The main articles are:
Scientists at MISIS University have patented a biodegradable alloy for bone implants
Scientists at MISIS University have patented a shape memory alloy for biodegradable bone implants based on the iron-manganese-silicon (Fe-Mn-Si) system. It has high biomechanical compatibility with bone tissue and the required dissolution rate, making it a promising material for use in traumatology, orthopedics and maxillofacial surgery. This was announced on October 18, 2023 by the university. Read more here.
Proven: Implant after treatment proposed by MISIS scientists takes root better and destroys bacteria
The effectiveness of the titanium implant coating technology for reconstructive surgery previously proposed by NUST MISIS scientists was confirmed by specialists of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya. The results of in vivo tests showed that after special treatment, the interaction of the implant with bone tissue, its antibacterial and antifungal activity, is improved. This was announced on September 14, 2023 at the university. The technology does not require expensive equipment and can be carried out directly in hospitals and surgical centers. Read more here.
Rosatom to create import-substituting production of titanium implants for traumatology and orthopedics
Rusatom MetalTech LLC, a divisional integrator in the direction of Metallurgy of the Fuel Company of Rosatom TVEL, has established a subsidiary of Rosatom Implant LLC (Rosatom Implantable Systems), on the basis of which the production of import-substituting titanium implants for osseous and intraosseous osteosynthesis will be implemented. TVEL announced this on June 6, 2023. Read more here.
Russian scientists have found a way to protect bone implants from germs
Scientists at NUST MISIS have proposed a solution that opens up new prospects for the creation of safer and biocompatible bone implants. This was announced on March 28, 2023 by Zdrav.Expert representatives of the university.
In particular, the scientists found that the protein lysostafin transfers antibacterial properties to bioceramics when applied, it effectively inhibits the growth of staphylococcal strains and destroys bacterial biofilms. Such ceramics can be used as the main component of implantable materials.
In the surgical treatment of osteomyelitis or bone repair in the event of an open fracture, the most common cause of infection is Staphylococcus aureus. Due to the ubiquity of antibiotic-resistant S. aureus strains, treatment with standard antimicrobials is becoming increasingly difficult. The effectiveness of antibiotics is also negatively affected by the ability of microorganisms to form more drug-resistant biofilms on medical implants. According to medical statistics in the United States, infection after implantation develops in about 5% of cases. Moreover, subject to the standard antibiotic therapy procedure, the recurrence of infection occurs in 20-30% of cases.
One of the advanced ways to reduce the percentage of infectious complications in bone surgery can be to impregnate implants with enzymes that destroy bacterial cell walls. Biocompatible diopsid-based ceramics of silicate, calcium and magnesium (CaMgSi2O6) have great potential in the field of bone prosthetics, it has only recently been proposed for use in regenerative medicine. On the basis of NUST MISiS, the synthesis of such bioceramics and the study of structural characteristics were carried out. The high biological activity and biocompatibility is due in particular to the high biomineralization capacity of the diopsid.
"In the first few hours after implantation, the surface of the diopsid is covered with a layer of apatite. In addition, the diopsid releases Ca2 +, Mg2 + and SiO32 − ions, which contribute to the proliferation of cells and their transformation in the regeneration zone into bone tissue, "explained Inna Bulygina, engineer of the scientific project of the Biomedical Engineering Research Center of NUST MISIS. "These properties make diopside potentially promising as a replacement for calcium phosphate ceramics." |
Recombinant (a protein whose DNA is artificially created) lysostafin introduced into diopsid powder acts on antibiotic-resistant (MRSA) and antibiotic-sensitive (MSSA) strains of staphylococcus with the same effectiveness and demonstrates synergism when used simultaneously with conventional antibiotics. Studies of ceramics after lysostafin application took place on the basis of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of Russia. The results of the study are published in the international scientific journal Pathogens.
Professor of the REC "Biomedical Engineering"
"Lysostafin splits pentaglicin cross-bridges in S. aureus peptidoglycan, which leads to the death of bacterial cells," explained Anna Karyagina, Ph.D., professor, chief researcher at the Laboratory of Biologically Active Nanostructures, N.F. Gamaleya Research Institute of Biomedical Engineering, NUST MISiS. - This highly efficient protein can be produced in large quantities by microbiological synthesis and used to saturate a wide variety of materials. For example, it can be successfully used to coat titanium implants for dentistry, maxillofacial surgery, and surgical treatment of long bone fractures and spinal injuries, and incorporated into injectable hydrogels used in minimally invasive bone repair procedures. " |
Lysostafine, unlike traditional antibiotics, effectively kills both actively growing and dormant (dormant) bacterial cells. However, this enzyme is only active against S. aureus and, to a lesser extent, coagulasonegative staphylococci. Most other antibacterial enzymes also have a relatively narrow directivity. In future studies, it is necessary to find the possibility of loading diopsid with two or more antibacterial proteins with different specificity. The work on the study of the antibacterial and anti-membrane properties of lysostafin introduced into the diopside particles was carried out as part of a project funded by the Russian Scientific Foundation.
Russian scientists have proposed a method for making bone implants that combine antibacterial and bioactive properties
Scientists at the University of Science and Technology MISIS have proven the possibility of simultaneously applying an antibacterial and bioactive coating to titanium implants. This was announced on March 13, 2023 by Zdrav.Expert representatives of the university. Read more here.
Scientists have proposed a filler with improved antibacterial properties for polymeric bone "3D-scaffolds"
An international team of scientists with the participation of researchers at NUST MISIS has proposed an alternative filler of bone "3D-scaffolds" based on calcium silicate. The material prevents the formation of a biofilm of bacteria on the surface of the framework and in the future can be used for implants of low-load bones, for example, a skull. The study was supported by an RSF grant. The results of the work are published in the scientific journal Polymer. This was announced on January 25, 2023 by representatives of NUST MISIS. Read more here.
Development of a superelastic alloy for bone replacement
Russian materials scientists from NUST MISIS have developed a biocompatible alloy based on titanium, zirconium and niobium, which has physical and mechanical properties close to bone tissue. The resulting alloy can become the basis for bone implants. The results of the project are published in the journal Metals. This was announced on March 15, 2022 by NUST MISIS. Read more here.
Orthopedic 3D implants with antibacterial biopopulation have been created in Russia
As it became known in March 2022, scientists from the Ya. L. Tsivyan Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, the Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine and the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the SB RAS have developed 3D-printed implants with a porous structure and antibacterial coatings based on zinc and silver.
Porous frames of implants are obtained by 3D printing using direct laser sintering (DMLS) technology from powders of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. Read more here.
2020: A team of NUST MISIS students presented a project to develop a self-soluble material for bone implantation
On July 23, 2020, it became known that a team of students at NUST MISIS presented a project to develop a self-soluble material for bone implantation. The combination of the properties of various polymers in combination with a mineral additive will allow the creation of implants that take on the load and allow the patient's own bone to grow actively. Having fulfilled its function, the materials will gradually and without side effects dissolve in the body. Read more here.