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Баннер в шапке 2

Register of Personal Mobility Equipment (IMS)

Developers: Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Date of the premiere of the system: July 2024
Branches: Transport

2024: Work to create a registry

The Ministry of Transport of Russia is starting to create a unified register of personal mobility means (SIM), including electric scooters. According to the plan presented by the department in July 2024, each device will be assigned a unique accounting number and radio frequency tag for identification.

According to the Parliamentary Gazette, Artem Sheikin, a member of the Federation Council Committee on State Building and Constitutional Legislation, announced the preparation of relevant amendments to the second reading of the bill on the additional responsibility of SIM users.

The Ministry of Transport creates a register of electric scooters, in which each device will be assigned a unique number and label

The new accounting system will affect not only rolling electric scooters, but also devices purchased for personal use. Individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities will be required to register their electric scooters, having received an individual registration number and a radio frequency beacon.

The creation of the SIM register is provided for in paragraph 4 of the road map of the Ministry of Transport for regulating the use of personal mobility means. In addition to the registration number and sign, owners will be given a special mark of radio frequency identification. These measures will allow automatic recording of offenses and identification of violators.

In preparation for the second reading of the bill on fines for drivers of electric scooters, proposals for tougher sanctions are being considered. In particular, an increase in the fine for leaving the scene of an accident by a person using SIM or a bicycle from 4-5 thousand rubles to 20-30 thousand rubles is being discussed.

According to the bill adopted in the first reading, riding an electric scooter or bicycle while intoxicated will be punished with a fine of 20 to 30 thousand rubles. For speeding, a fine of 500 to 5 thousand rubles is provided. Causing minor harm to health in an accident will entail a fine of 2 to 5 thousand rubles, and moderate harm - from 10 to 15 thousand rubles.

The need to tighten control over SIM is due to an increase in the number of incidents involving them. According to data, MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS Russia if in 2019 142 such incidents were registered, then in 2023 their number increased to 3,177. At the same time, most of the victims are SIM drivers themselves.[1]
