The military and technical university at Federal Agency for Special Construction
Science and education
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Federal Agency for Special Construction (Spetsstroy)
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Defence)
The 46th Central Research Institute Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Head military-medical department of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Federal Defense Order Service (Rosoboronzakaz)
MU FS on a defense order across the Northwestern Federal District
Spetsstroy is the head military and construction department
RGVVDKU (Ryazan Guards highest airborne command school of a name of the general V.F. Margelov)
Oboronenergosbyt joint stock company
Slav UK housing and public utilities Minoborony
Federal Agency for Supplies of Arms, Military and Special Equipment and Materiel (Rosoboronpostavka)
Ural federal district MO Russian Federation across the Saratov region
Ural federal district MO Russian Federation across the Samara region
The 90th MO Russian Federation experimental plant
Military and air academy of Zhukovsky and Gagarin (VUNTs Air Force "VVA")
State-owned federal state institution 29 Design-technology center
Krasnogvardeysky college, SEI Open Source MO
Military academy of communication of S.M. Budenny
3 Central Research Institutes Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (3 Central Research and Development Institute
Patriot (park)
National command center defense (NTsUO Russian Federation)
Moscow military and musical school
224 Air squadron
16 ЦНИИИ Russian Defense Ministry
Oboronles of FGAU Management of forestry of the Russian Defense Ministry
5 arsenal
Special equipment of the joint-stock company
1602 military clinical hospital
Naval academy of N.G. Kuznetsov
Military space academy of A.F. Mozhaysky
Tver Suvorov Military School
Military university of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Military academy of RVSN of Peter the Great
Serpukhov military institute of rocket troops (branch of Military academy of RVSN of Peter the Great)
Inzhtekhcentre of the Russian Defense Ministry
Central Research and Development Institute of Troops of Aerospace Defense
ChVVIURE - Cherepovets highest military engineering college of radio electronics
VFEA Russian Defense Ministry (Military financial and economic academy Yaroslavl)
Body 31659
Head Department Housing Stock (HDHS)
ChVVMU - Black Sea the highest naval awards of the Red Star school of P.S. Nakhimov
Military commissariat of the Republic of Mordovia
Federal State Budgetary Institution LRKTs Russian Defense Ministry
GVSU No. 4 Main military and construction management No. 4
12 KDTs Federal State Budgetary Institutions Russian Defense Ministry
GVSU No. 3 (Head military and construction department No. 3)
Mikhaylovsky military artillery academy
Yaroslavl Highest Military College of Air Defense
Military clinical hospital of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (Podolsk)
Military academy of aerospace defense of Marshal of the Soviet Union of G.K. Zhukov
Central military orchestra
General academy of Russian Armed Forces of the Order of Zhukov of VUNTs SV
State-owned federal state institution 411 Soldier hospital of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
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