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The Ministry of Finance of the Amur Region has automated the process of maintaining agreements and monitoring the results of the provision of subsidies and grants

Customers: Ministry of Finance of the Amur Region

Product: ADC-Planning
Second product: ADC-Finance

Project date: 2011/04  - 2023/11


Automate the process of maintaining agreements and monitoring the results of grants and grants

The Ministry of Finance of the Amur Region has automated the process of maintaining agreements and monitoring the results of the provision of subsidies and grants in the form of subsidies to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, as well as individuals. This was announced on December 27, 2023 by BFT-Holding.

BFT-Holding has supplemented the budget planning information system Amur region with digital tools. Now financial the authorities of the region have the opportunity to implement the provisions of the order Ministry of Finance Russia of 29.09.2021 No. 138n, which entrusts the authority to monitor the achievement of the results of the provision of subsidies, including grants in the form of subsidies, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, as well as individuals, to the financial bodies of subjects (RUSSIAN FEDERATION municipalities).

The Ministry of Finance of the Amur Region has been supporting the trend of digitalization of the public administration sphere for many years. One of the latest digitalization projects was aimed at developing the functionality of the regional system for centralizing the planning of funds of the regional budget and budgets of municipalities. A subsystem was introduced to maintain agreements and monitor the results of the provision of subsidies, including grants in the form of subsidies, to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals. The project was carried out by BFT-Holding.

Three parties participate in the procedure for issuing subsidies. These are the main managers of budgetary funds (GBMS), recipients of subsidies and the financial body that monitors the achievement of the results of the provision of subsidies.

Execution and approval of documents for obtaining a subsidy is a time-consuming process from the point of view of document management. With the introduction of this subsystem into the centralized planning system of the region, all participants in the procedure will be able to interact with each other in a single information space and use a single electronic document flow. The subsystem covers the full cycle of granting subsidies - from launching agreements to generating reports on the implementation of action plans for achieving the results of granting subsidies and spending funds, so the entire business process becomes transparent.

As an important functionality, the possibility of automated control of the amount of agreements for non-exceeding the amount of limits and allocations at the stage of formation of agreements should be highlighted. In addition, financial authorities and GRBS have the opportunity to monitor the achievement of the results of the provision of subsidies with the ability to visualize events related to violation of deadlines, failure to achieve results, and view the initial reporting documents.

According to the results of the project, up to 350 users from the recipients of grants, as well as more than 80 users from the GRBS of the Amur Region, are connected to the updated system. As of November 2023, about 2,700 agreements and changes to them were concluded through the added functional module. The budget execution system also generated more than 1,500 reports on the results of the provision of subsidies, as well as changes to them.

As of December 2023, the regional system for centralizing the planning of funds of the regional budget and budgets of municipalities covers all types of subsidies and grants intended for legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, as well as individuals - producers of goods, NGOs and similar categories of recipients. The emerging functionality makes it possible to simplify the analysis and control of the provision of subsidies, including grants in the form of subsidies, as well as automatically generate reporting in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 138n and is the most important tool for making management decisions. The system also helps to reduce logistics costs associated with paperwork during the agreement and reporting phases.

Implementation of the instrument for conclusion and execution of agreements on the provision of interbudgetary transfers

On September 29, 2022, BFT-Holding announced the completion of the next project to modernize the centralized information and technical system for the financial regions of the bodies of the Amur Region at the regional and municipal levels. As a result of this project, on the basis of the solutions "ADC-Planning" and "ADC-Finance," there were opportunities to form and maintain agreements on the provision of interbudgetary transfers in electronic form, as well as the use of automated tools for monitoring compliance with the deadlines for concluding agreements.

