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In St. Petersburg, the robot doubled the check of paid fines for violation of parking rules

Customers: City Parking Management Center of St. Petersburg GKU

St. Petersburg; State and social structures

Product: RPA (Robotic Process Automation) projects

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/05

2024: Implementation of a software robot to verify payment of parking violation fines

The City Parking Management Center of St. Petersburg has introduced a software robot that has optimized the process of checking information about payment for decisions issued for violations by motorists of the rules for using paid parking space. This was announced on June 11, 2024 by the press service of the vice-governor of St. Petersburg S.V. Kazarin.

The software robot was introduced within the framework of the Effective Region program, implemented on behalf of Governor Alexander Beglov. The decision made it possible to increase the speed of work on checking paid resolutions by more than 2 times, as well as exclude risks associated with the human factor from the procedure, - commented the vice-governor of St. Petersburg Stanislav Kazarin.

The software robot was introduced in May 2024 in the department for ensuring procedures related to the transfer of materials on administrative offenses. The decision was implemented by specialists of the St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Center.

The robot searches for information about the paid resolution on the State Public services portal according to the unique ID of charges (UIN). A department employee can check up to 200 orders per hour, while a robot checks 400 orders during this time.

Checking paid decisions allows you to exclude the transfer of information on them to the Federal Bailiff Service to initiate enforcement proceedings.