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UserGate Express Security Audit

Developers: UserGate, Usergate (formerly Entensys)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2025/03/03
Branches: Information security
Technology: IT outsourcing

Main article: IT outsourcing

2025: Security Express Audit Service Launch

UserGate has launched the Express Security Audit service for small and medium-sized businesses. Within the framework of the service, which is provided by the UserGate Monitoring and Response Center (MRC), experts carry out a comprehensive security check of the perimeter of the company's corporate infrastructure, identify its vulnerabilities and weaknesses, submit a report including a description of possible risks, as well as a list of detailed recommendations for their elimination. The company announced this on March 3, 2025.

UserGate Monitoring and Response Center is a team of information security experts who, in 24x7 mode, search, study and neutralize information threats. Employees of the center monitor the information space, identify and investigate new threats, develop countermeasures, help developers of UserGate security solutions implement them in the company's products, provide audit and consulting services in the field of information security, and also provide services for monitoring the customer's corporate infrastructure according to the SOC-as-a-Service model.

The center's specialists continuously analyze information from a wide range of sources: from internal analytical reports and data feeds, including from technology partners and customers, to public reports of developers and information security companies, thematic conferences and forums. Such a proactive approach to analyzing the activities of attackers allows the center's specialists to take preventive measures to protect the digital infrastructure of customer companies from cyber attacks, as well as neutralize their consequences as soon as possible.

On a daily basis, our MRC UserGate Monitoring and Response Center receives a huge amount of attack data directed at the digital infrastructure of enterprises. We see and know what techniques and methods are used by attackers. And if large companies and organizations, as a rule, have the opportunity to pay the necessary attention to ensuring their own security, then small and medium-sized businesses are often defenseless in the face of cyber threats, since they do not have the necessary knowledge, experience, or resources to combat them. And this despite the fact that in the modern world one effective cyber attack can put an end to any business if this risk is not calculated in advance and is not budgeted, "said Dmitry Kuzevanov, CISO, director of the MRC UserGate monitoring and response center. - The Express Security Audit project is aimed primarily at raising business awareness of information security and cyber risks. We decided to enable small companies to assess their own level of security with the help of our experts, but at the same time make this service available. We are ready to share our expertise and help ensure the security of the digital infrastructure of enterprises, regardless of their scale and specifics of activities.

The Express Security Audit service is provided on a competitive basis for companies that have submitted their applications for its conduct. The cost is fixed - 100,000 rubles. The audit period is 5 working days.