According to the company, the information and technical system of the Amur Region ensures the centralization of planning and execution of the regional budget and budgets of municipalities on the basis of automated complexes "ADC-Planning" and "ADC-Finance" developed by BFT-Holding. The updated functionality of the system will help the financial authorities of the region to optimize the time for conducting procedures for concluding and executing agreements on the submission of interbudgetary transfers (MBT). According to the results of the project, 29 municipal districts and urban districts, as well as 290 settlement budgets, are connected to the updated solution. The projected volume of interbudgetary transfers provided to local budgets, which are planned to be carried out through the system, in 2022 will amount to 18,122,887,2 thousand rubles, 2023,-,13,466,618,1 thousand rubles in accordance with the current Law on the budget of the Amur Region for 2022 - 2024 According to the law of the Amur Region dated December 9, 2021 No. 48-OZ, in the period from 2022 to 2024, the distribution of inter-budget transfers between municipalities of the region will be aimed at creating a comfortable urban environment, creating model municipal libraries, developing design estimates, carrying out construction and installation work and solving other important problems for the development of the region.

Previously, all processes for concluding agreements between the chief manager of budgetary funds (GRBS) and the administration of municipalities for the provision of such transfers were not automated. Coordination was carried out through disparate electronic tools - electronic document management systems, e-mail and other resources. The signing of the agreement was carried out on paper. So, in the conditions of a geographical distributed Amur Region, it could take up to several weeks to prepare documentation and exchange copies between the center and remote areas.

The modernization of the system made it possible to transfer all processes for the formation, maintenance, coordination and monitoring of the implementation of agreements into a single information space. In it, according to the principle of a single window, all participants in the process can use the general edition of an electronic document, sign it with electronic signatures, and also use other tools. The updated functionality optimizes the number of manual actions and, as a result, errors, as well as reduces the time for signing agreements.

An important element of the system update was the implementation of functionality to control the timeliness of the conclusion of agreements on the provision of MBT. Thus, a digital instrument has appeared in the Ministry of Finance of the Amur Region, which, in case of violation of the deadlines for concluding an agreement by the GRBS, will automatically form documents on reducing the amount of allocations provided for by the budget law, and transfer these funds to the reserve fund of the Regional Government.

As a result of modernization, all electronic documents generated in the system - the agreements themselves (including amendments to them, documents on termination of agreements) and reports on the execution of agreements, are subject to agreement/approval with the imposition of an electronic signature of the relevant participant in electronic document management.

With the implementation of the updated tools, the work on concluding agreements on the provision of MBT completely left the plane of disparate EDO and paper document management and moved into a single information space. As of September 2022, our system is used on a daily basis by financial bodies, regional GRBS and local self-government bodies. Consolidation of their efforts in a single digital field will help optimize the entire business process for providing interbudgetary transfers and will allow citizens of the entire region to receive funding for socially significant projects faster.

told Stepanov Mikhail, Director of the Planning Department BFT-Holding

Modernization of the system plays an important role in the process of digital transformation of the Amur Region. With the implementation of this solution in the region, the efficiency of concluding agreements and the speed of error elimination were optimized. There was control over the availability of funds in the local budget by co-financing shares, as well as the ability to track the life cycle of the conclusion and implementation of agreements both within the framework of a single GRBS or municipality, and throughout the region as a whole. Thanks to the solution, it was also possible to monitor the achievement of the goals of the targets for agreements in the region. All these are important functions that contribute to increasing financial discipline in compliance with regional legislation and the effectiveness of our work.

commented Tatiana Mitrofanova, Acting Minister of Finance, Amur Region

As part of the modernization of the system, BFT-Holding also implemented and implemented a block of functionality related to the work of autonomous and budgetary institutions in the Amur Region, namely:

  • possibility of creation by institutions of reports on execution of state (municipal) assignments,
  • functionality to conclude agreements between GRBS and autonomous and budgetary institutions for the provision of subsidies for financial support of state (municipal) tasks and subsidies for other purposes.

2015: Implementation of Procurement Management Tools

In the Ministry of Finance of the Amur Region, on the basis of "ADC-Finance," the company's experts carried out work on the creation of a centralized information and technical platform, which made it possible to automate the processes of execution of the regional budget and budgets of municipalities.

Project development

July 14, 2015 it became known about the introduction in the Ministry of Finance of the Amur Region of the Procurement Economy subsystem, which is part of [1] ADC-Finance complex, [1]

Amur Region Administration, 2013

Amur Region Administration, 2013

The functionality was developed by BFT, it is aimed at redistributing the saved funds to solve urgent problems as a result of the implementation of supplier determination procedures.

