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2022/12/19 20:13:27

History of Moldova



The main articles are:


Banning the Chance Party and voting by mail from elected countries for Sandu's presidential victory

In August 2024, at the request of the Ministry of Justice of Moldova, the court limited the activities of the opposition party "Chance" for three months, allegedly due to violations found in the work of the formation. After that, the association cannot participate in the presidential elections and the referendum on "European integration."

This is not the first case of a ban on opposition activities in Moldova. The case of the ban of the Shore party by the Constitutional Court in 2023 had a great resonance.

Sandu's apparent election machinations are also mail-in voting for select countries only. In April, the ruling PAS party approved amendments to the law introducing postal voting practices. The list of approved countries included: USA, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden. Moldovan citizens in Russia will not be able to vote by mail. And all this is covered up by the "defense of democracy."

Congress in Moscow of Moldovan politicians supporting the country's accession to the EAEU and the creation of the political bloc "Victory"

On April 21, 2024, a congress of Moldovan politicians who support Moldova's accession to the EAEU started in Moscow as opposed to the upcoming referendum initiated by the authorities in Chisinau on joining the European Union.

The creation of the political bloc "Victory" was announced, which included

  • Ilan Shor, leader of the Shor movement,
  • Natalia Paraska, Chairman of the Renaissance Party,
  • Alexey Lungu, Chairman of the Chance Party,
  • Vadim Grozavu, Chairman of the Party "Victoria,"
  • Alexander Beskieru, chairman of the Alternative Power to Save Moldova party.

Moldovan authorities dubbed the opposition "traitors." At the same time, the head of Gagauzia, Evgenia Gutsul, for whom this is the second visit in April and who was elected executive secretary of the new bloc, said that she did not know whether she would be allowed into Moldova or not.


EU Accession Plan for Moldova and then Transnistria

Moldovan President Maia Sandu in November 2023 allows the republic to join the European Union "in two steps - first the right bank of the Dniester, and then the left." "We are working on the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict. But the unresolved problem should not become an obstacle to Moldova's integration into the European Union. It is very important that Brussels is also talking about this. In the worst case, if it is not possible to solve the problem of Transnistria before joining the European Union, we admit that we will integrate into the EU in two steps - first the right bank of the Dniester, and then the left bank, "the president said on November 13 in the evening during a broadcast on Radio Moldova. "When our citizens from the left bank see life improve, they will want to in the EU too. I believe that they still want this, but the Russian Federation is interfering, "Sandu said.

The country is ruled by the US ambassador. Corruption is booming

The Grayzone journalists in May 2023 published recordings of prankers' conversations with entrepreneurs and high-ranking officials of Moldova, confirming large-scale corruption in the country.

Against this background, President Maya Sandu even had to make a strange statement that her team consists of honest people who do everything to eradicate corruption.

What was on the recordings?

Former ECHR judge Stanislav Pavlovsky admitted that an official contract and a good lawyer will not help investors, since the country has a very high level of corruption. He noted that the country is actually run by the EU ambassador USA and advisers, and it is necessary to look for a special approach to invest.

Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture Oleg Chubuk said that he provides enrichment schemes for Western investors and can guarantee them full political support in high offices.

Former consultant to the State Economic Council Olga Melnichuk said that investors are stopped by the lack of predictability in Moldova, but profitable investments can be provided by informal negotiations with ministers.

According to her, the American Chamber of Commerce, the Association of Foreign Investors and the European Business Association actively lobby for the interests of their representatives and have direct access to the Prime Minister and the President.

The head of the pro-American NGO Pro Dictactica and Sandu's friend Oksana Draguta agreed to a pranker scheme to transfer cash to PAS through "private organizations" to implement profitable projects.

The owner of the largest Moldovan television network PRO TV, Katalin Josan, promised the prankers to be an intermediary in negotiations with the right people. Moreover, Josan is a shareholder in three large companies, the founder of which is the current Prime Minister Doreen Rechan.


Former President of Moldova Igor Dodon detained as part of a criminal case on treason

On May 24, 2022, former Moldovan President Igor Dodon was detained for 72 hours as part of a criminal case initiated under four articles of the Criminal Code, including high treason, said Marianna Körpek, spokeswoman for the General Prosecutor's Office.

A law was passed allowing foreign military to protect the border of the republic

In May 2022, a law was signed in Moldova allowing foreign military to protect the state border of the republic

"Foreign officers will protect the state border of the Republic of Moldova with the possibility of using service weapons, special means from, as well as physical force."

The bill was signed by Moldovan Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilitsa, Minister of Internal Affairs and Justice.

2019: Oligarch Plahotniuc's escape from Moldova orchestrated with support from US intelligence services

On June 14, 2019, in the middle of the day, the office of the Democratic Party of Moldova on Armenian Street was visited by US Ambassador Derick Hogan and stayed there for no more than 9 minutes, taking into account the time required to get out of the car, get up to Plahotniuc's office, leave Plahotniuc's office and get into the car.

Apparently, their conversation lasted no more than 3 minutes.

On June 14, between 17.00 and 18.00, Plahotniuc, in a Mercedes car, without any checks, crossed the border with Transnistria over a bridge across the Dniester in the vicinity of the village of Bychok, where representatives of the Transnistrian special services were waiting for him, as well as a group from Ukraine led by the head of Poroshenko's personal security - a close friend and partner of Plahotniuc. Also, without checks, the border of Ukraine was crossed.

On the way, Plahotniuc's Mercedes broke down and he moved to a minibus of the same brand. Towards midnight, Plahotniuc and his accompanying persons boarded a charter plane and flew to Miami (USA) at night.

