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Micron, MIPT, QRate and CIR: PAC for quantum protection of mobile communications

The name of the base system (platform): KuRaith Quantum Key Distribution System
Developers: Micron, QRate (KuRaith), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/09/13
Branches: Telecommunications and Communications
Technology: Information Security - Encryption Tools

The main articles are:

2024: Prototype PAC for quantum protection of mobile communications

Micron, a Russian manufacturer of microelectronics (part of the Element, ELMT group of companies), a resident of the Technopolice Moscow SEZ, together with QRate and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), with the support of the Center for Research and Development JSC (CRC), developed a prototype of a software and hardware complex (PAC) that allows the use of quantum key distribution (KPC) technology in any user devices. This was announced on September 13, 2024 to the TAdviser portal by representatives of Micron.

According to the developers, this is the first Russian development to ensure full information protection both in individual applications and in the entire network mobile infrastructure. As Stepan Andreev, head of the Radiophotonics department of the Research Center for Telecommunications of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specified, certification of the PAC is scheduled for the end of 2025. However, the solution is already ready for test operation and development of commercially popular scenarios for the corporate sector.

In a joint solution of Micron, the Center for Research and Development, QRate and MIPT quantum network ensures the generation and transfer of cryptographic keys between geographically distributed dedicated network segments. With the help of the generated keys, a fully connected secure network is organized, consisting of mobile devices of users with a special one installed software for the implementation of secure communications (encrypted chat, exchange files in the form of encrypted , etc.).

PAC, developed by order of the Center for Research and Development, consists of the KRK system developed by QRate, a smart card based on the protected domestic microcontroller "Micron" and software for a smartphone developed by MIPT. A smart card with a pre-distributed quantum-secure master key diversifies and issues derivative session keys to a user device (smartphone), which guarantees communication security. A specialized messenger installed on a smartphone, during the transfer of data between subscribers, includes end-to-end encryption using derivative session keys, said Micron.

"The presented solution demonstrates the conceptual ability to provide full-featured and, most importantly, economically profitable quantum protection to every user of the network," said Alexander Priyutov, QRate Business Development Director.

As he added, the ability to write quantum keys to smart cards for further use in corporate applications is a qualitatively new leap in the development of technology, providing a potential multiple growth in the quantum cryptography market. "

"We are ready to demonstrate a pilot launch solution with all organisations concerned. The field of application is much wider than only internal corporate communications (quantum-secure messenger). In addition, during the work on the current implementation, interesting synergies were opened on the development of the component base, including on the basis of photonics, "said Ivan Chukhnov, head of innovative projects at Mikron JSC.