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AstraZeneka and RT-Doctis: Online test to detect the risk of breast and ovarian cancer

Developers: AstraZeneca, RT-Doktis
Date of the premiere of the system: 2021/09/08
Branches: Internet services,  Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare
Technology: Telemedicine service

Main articles:

2021: Run Online Test

On September 8, 2021, the biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneka"" reported that, together with the online physician consultation medical and patient support service, "" RT-Doktis developed an online test with which women they can independently check for the presence of risk factors (breast cancer RVM) and (RV ovarian cancer). According to the results of the test, women who are at risk can receive telemedicine advice and, if necessary, undergo an examination with a specialized specialist.

Taking an online test in combination with telemedicine counseling - an optimal first step for women to prevent reproductive cancer through remote monitoring. It allows you to initially take care of your health without visiting a medical institution and without breaking away from your usual affairs.

In 2020, breast cancer was diagnosed in 2.3 million people worldwide. In Russia, RMW is the most frequent cancer among women, it accounts for 21.2% of all malignancies. In 2019, more than 74 thousand new cases of RMW were identified in Russia, over the past ten years, the incidence has increased by 21.6%.

In Russia, ovarian cancer, according to data for 2020, was detected in more than 300 thousand women. Among oncological diseases diagnosed in women, this type of cancer ranks 8th in the world and 9th in Russia.

Risk factors for cancer include genetic hereditary factors, age, smoking, alcohol use, excess weight and low physical activity.

Although ovarian cancer is less common than breast cancer, survival among patients with the disease is lower because most tumor cases are detected when the cancer has already spread beyond the ovaries.

"Cancer treatment in the early stages is more effective, which is why it is crucial to detect the tumor as quickly as possible. The online test, developed by AstraZeneka together with RT-Doctis, will take less than 10 minutes and will help women in time take measures to prevent breast cancer and ovarian cancer. In addition, the project will increase awareness population of RMW and RA and recall the need to undergo a regular medical examination, "-

commented on Evgenia Logacheva, medical director of Oncology, Astra Zeneka, Russia and Eurasia.

"Early diagnosis of cancer is one of the most significant tasks of cancer practice. Modern technologies, minimally invasive surgical operations, innovative methods of therapy allow you to save life. At the same time, much depends on the timely request for help. To overcome the negative experience of generations, negative emotions, fear, prevent severe diseases, their consequences, disability - this is what I call a revolution in medicine. We are moving in this direction and consider it necessary to increase the level of awareness of the population about cancer and the opportunities to combat it. This will make it possible to take a decisive step towards a new future, "

commented on the founder of Mother and Child and Doctis Group of Companies, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences Mark Kurzer.