The entire operation was carried out with the support of US intelligence services.

2015: Illegal withdrawal of billions of dollars from Russia strengthens position of oligarch Plahotniuc

According to the investigation, from June 2013 to the end of 2014, the owner of the Moldovan bank BC Moldindconbank S.A. Vyacheslav Platon, together with the first vice-chairman and de facto leader of the Democratic Party of Moldova, Vladimir Plahotniuc, developed a mechanism for withdrawing money from Russia. The well-known Moldovan businessman and politician Renato Usatii also took part in the scheme. A number of bankers and lawyers were involved from the Russian side. In cooperation with the Director of the Treasury of BC Moldindconbank S. A. Elena Platon, they, using fictitious currency control documents, ensured the daily transfer of hundreds of millions of dollars and euros to bank accounts - BC Moldindconbank S. A.

For the illegal withdrawal of funds in Moldova, they used not gray schemes, but the law enforcement and financial systems of the state. The participants in the scheme were banks from Russia, Moldova, Latvia and Britain.

Very simplified, the scheme consisted in the fact that after signing international contracts between legal entities from the Russian Federation and Moldova, the contracts were terminated, and according to the conditions indicated in them, the Moldovan side demanded the payment of a penalty through the court. Further, on the basis of a court decision, funds from Russia were transferred to the accounts of Moldovan banks, and then to London through the Baltic states. The presence of a court decision from another jurisdiction made it possible to bypass currency control in the Russian Federation. The receipt of fictitious court decisions was put on stream in Moldova.

Vladimir Plahotniuc, Vyacheslav Platon and Renato Usatii, according to the results of the investigation, were put on the international wanted list, and were forced to leave Moldova.

Ultimately, the withdrawn funds, the amount of which, according to various sources, exceeds $20 billion, ended up in accounts with banks in Britain and other Anglo-Saxon jurisdictions, and most of them were eventually blocked as "having a criminal origin."

The main result of the work of the landromat was the strengthening of the position of Vladimir Plahotniuc in Moldova. His people and for 2023 are in key positions in the system of public administration of Moldova. Despite the later accusations of the "democratic community" that Plahotniuc was working for Moscow, it is obvious that at that time his group was quite independent in its activities. Huge funds made it possible to play big. According to investigators in Russia, no later than 2012, Vladimir Plahotniuc became one of the leaders of a criminal transnational drug syndicate. More than 60 of its members were prosecuted, including citizens of Spain and North Africa. The supply of more than 1 ton of hashish from Morocco to the Russian Federation was stopped .


Country wedding. Mikhaltsy village, Northern Bukovina, Moldavian SSR, 1940


Map of the Ukrainian SSR and Moldavian ASSR in 1939


14th century



Languages spoken in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East in 600g (as of 2021)

III century: Inclusion in Chernyakhov culture led by Goths

In the III century, in the Northern Black Sea region and in the Dnieper region, the Chernyakhov culture was finally formed - a multilingual and multi-ethnic conglomerate of various tribes, among which, most likely, the Goths dominated.

The archaeological data known for 2020 allow us to say that for all the variegated local population of the Dnieper and Northern Black Sea regions (Germanic, Balto-Slavic and Alano-Scythian-Sarmatian tribes), there was a tough social hierarchy, thanks to which Chernyakhov culture reached a fairly high level of development. There are absolutely no hillforts on its territory, which indicates that there is no serious danger to the life of large open settlements.

It was not a primitive barbarian world on the edge of the then oikumen, but a rather complex society that had developed trade, pottery, metallurgy, various crafts, people even played board games according to ancient tradition. By the way, circular tableware is a very clear indicator of the development of society, because the next appearance of its mass production in this territory is recorded only during the time of Ancient Russia, several centuries after the disappearance of Chernyakhov culture.

If we talk about the covered area, then the Chernyakhov culture occupied not only almost all of modern Ukraine (except for its northern and southeastern parts), but also Romanian Muntenia, separate territories of Transylvania, all of Moldova and part of two regions of the Russian Federation - Kursk and Belgorod. Relatively speaking, it included a vast space from the lower Danube to the upper Sejm and North Donets. Specialists from the Kulikovo Pole Museum opened a small enclave of Chernyakhov culture near Tula, where they found Chernyakhov ceramics, weapons and Roman coins - this is only two hundred kilometers from Moscow.

115 g: Sarmatians

Military campaigns of the Roman Emperor Trajan in 101-115

640 BC: Scythians

Scythian mound model. National Museum of the History of Moldova. Chisinau

39,280 hp: Ash from the mega-eruption of the Phlegrean fields

The earliest activity of the Flegrei Fields supervolcano in southern Italy began about 39,280 years ago and was accompanied by a powerful volcanic eruption and the release into the atmosphere of about 200 km³[1] volcanic material].

The mega-eruption coincided in time with the eruptions of the volcanoes Kazbek in the Caucasus and St. Anna in the Southern Carpathians. According to seismologists and paleoclimatologists, it became one of the reasons for the "volcanic winter."

Sulfur has increased over Europe, absorbing and scattering sunlight. In the year following the eruption, temperatures across the planet dropped by 2 degrees Celsius, with a 5-degree decline in Western Europe.

Volcanic emissions, gradually settling, left behind a trail of rock that, in the shape of a wedge, stretched from southern Italy northeast to the Southern Urals.

2016 Study Data

The rock covered more than 1.1 million square meters with an ash layer. From southern Italy to Romania, the ash layer reached 1 meter.