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Developer SaaS- a service amoCRM allocated to a separate company AmoCRM (Amotsrm) and sold (1C data as of 2016).

Mitrofanov Denis Alexandrovich - 55%
Tatyana Vladimirovna Mitrofanova - 45%
(effective November 2, 2017)
Number of employees
2019 year


QSOFT is a digital integrator with expertise in A.I. and Machine Learning.

Since 2005, the company has been implementing technically complex projects: online stores, personal accounts, corporate portals, digital workplace, mobile applications, CRM systems and others.


2023: Mobile Working Solutions for Big Business: How Industry and Banks Digitalize Their Processes

Vitaly Chesnokov, CEO of QSOFT, analyzed how large business, industry and banks digitalize their processes with the help of mobile working solutions.

Mobile intranet is a phenomenon and service quite young in Russia. Not many companies are already using it. But among those who have long implemented this tool for optimizing the work and communications of office and employees without a fixed workplace, most of them are large enterprises. Extremely important for large businesses was the digital comfort of employees, office and remote, in whatever locations and conditions they were - in the office, in different departments, on a business trip, in fields, workshops or in transport. [1]Learn more here.

2022: Moscow office staff


According to information as of June 2022 more than 230 specialists work in the Moscow office of the company.

2017: Changes in the composition of the founders

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on November 2, 2017, Mikhail Tokovinin left the founders of Cusoft LLC. Instead, Tatyana Vladimirovna Mitrofanova became the founder.

2015: Mango Telecom threatens amoCRM rival with court for video calling their product "shithole"

Mango Telecom, which developed the CRM Mango Office system, demanded that the head of amoCRM, Mikhail Tokovinin, remove the video from YouTube, where he calls the competitor's product "nonsense"[1]

The original video was published on the amoCRM channel, on which Mikhail Tokovinin talks about his product at the RIW 2014 conference in November 2014. "I don't understand why Mango Telecom are doing their CRM. The operator is not bad, even the operator is good. And CRM is rubbish. Therefore, poor users are forced to suffer, instead of integrating with good CRM, "he says.

On March 23, 2015, Tokovinin received a letter from Mango Office legal adviser Karina Trukhina, demanding that he remove the video "as part of a pre-trial settlement." According to the head of amoCRM, a three-sheet claim is attached to the letter, in which company representatives describe the damage caused to Mango Telecom.


According to information for 2013, QSOFT is a web integrator, a market participant in the development of large high-load Internet solutions integrated with corporate systems.
