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Hello-82 (kamikaze drone)

Developers: Eye (design bureau)
Date of the premiere of the system: March 2023




Upgraded version that can be controlled from the basement

In early December 2023, it became known that the Oko design bureau had developed a modernized version of the Hello-82 unmanned aerial vehicle, which is used by Russian troops in the special operation zone. The peculiarity of the improved modification is that it can be controlled from the basement - being safe.

The Hi-82 aircraft-type kamikaze drone is designed to defeat the enemy's small but critical infrastructure. The device can carry a payload weighing up to 5.5 kg (82 mm mine) on board, and the flight range reaches 30 km. Aiming at the target can be carried out in various ways: manually (by video signal, with electronic flight stabilization) or via GPS (with autonomous flight). In addition, it is possible to fly by GPS to the specified area in radio silence mode, with further manual adjustment by video signal by the operator located in the target area.


According to TASS, the Hello-82 drone has been finalized on the basis of reviews and recommendations obtained from the results of combat use of the device in the special operation zone. The improved modification received the designation "Hello-82M1." It is equipped with a new ground station that allows you to control the drone from the basement or dugout. To do this, it is enough to place video signal repeaters and directional antenna control repeaters on the hill.

It is noted that applications for drones "Hello-82," received from Russian units, are in the hundreds. One of the advantages of the complex over other combat drones, the developers call ease of use: standard training takes two days, while a copter pilot can learn to work with the Hello-82 device in just a few hours.[1]

The first combat use during RWT

The Russian kamikaze drone of the "Hello-82" aircraft type hit the stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) during the first combat use in the zone of special military operation (SVO). This was reported on June 18, 2023 in the design bureau (KB) "Eye."

According to experts, during the first combat use, the equipment was tasked with destroying the stronghold of the Ukrainian forces. The distance from the target to the launch site was about 12 kilometers. It is noted that the Russian military used the "catch" technology - the drone started from the rear, and then was "picked up" by the operator.

Drone kamikaze "Hello-82"
This is our first device that was used for combat purposes, and the first use was successful, the designers emphasized.

As experts pointed out, during the attack, the drone is in radio silence mode, that is, electronic reconnaissance of the enemy does not detect it. According to the interlocutor of TASS, the technology was developed by specialists of the Oko design bureau and is a unique feature of the drone.

The technology allows the operator, who is directly at the place of application, to pick up the board released from the rear and directed to the point of application. At the same time, the board goes in radio silence mode, that is, it is not detected by electronic reconnaissance of the enemy. Further, near the clash line, the operator, using a remote control, picks up the control and goes to the target, "the Eye said.

The bureau announced the ease of use of the drone. So, the operator who first used the drone in battle is not a trained FPV drone pilot. He was trained at the design bureau, his piloting experience at the time of the attack was one day, and his total training period was five days. The drone launch team had never before piloted the Hello-82[2]

Successful test of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Kamikaze drones of the Hi-82 aircraft type have successfully passed the approbation procedure of the Russian Ministry of Defense. About this in the design bureau (KB) "Eye" told on June 7, 2023.

According to TASS with reference to the statement of the Design Bureau, representatives of the main department of innovative development of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation took part in the tests. Earlier in June 2023, it was reported that the Hello-82 drones were successfully tested in the zone of special military operation (SVO), now they are equipped with a combat unit and are being prepared for combat use. Drone tests took place on the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR). The range and radio channel of the drone, as well as its resistance to the effects of local electronic warfare systems, were checked.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation tested kamikaze drones "Hello-82"
In the SVO zone, we showed and tested a variant of our device in a reconnaissance modification. Received good reviews and recommendations for revision. It is necessary to somewhat modify the camera, which is installed on a reconnaissance drone, after which the device will go into series, the bureau noted.

Earlier, the co-owner and general director of Oko Design Bureau Vadim Zhernov said that the Hi-82 kamikaze drones would begin to be sent to the front line from single rear hubs. Thanks to the long range of the drone of about 30 kilometers, the hub can be based not on the line of combat contact, but in the rear. Thus, the launch of the drone is carried out 15-20 kilometers from the front line from the launch point, which can serve several units at the same time.

Director of the Museum of Air Defense Forces (Air Defense) Yuri Knutov says that the distinctive feature of the Hello-82 drone is the protection of the control system and communication channels from the impact of the electronic warfare system.[3]

Product Announcement

In mid-March 2023, it became known about the new Russian kamikaze drone "Hello-82," which is designed for use by volunteer organizations. It was developed in the volunteer design bureau (KB) "Eye."

They told |TASS that the new combat drone will be sent to the zone of special military operation (SVO) in April 2023. It is noted that by March 18, 2023, 33 serial samples of an attack UAV were created, the cost of each is estimated at 110 thousand rubles. The drone is a carrier, the warhead to which weighing up to 5.5 kg will be selected on the ground. The range of the drone is up to 30 km, the flight speed is up to 140 km/h.

Drone kamikaze "Hello-82"
We collect applications and prepare for shipment several batches that we have already purchased for testing in a special operation. They will be used by volunteer associations, - said in the design bureau "Oko."

The organization added that "there is a large request to use the drone as an armored vehicle hunter, but this requires a number of tests first." The drone can be used in storming fortified areas. In addition, there is a large request for the use of a drone as a hunter for armored vehicles, but for this it is necessary to first conduct a number of tests, the Eye specified.

The bureau expects to enter full-scale mass production of the Hello-82 drone. By mid-March 2023, the ability to produce about 100 drones per month has been organized.

Due to the fact that we use only civil technologies in production, we can scale up quickly enough, within a few months, and produce several thousand devices every month. In the future, we plan to modernize the Hi-82 drone into a front-line bomber, which will be able to throw off ammunition and return back, the organization said.[4]