The main function of the subsystem is to automatically reserve the amount of saving budget obligations limits with the possibility of further directing their volumes to other purposes. This amount is the difference between the initial (maximum) contract price and the amount of the assumed budget obligations as a result of the procedures for determining suppliers (contractors or executors). As a result of the determination of suppliers, the amount of savings in the limits of budgetary obligations, after making appropriate changes to the budget list, can be directed to other purposes by the chief budget manager (budget manager).

As of July 14, 2015, in the Amur Region, more than 6,570 users from 304 municipalities work in a single public finance management system based on the centralization and integration of planning processes ("ADC-Planning") and budget execution ("ADC-Finance") using legally significant electronic document management (USED). Procurement management is carried out using the automated system of state and municipal procurement management ("ACK-Goskaz"), and financial control in the financial and budgetary sphere and in the field of procurement is carried out on the platform of the automated system "ACC-Budget Control."

2011: Improving the efficiency of budget planning in the Amur Region

Budget and Financial Technologies (BFT) announced in early 2011 the signing of a contract with the Ministry of Finance of the Amur Region, under which BFT specialists will provide consulting and technological support to the executive authorities of the Amur Region in implementing the requirements of Federal Law No. 83-FZ.

This project, according to BFT, will become a new stage in optimizing the budget process of the Amur Region - in accordance with the latest methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, lists of public services (works) will be clarified and methodological recommendations will be developed to determine the regulatory costs of providing services in a number of industries: education, health care, culture, social protection, physical education and sports.

As noted, the executive authorities of the Amur Region have already carried out significant work on the development of lists of services, the formation of initial cost standards and the development of regulatory documents required by law, however, in order for these documents to be fully operational and become a valid tool for optimizing the expenditure structure and restructuring the budget network of the region, they needed to be improved taking into account both the requirements of the latest methodological documents of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the experience of other regions. BFT was selected to perform these works based on the results of the competition.

The work of BFT specialists will not be limited only to the development of regulatory documents, the second stage of the contract provides for the introduction of the software product "ADC-Planning," which provides for the automation of budget planning processes for expenses, including the formation of a register of expenditure obligations, government assignments and the calculation of the cost of public services, and budget planning for revenues and sources of financing budget deficits.

As a result, the Ministry of Finance of the Amur Region will receive regulatory legal documents developed taking into account the latest legislative trends, and a tool that allows preparing the draft regional budget based on the developed methods and making the work of employees of the Ministry of Finance and other executive bodies of the Amur Region in terms of budget planning as effective as possible, the BFT said in a statement.

Budget and Financial Technologies completed in November 2011 the implementation of a comprehensive solution to automate the budget planning process in the Amur Region.

During the first stage of work, the specifics of budget planning in the Amur Region were studied, including the features of the system for providing public services in terms of forming a list of public services; procedure for formation and financial support of government assignments; methods for determining the estimated and regulatory costs for financial support of government assignments; procedure for monitoring the implementation of government assignments; determining options for the provision of public services in the fields of education and science, health, culture and archival businesses, social protection of the population, physical culture and sports.

Based on the results of the study, recommendations were presented for finalizing the current regulatory legal acts of the region and acts of the main managers of the regional budget in the sectors of the social sphere, regulating the process of planning budget expenditures, forming government assignments and ensuring the transition to financing institutions in the form of subsidies for the implementation of government assignments. Thus, the Ministry of Finance of the Amur Region has created a methodological basis to increase the efficiency of budget expenditures.

The second stage was the introduction of a comprehensive system of "ADC-Planning," which increases the efficiency of budget planning for expenses, revenues, sources of financing the budget deficit, the effectiveness of preparing budget changes during the year and ensures the formation of a register of expenditure obligations, government assignments and the calculation of the cost of public services.

Technological and consulting solutions offered by BFT are aimed at optimizing the budget process and contribute to the implementation of current legal requirements.
