the main areas of work of Institute of surgical correction and recovery for November, 2020:

  • Early prevention of skin tumors and mucous oral cavities, lips, drinks, language, vulva and neck of the uterus
  • Consultation and, in a number of complex cases, the help in selection of medical institution for performing the most effective treatment, including, in regions
  • Oncology of all localizations: diagnosis of cancer (including, a melanoma and cancer of skin, a mammary gland, maxillofacial localizations, a thyroid gland), an onkokhirurgiya, radio - himio-and an immunotherapy, surgical prevention of a breast cancer, good-quality educations (ateroma, fatty tumors)
  • The surgical diseases requiring planned treatment: diseases of veins, trophic ulcers, hernias, not healing wounds, rectum diseases
  • Maxillofacial surgery: inflammatory diseases and their effects, osteomyelitis of jaws and bones of a facial skeleton, injury of maxillofacial area, changes of walls of an orbit, tumor and opukholepodobny diseases, diseases of salivary glands
  • Plastic surgery: correction of face contours and figure, correction of age changes, change of the sizes and shape of a mammary gland
  • Surgical correction and recovery: congenital deformations, effect of injuries, hems and scars of any localization



Start of the program of early prevention of skin tumors and mucous

On November 16, 2020 it became known that at the Russian Institute of surgical correction and recovery of V.D. Reshetov the program of early prevention of skin tumors and mucous oral cavities, lips, drinks, language, a vulva and a neck of the uterus started. In the preventive Program original developments and techniques of Institute, including the scanner of clinical images of skin (MONASTERY), molecular genetic tests for intracellular infections and also their irradikation (destruction) are used by methods of a special laser exposure. Application of this complex of techniques for November, 2020 already allowed to carry out to many patients real treatment – recovery of an epithelium to regulation with laboratory confirmed results.

It is well known that treatment of already arisen tumor has the catching-up character and, alas, not always results in success. For this reason in all countries with the developed medicine more and more efforts go for prevention of cancer — a kantserprevention, – the academician of RAS Igor Vladimirovich Reshetov, the chief scientific consultant of Institute says. – Each tumor has certain patterns of development: from increase of mutations in DNA of cages to an exit in a stem tumor cell and formations of a clone of cages. And it is not explosive, but step-by-step process. Such pattern is characteristic of the tumors growing from an epithelium (skin, mucous). It received the name a dysplasia ("precancer"). At the same time harbingers ("predictors") of emergence and development of cancer can already be revealed for many tumors which are especially connected with an intracellular viral infection (for example, with viruses of papilloma and Epstein Bar). This preclinical phase of development of cancer also should become the main object of prevention.

Application in cancer therapy of a palatal tonsil of a method of an occipital rag

On September 2, 2020 it became known that at Institute of surgical correction and recovery of V.D. Reshetov gave chance of rescue to the patient with a recurrence of cancer of palatal tonsil. During transaction the method of an occipital rag was applied. Read more here.

Development of a method of recovery of a voice after removal of a throat

At the Moscow Institute of surgical correction and recovery the original method of recovery of a voice after removal of a throat is developed and tested. The method consists in creation of the voice valve from own tissues of the patient using the microsurgical equipment. As a result of such transactions patients can find a voice with individual shades again that is absolutely excluded when using artificial materials. At the same time the valve from own fabrics does not require replacements and is always ready to application. It became known on June 9, 2020.

It is important that this technology of recovery of a voice solves the major for the patients having throat cancer a problem. It is known that the tragedy for them poses even not a direct threat to health, but fear forever to lose capability to speak. Of course, and attempts of preserving of a throat were made earlier, but, unfortunately, it is not always reasonable and it is implemented. Respectively, the large-scale surgical intervention often leading to complete loss of a possibility of verbal communication is required. Methods of recovery of a voice consisted in use or the electronic and mechanical golosoobrazuyushchy device, or in installation of an artificial voice prosthesis. The first makes a monotonous sound of extremely irritating range that causes inconvenience in use, and the silicone synthetic prosthesis is not perfect as it can cause irritation of fabrics and is subject periodic to replacement that in actual practice represents both an organizational, and medical problem.

The source emphasizes that the provided method of recovery of a voice is already put by doctors of Institute of Reshetov into practice and proved the efficiency. So, for the beginning of June, 2020 in institute clinic patients on whom the corresponding operation was performed are observed, and all of them show positive dynamics.