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2024/08/20 14:54:35

Economy of Tajikistan



The main articles are:


2023: GDP growth of 8.3%

In 2023 GDP Tajikistan , it increased by 8.3% compared to the previous year. At the same time inflation , it slowed down to 3.8% from 4.2% in 2022. Such data were released by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic at the end of January 2024.

The materials of the department say that the economic development of the country in 2023 is ensured by a number of industries. In particular, an increase in the real volume of industrial production by 12% was recorded compared to 2022. The agriculture sector showed an increase of 9%, and investment in fixed assets rose by 22.5%. In the field of freight transportation, positive dynamics amounted to 16.6%. Registered growth in trade turnover by 13.4%, paid services - by 14.1%, passenger traffic - by 9.8%.

Tajikistan's GDP increased by 8.3%

In 2023, more than 7 billion somoni (over $654 million at the exchange rate at the beginning of June 2024) were allocated to organize new industrial production, expand fixed assets and establish production of new and competitive products at the expense of foreign investments and funds of enterprises in Tajikistan, which is 1.5 times more than 2022. The share of exports in foreign trade turnover increased from 20% to 30%, while the share of imports decreased from 80% to 71%.

As a result of the implemented policy, the level of poverty in the country decreased to 21.2% in 2023, the cash incomes of the population increased 3.3 times compared to 2017, and the number of entrepreneurs increased almost 6 times. In general, as noted by the Ministry of Economic Development, Tajikistan has stable macroeconomic indicators, despite the difficult geopolitical situation in the world and the strengthening of the consequences of climate change. In general, the volume of GDP in the country increased 1.5 times compared to 2017.[1]


2020: Very low energy consumption per capita

Energy consumption per capita, including electricity, transport heating in 2019-2020


Foreign trade

2023: Russia's trade with Tajikistan updates record of $1.71 billion

Trade between Russia and Tajikistan in 2023 increased by 2.7% compared to 2022 and exceeded $1.71 billion. The recorded volume turned out to be a record, according to the press service of the Russian trade representative office in Dushanbe at the end of January 2024. Read more here.


China is the largest export destination

According to data available for August 2023.

Trade turnover of the Russian Federation and Tajikistan increased by 18.3% to $1.4 billion

The trade turnover of Russia and Tajikistan in 2022 reached $1.4 billion, which is 18.3% more than a year earlier. Vladimir Padalko, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of the Russian Federation, cited such data on April 13, 2023 following the results of the "contact exchange" of small and medium-sized enterprises of the two countries in Dushanbe. Read more here.

Trade turnover with Russia grew by 34% to $1.5 billion

The Russian-Tajik trade turnover for eleven months of 2022 amounted to more than 1.5 billion, the dollars growth of 34% of the year Russia still holds the first place among trading partners. Tajikistan

The rise of trade with the United States and the EU due to bypassing sanctions against the Russian Federation

The rapid growth of trade flows USA EU with neighbors Russia may be a sign that sanctions can be avoided, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development believes.

German exports to Russia from May to July 2022 fell 38% compared to the average for the same period in 2017-2019. However, it almost doubled to Armenia and more than tripled to Kyrgyzstan - a trend also seen in trade flows to the Caucasus and Central Asia from the US, Britain and EU countries.


2019: Low use of pesticides in agriculture

As of 2019


2023: Iran opens Dushanbe drone factory

In July 2023, it became known that an Iranian-designed unmanned aerial vehicle production plant was opened in Tajikistan. We are talking about Ababil-2 drones manufactured by the Iranian Aircraft Industry Company. Read more here.


2023: Beef is the most consumed type of meat

The most consumed type of meat (including fish and seafood) according to data available for June 2023.


2023: Growth of tourist flow from Russia by 92.8% to 262.4 thousand tourists

In 2023, 262.4 thousand tourists from Russia visited Tajikistan, which is 92.8% more than a year earlier. Such data in February 2024 led to the Committee for the Development of Tourism under the Government of Tajikistan.

According to the ministry, the largest number of tourists came to Tajikistan in 2023 from neighboring Uzbekistan (805.9 thousand people), which is 15% more than in 2022. The flow of vacationers from Kazakhstan also increased (by 31.8%, to 31.5 thousand people), from Turkey (by 61.2%, to 10.8 thousand people). The tourist flow to Tajikistan from China turned out to be the most massive - 13 thousand citizens of this country visited the country, which is 4.9 times more than in 2022.

Lake Karakul, Tajikistan

The head of the tourist police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan Dilafruz Karimova said that Russian tourists comply with the laws of the republic.

Tourists from Russia behaved very well, there were no such cases that they committed offenses, behaved adequately, she assured (quote from TASS). According to her, tourists from the Russian Federation are most interested in the mountains.

At the end of January 2024, the press service of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon reported that in general, in 2023, the flow of tourists to the republic increased by 20% and the number of visits to the country for this purpose exceeded 1.2 million people. To increase the attractiveness of the republic, the head of state ordered the creation of working groups at all levels of government, they will control the construction of infrastructure for tourism, develop folk crafts, deal with personnel issues related to the industry, as well as landscaping settlements, maintaining cleanliness and nature protection, the press service of the President of Tajikistan said.

According to the chairman of the tourism development committee under the government of the republic, Kamoliddin Muminzod, according to preliminary data, the contribution of the tourism sector to the country's GDP in 2023 is 3% and reaches 3.9 billion somoni, on average, the expenses of each tourist in the country are 3.5 thousand somoni, or $325.[2]
