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Content AI and Unicsoft have automated primary document recognition for Burger King in Russia

Customers: Burger King

Contractors: Unicsoft, Content AI
Product: ContentCapture (formerly FlexiCapture)

Project date: 2022/12  - 2023/02

2023: Automation of primary document recognition

Content AI, a developer of intelligent information processing solutions, and Unicsoft, a provider of comprehensive workflow automation and electronic document management services, on April 5, 2023 announced the implementation of the project in the Burger Rus fast food chain (Burger King Russia trademark).

In particular, on the basis of Content AI technologies and with the support of Unicsoft, a pilot was launched in December 2022 to automate the recognition of primary documents arriving on paper from the chain's restaurants.

The first to be chosen for piloting were consignment notes. Unicsoft has developed a template for processing data of document types with the extraction of details and further transfer of recognized attributes to the TESSA EDMS and the ERP system. During the project, the Content AI solution was also integrated with the TESSA EDMS. The customer began operating the received solution in February 2023.

At the next stage, the integrator will have to implement a mechanism for similar processing of personnel documentation.

"We plan to further develop digitalization mechanisms: translating paper documents into numbers," said Pavel Ruslanovich Vasiliev, deputy head of the Burger King information technology department.

To solve this type of problem, Content AI offers a universal platform for intelligent content processing ContentCapture. Thanks to artificial intelligence technologies, the platform automatically recognizes, classifies, extracts, verifies and transfers data to corporate information systems from any text messages and documents involved in production processes.