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The robot helps to control the replenishment of the budget of St. Petersburg

Customers: State Housing Inspectorate of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg; State and social structures

Product: Robin RPA

Project date: 2024/07  - 2024/08



Create a software robot to work with receivables

The St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Center has developed a software robot based on the ROBIN platform for the State Housing Inspectorate of St. Petersburg. The project was implemented as part of the implementation of the action plan for organizing work with receivables. This was announced on August 12, 2024 by the press service of the vice-governor of St. Petersburg S.V. Kazarin.

The robot processes incoming documents regarding the enforcement proceedings of structural divisions of the Main Directorate of the Federal Bailiff Service in St. Petersburg.

After receiving documents to the service on the Gospochta State Public services portal, the robot uploads the necessary files, sorts them depending on the content, and forms a list of enforcement proceedings, as well as measures taken to enforce debt collection.

Since the beginning of the year, the Inspection has received more than 7.7 thousand such documents. On average, a specialist in the finance and accounting department spent 180 minutes on processing them on the day the documents were received, after the implementation of the solution, the time was reduced to 30 minutes.

"Automation and lean management technologies are actively used in the authorities of the Northern capital as part of the large-scale program ″ Effective Region, ″ which is being implemented on behalf of Governor Alexander Beglov. Digital-based technologies have become one of the key ways to improve the efficiency of urban structures . The State Housing Inspectorate is the administrator of the city's budget revenues. By exercising the authority to collect receivables, it ensures the timely and complete receipt of revenues to the budget of St. Petersburg. The introduction of a software robot into the inspection made it possible to expand the possibility of using Gospochta and reduce the processing time of documents by 6 times, "commented Stanislav Kazarin, Vice Governor of St. Petersburg.

Implementation of a software robot to unload documents from official electronic resources

State Housing Inspectorate of St. Petersburg They began to use a software robot that ROBIN unloads documents from official electronic resources: the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information,. State Information System of Housing and Communal Services This was announced on July 4, 2024 by the press service of the vice-governor St. Petersburg S.V. Kazarina.

The State Housing Inspectorate implements the powers of St. Petersburg to implement regional state housing supervision. Within the framework of powers, the Inspectorate carries out licensing of the activities of organizations managing apartment buildings, including licensing control.

The documents that the robot unloads are necessary when checking the applications of licensees to amend the register of city licenses. The robot generates in electronic form the extracts necessary for the further work of the specialists of the licensing and support department of the Licensing Commission of the State Housing Inspectorate of St. Petersburg.

We continue to optimize the activities of the state authorities of the Northern capital within the framework of the Effective Region program, implemented on behalf of Governor Alexander Beglov. The software robot, introduced by employees of the St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Center, made it possible to reduce the time for consideration of applications for inclusion in the register of licenses by 20%. On average, the licensing department specialist spent 35-37 minutes unloading and checking documents, after the introduction of the software robot, loading, storing and printing documents on paper is not required, the average processing time of one application was reduced to 25-28 minutes, - said the vice-governor of St. Petersburg Stanislav Kazarin.

The main goal of optimizing the process using a robot is to increase the share of documents processed electronically during the month, and to provide citizens with up-to-date information on the management of an apartment building by posting information in the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services.