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USIP - American Peace Institute


Main article: US Foreign Policy

The board of directors of the institute for 2023 includes the US Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, President of the US National Defense University. However, USIP works not only directly with the defense department, but also with the State Department, while presenting itself as an independent structure.

Areas of activity

Initially, the creation of the institute, which was perceived only as a handout of a liberal-minded part of society, was supposed to show that US President Reagan also cared about avoiding nuclear war.

But later, the Americans, with the help of USIP, created a system of international analysis of conflicts, capturing an authoritative place in this niche. In particular, USIP specialists appear as the most experienced negotiators with "evil troublemakers," wrote Rybar.

Traditionally, the institute has headquarters in conflict zones: in the Balkans, after the attack on the business center in New York on September 11, 2001 in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as in Libya, Pakistan, Sudan. This is necessary to study the situation, sociological research and compiling reports for the American authorities.

2011: Recommendations for countering Turkey in the Middle East

In 2011, the institute noted the growing influence of Turkey in the Middle East, and at the same time, the revival of neo-Ottoman ambitions took place against the backdrop of a fall in the image of the United States in the region. For Americans who are not interested in the emergence of a regional leader with a similar scale of influence as Turkey, it was beneficial to support the competitors of the Turks in the region.

2006: Recommendations to Ensure U.S. Interests in Oil Production in Iraq

A report by the Iraq Research Group, organized by the USIP in 2006, made recommendations against a hasty withdrawal of troops from Iraq. However, it was on the surface, but in fact, experts focused on the fact that the United States cannot lose Iraq, since it still represents value in oil reserves. Therefore, the institute applies many recommendations to the report on how to secure these reserves. If implemented, Iraq's national oil industry must be fully commercialized and open to foreign firms.

The report simply states that the US government should use all the tools at its disposal to ensure that America's oil interests and those of its corporations are respected.

1994: Recommendations for squeezing Russia out of the settlement of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh

In 1994, the institute issued a report on Nagorno-Karabakh, in which it did not ambiguously recommend removing Russia from the region as a third force, and argued that the Russian Federation could not resolve the issue "due to mistrust on the part of Armenians and Azerbaijanis." Therefore, allegedly, the Americans should join in the leading positions - this will be the key to success.

1984: U.S. Congress creates institute

The American Peace Institute (USIP), which was established by the US Congress in 1984 under President Ronald Reagan. At the same time, its main tasks were outlined: research, analysis and training in the field of diplomacy and mediation to promote peace.