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Production of ice cream brand "Healthy products" has switched to a single information system

Customers: Maccano (Healthy Foods)

St. Petersburg; Food industry

Contractors: First Bit
Product: 1C: Integrated Automation 8

Project date: 2024/03  - 2024/08
Number of licenses: 300

2024: Implementation of "1C: Integrated Automation "

On August 22, 2024, IT integrator First Bit announced that it had updated the IT circuit of a large frozen product distributor and ice cream manufacturer of the Healthy Products trademark, individual entrepreneur Dmitry Nefedov, transferring warehouse accounting to the 1C configuration: Integrated Automation. This made it possible to establish integration with the national system of marking and tracing of products "Honest Sign" and prepare a site for introduction address storage in freezing warehouses.

As reported, IP Nefedov D.N. has been working in the frozen food market since 1996, initially as a distributor, and after 2011 he became a producer of products. As of August 2024, the company has ten branches in various regions of Russia, more than 200 units of specialized transport in the fleet and more than 15,000 customers in different profiles.

Prior to system automation, warehouse and trading activities were carried out on the platform of an outdated version of the trade accounting system program, which led to a slowdown in the entire production process.

The expansion of the range of products and warehouse locations, the lack of tools for obtaining consolidated management puffiness, a stand-alone program for handing over the revenue and expense ledger (CDM), the need to manually upload part of the data to the Mercury system - all these factors and inconveniences also became the root causes that led management to the decision to carry out comprehensive automation of business processes in the organization.

Due to the lack of formalized business processes and understanding of the target picture among key users, the specialists of the company "First Bit" proposed to an individual entrepreneur for work a project for the implementation of the solution "1C: Integrated Automation," Rev. 2.5 using a flexible methodology. Scrum

At the pre-examination stage, which was carried out with the departure to the customer's territory, the specialists of the First Bit identified the main functional blocks and worked out the project roadmap. It was divided into sixteen blocks, which included: sales, logistics, warehouse, equipment accounting, work with primary documentation, bank and cash desk, mutual settlements with counterparties, accounting for materials and fixed assets, accounting for fuels and lubricants, planning expenses, payroll, regulated accounting, KPI, integration with GIS Mercury, income and expenses accounting book and setting up exchanges with other information systems.

IT integrator "First Bit" launched the "1C: Integrated Automation" system and set up exchanges with "1C: Accounting" and other information systems. As part of the launch of the Sales block, 1C mobile application Agent Plus more than 190 sales agents were gradually transferred to work with the solution: Comprehensive Automation through.

As part of the implementation of the tasks for the KPI unit, among other things, a mechanism was developed to automate the calculation of premiums for retail sales employees through the use of objects of the budgeting subsystem.

The launch of the "Warehouse" unit will allow in the future to quickly transfer warehouse employees to work in an updated accounting system. The transfer is scheduled for the 4th quarter of 2024 - it had to be postponed first due to the unavailability of the infrastructure warehouses, and then due to a seasonal increase in demand for frozen products.

As of August 2024, the functionality of integrating data collection terminals (shipping documentation) with 1C: Integrated Automation was implemented through the development of a mobile client workplace. A separate form of shipment was also developed for a stationary place and a mobile place at the shipping documentation, which made it possible to adjust the program being implemented to the business processes of the organization, to organize work in a single window for the full cycle of the warehouse (including with marking codes).

Automatic filling of data on goods on volume and varietal accounting and automatic sending of this information to counterparties through electronic document management (EDM) were implemented. Our organization did not have an employee with such functional obligations, and now this process is fully automated.

noted Oleg Sbrodov, head of the sales department of an individual entrepreneur Nefedova D.N.

He noted that thanks to the work of First Bit employees, the company has introduced the automatic formation and sending of veterinary accompanying documents to VetIS.

{{quote 'author
= stressed Sbrodov' The need for automation arose due to the fact that at peak sales can increase to 6,000 shipments per day.}}

The representative of "First Bit" manager for working with key clients "First Bit" Maxim Levinets said that in this project more than 300 users were connected to the system.

In parallel with the development and implementation of the main blocks, our specialists throughout the project provided services for maintaining exchanges between historical and target accounting systems, as well as between the implemented 1C: Integrated Automation and 1C: Accounting.

Levinets said