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Softline equipped a new school in Volgograd

Customers: Secondary school number 117 Volgograd

Volgograd; Education and Science

Contractors: Softline
Product: Delivery of computer equipment

Project date: 2022/09  - 2023/04

2023: Computer Equipment Delivery

Softline Group of Companies on May 2, 2023 announced the completion of a project to equip a new school in Volgograd. For the direction of "Robotics," Softline specialists supplied training sets, and classrooms were also equipped with computer equipment. Using this equipment, teachers already carry out extracurricular educational activities, and schoolchildren master technologies - learn to program and design robots, learn creative design, participate in competitive activities. Within the framework of the project, Softline Group of companies experts also trained a specialized specialist of the school in the skills of working with the Russian operating system Astra Linux, installed on installed computers. In addition, further training is planned, which will be carried out jointly with the vendor's engineer and aimed at mastering robotics equipment.

Secondary school No. 117 of Volgograd was built in 2022 as part of the Education national project. The project is aimed at ensuring the competitiveness of domestic education. According to its goals, Russia should be among the top ten countries in terms of the quality of school education. The national project "Education" provides for the abolition of school education in the second and third shifts. This school in Volgograd is designed for a thousand students. Its total area is about 20 thousand square meters.

The Softline Group of companies implements the equipment of educational institutions in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 804 (dated 06.09.2022).

By implementing projects for educational institutions, we help them solve problems and achieve the goals stated in the national project "Education." And it is important for us, as a system-forming IT company, to be involved in the formation of conditions for obtaining high-quality education. It is important to note that we can carry out any complex projects: from the supply of equipment and software for certain areas - subject classrooms, laboratories and blocks of additional education - to the complex equipment of schools "turnkey." For the thousandth school in Volgograd, we selected and delivered solutions for the Robotics profile of the Russian manufacturer Applied Robotics Ltd. The devices meet all security and functionality requirements. In addition, with the help of our team, the school's classrooms were equipped with printers, scanners, system units and laptops with Astra Linux installed. All supplied equipment will be provided with Softline technical support. In May 2023, the construction of secondary educational institutions continues in the Volgograd region, modernization and equipping of existing schools is underway, and we plan to further cooperate with the region on equipping future schools-new buildings. To do this, we have all the necessary competencies, - said Nikita Grivin, account manager of Softline Group of Companies.

The development of the education system is one of the directions of our regional policy. We are proud of the space that was created within the walls of our school with the Softline team. Our classrooms are equipped with the latest technology - students and teachers are already working on installed computers, the educational process has become more vivid and visual, solving practical problems is more effective. Schoolchildren analyze and perceive information more qualitatively. In specialized classrooms, we are already teaching robotics. Moreover, the delivered kits help us instill an interdisciplinary approach to education. Studying on these devices, schoolchildren master several scientific disciplines at once - electronics, electromechanics, cybernetics, physics, mathematics and programming - and at the same time learn to work in teams and carry out projects. It is important for us that children have the opportunity to engage in extracurricular educational and practical activities and develop their cognitive interest without leaving school, "added Irina Anatolyevna Klachkova, director of secondary school No. 117.