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Diagnostics of brain diseases using artificial intelligence are piloted in Chuvashia

Customers: Ministry of Health of the Chuvash Republic (Ministry of Health of Chuvashia)

Cheboksary; Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

Product: NtechMed CT Brain

Project date: 2024/06

2024: Agreement on diagnosing human brain diseases' of the brain

The Company NtechLab and the Republic Chuvashia will cooperate in the field of diagnostics of brain diseases based on brain technology. artificial intelligence The agreement on this was signed on June 7, 2024. The document was signed by the Head of Chuvashia Oleg Nikolaev and the General Director of Ntekh Lab LLC. Alexey Palamarchuk

We are ready to offer a whole line of artificial intelligence products aimed at increasing the quality of life in the regions. From public safety to health care, industrial production and agriculture. Our products are easily and quickly deployed on the customer's existing infrastructure, "said Alexey Palamarchuk, CEO of Ntech Lab.

The signed agreement provides for piloting products based on artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of brain diseases NtechMed CT Brain, as well as the use of advanced digital solutions in the field of creating a comfortable and safe urban environment, modernizing transport infrastructure, increasing the efficiency of processes in construction and housing and communal services.

According to the Head of Chuvashia Oleg Nikolaev, in the planned cooperation it is possible to establish intelligent video surveillance systems, including the organization of its test and pilot zone with a demonstration of the company's new solutions for building smart and safe cities, as well as the development and operation of the Safe City hardware and software complex.

We have been using artificial intelligence technologies in medicine actively since 2021. Voice assistants are involved when making an appointment for vaccination, for an appointment with a doctor. In 2023, they introduced the technology of "computer vision" in radiation diagnostics - fluorography, mammography, radiography and computed tomography - this allows you to reduce the time spent by a doctor to analyze studies by at least half, increase the accuracy of diagnostics, - said the Head of Chuvashia.

He added that a system for supporting medical decision-making, aimed at preventing diseases and identifying risk factors, has been introduced into the work of a primary health care doctor as part of the development of a digital circuit. Artificial intelligence connects the results of clinical studies with the data of a particular patient, forms "electronic tips" and draws the doctor's attention to patients at high risk of developing and progressing diseases. Thanks to the system, the need for manual extraction of information data is eliminated and the doctor has more time to communicate with the patient.

As Oleg Nikolaev noted, Chuvashia is one of the leading regions in the digitalization of the healthcare industry. For example, for residents of the republic, the possibility of downloading medical documents in the patient's personal account on the State Services portal has been implemented. All divisions of medical organizations work in a single information system. In feldsher points in the village, the patient has the opportunity to receive a remote consultation of a specialist doctor through telemedicine.

The agreement itself meets the key provisions of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in Russia and the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence until 2030, the state program "Digital Society of Chuvashia," the Strategy for the digital transformation of sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration in the Chuvash Republic.