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The Russian division of Knauf has implemented the Integration Gears platform

Customers: Knauf

Product: LAB JV and Factor-TS: Integration Gears Integration platform

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/05

2024: Integration Gears Implementation

LAB JV has implemented the Integration Gears platform in the Russian division of Knauf. LAB JV announced this on June 27, 2024.

Due to the departure of a foreign vendor, the Russian division of Knauf switched to local installations of SAP ERP and other systems important for business. The company needed to transfer all previously organized integration flows via the SAP PO corporate bus to a new local platform. Among the most critical was the logistics electronic document flow with suppliers and distributors.

We are thrilled to receive this award. As part of the pilot project, the Integration Gears platform has become not only a full-fledged functional replacement for the SAP PO bus, but also improved the performance and flexibility of configuring integration scenarios, "said Maxim Tsvetkov, system analyst at Knauf's Russian division. - Based on its results, we decided to use the Integration Gears integration platform as a corporate one. In June 2024, we completed the first phase of implementation and have already begun the second.

In fact, our current realities are a large number of different systems in IT landscapes that should work as a single mechanism. We have taken it seriously to make the Integration Gears platform scalable, productive and easy enough to support to meet the serious demands of big business. In addition, we continue to work on its development. As of June 2024, there are three new modules in the active development phase: Schema Registry, Monitoring Center, API Management, - said Pavel Deverilin, General Director of LAB JV.