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"First Bit" automated inventory of fixed assets for PIMU

Customers: Volga Research Medical University (PIMU)

Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

Contractors: First Bit
Product: Kleverens: Shop 15

Project date: 2023/12  - 2024/06

2024: Automation of inventory of fixed assets

Integrator of effective IT solutions "First Bit" automated the inventory of fixed assets for the Volga Research Medical University (FSBI VO PIMU) using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, mobile software from "Kleverens" and " sys tem. This was announced by "First Bit" on July 25, 2024.

The FGBU HE PIMU circuit includes seven institutes, 59 departments, about 3,000 employees. The State University prepares qualified personnel, carries out postgraduate education and conducts scientific and methodological work, within the framework of which it constantly implements innovative projects.

The leadership of the university turned to the First Bit with a whole range of tasks and goals. It was necessary to reduce the time for audits of fixed assets and accounting objects for all buildings, ensure their transparent control, speed up the labeling of fixed assets (fixed assets), inventory (materials) and optimize business processes.

All programs and devices performing these functions had to be integrated with the 1C: Public Institution Accounting (1S:BGU) system at the standard level so as not to create obstacles for further improvements to the accounting system.

Our team designed new business processes for the institute for the accounting of materials and operating systems, installed printers and label readers, conducted a complete inventory of the university's property and marked it with RFID tags. The university is located in Nizhny Novgorod, and most of the project team works in Moscow, so it was often necessary to fly on business trips, - said Gleb Lysukhin, director of the direction at the First Bit company.

The project was implemented in several stages. First, the current processes for property management in the institution were fully described and ways to optimize them were proposed. Then a software and hardware complex was deployed for marking property objects using an RFID printer and RFID data collection terminals for performing basic operations with property, the functionality of direct printing and encoding RFID marks from 1S:BGU was developed, the system was adapted to the specifics of the institution, as well as the integration of the Mobile SMARTS: Warehouse 15 program from Kleverens with 1S:BGU, ed. 2.0. The final stages of the project were an inventory of the university's property and labeling it with RFID tags.

During the project, more than 21,000 units of fixed assets and commodity values ​ ​ were marked. Also, old fixed assets with a total value of seven million rubles were discovered and written off from the institute. Now the economic department and management will always have access to up-to-date information about the property, and the inventory takes much less time.

The developed system allows you to effectively manage the movement of fixed assets and materials, as well as quickly inventory all buildings of the institution using RFID technology. Thanks to this, the data collection process has been significantly simplified, and the time for inventory has been reduced by an average of eight times - for example, at the Institute of Dentistry this process took 24 hours, and now only three and a half hours, "said Alexei Moskvitin, director of information technologies at the Volga Research Medical University.